Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 101: Life for life

The military officer sank his face and said, "It's not yet that time."

"We are all surrounded, we are all hanging on the line, when will we wait?" Lao Heicun refused, "I think you and this woman belong to a group, otherwise why protect her so?"

Those who can come to sell drugs are some desperate ones, but they don't really want to die. The more instincts for survival emerge when the time comes to crisis, those people's eyes looking at the military division are already very bad, as if they will be charged in the next second Go up and rip him up.

Laohe sneered. Before that, he didn't eat for nothing, at least he learned how to provoke alienation.

He continued: "If you didn't have to come to see the goods, we are now down the mountain. I suspect you are working with the police to trick us here and tell the police to shoot us all?"

The military division also noticed the changes in the look of those people. Unfortunately, his people just rushed too fast. Now he has only two close-ups to protect him, but there are still five or six people on the old black side. No chance at all.

The only way to do this is to stabilize Lao Hei first. He said, "Are you crazy? I don't know where you hid something, how could you tell the police to ambush here? I don't want you to move this woman It's because I took her to test the new drug I developed. If she died, who would you try to test me for? "

What he said is very reasonable, and some people who had obvious hostility have begun to shake, because after all, compared with those special police officers outside, their number is too small, and they are not opponents at all. At this time, one more helper is Ok.

Laohe sneered: "Give her to us and we can go out alive. Do you want more people who try drugs?"

"That is, I think the boss said it makes sense." Dong brother took the lead to stand on the side of Lao Hei. They just wanted to live. As for what this woman used to do, it was no longer their business.

Brother Long and Tiger also agreed with Lao Hei's statement, and the two of them have quietly opened the pistol's safety bolt. It seems that if the military division does not agree, the two of them will go to black hands.

The military division had no choice but to watch as Long Brother and Hu Brother grabbed Ai Changhuan and pushed her out.

The old black man walked in front. The military division and his two men were behind. He turned his head and whispered to his opponent and said, "After a while, you two will act as soon as possible, and if you have a chance, run away, don't send them to death with these fools. "

The two men nodded immediately, they also felt that the behavior of Lao Hei was simply stupid, unless they could always take the woman, otherwise don't try to escape. But taking a half-conscious woman to escape was a huge burden, so they had to find their own chance to escape.

Long Ge and Hu Ge left Ai Changhuan out of the cave and confronted the special police outside.

When he saw Ai Changhuan, Lu Zhanke immediately shouted, "Chang Huan!"

He saw that Ai Changhuan was very weak and pushed out by those two people. Damn, they even regarded her as an adult meat shield!

"I warn you, don't mess around. If anyone dares to move, we will kill this woman immediately." Brother Hu roared aggressively and suddenly saw the special forces wearing camouflage uniforms all over the mountain, he could not help but have some legs It's soft, it sounds powerful. In fact, he secretly swallowed several times, and was choked by his own saliva.

"Don't mess around, put your gun down!" Lu Zhanke looked at them with a calm face. "You are just committing crimes, as long as you drop your gun and surrender, and honestly explain what you have done before, the law will give you a chance to reform."

Long Ge smiled coldly: "Rehabilitated? Have you rehabilitated in prison all your life? Are you a fool?"

Long Ge's muzzle was against Ai Changhuan's temple, and he even gripped Ai Changhuan's shoulder even harder.

The whole heart that Lu Zhanke looked at was suspended, and people did not consciously take a half-step forward: "You ... you have been surrounded, only surrender can survive, there is no way out."

"With this woman, I forgive you for not daring to treat us." Lao Hei stood behind them and said evasively, "You now, immediately remove all of your people, no one is allowed to stay. Otherwise we will kill her. "

"Yes, you all go." Brother Hu also shouted, "Hurry up, we don't have that much patience for you to discuss."

Lu Zhanke knows that it is unwise for people to withdraw from the mountain now, because then it is likely that these drug dealers will let tigers return to the mountain, and once Ai Changhuan is useless, they will kill her.

As long as he disagrees, Ai Changhuan will still be useful to them, and they will not treat her for the time being in order to survive.

However, the time period to be controlled is just right. In case their patience reaches the limit, maybe they will really do something to break the net.

"You have no retreat. Even if I release you down the mountain, do you think you can escape the sanctions of the law? This is your last chance to survive, don't you cherish it." Lu Zhanke said this while watching the other side secretly Situation.

In addition to the two men holding Ai Changhuan in front, the boss in the middle and the two queens behind, he also found three suspicious persons.

He was suspicious because they obviously belonged to the old black group, but they didn't stand with them, or even separated by a distance, and looked more like watching the crowd.

Lu Zhanke observed their course of action and found that they were quietly moving towards the rear of the guard, which was slightly weak.

They are planning to run away when they are not paying attention.

Lu Zhanke narrowed his eyes and quietly made a gesture to the ambushing players, letting them leave the three of them.

Of course, he did not really want to let them go, but just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to divide the forces of the other party. After all, scattered enemies are easier to deal with than enemies united, and when they leave, Ai Changhuan's threat is reduced by three. Minute.

The rear player received his gesture and deliberately relaxed the siege circle, leaving a small opening for the three people to run.

When they ran halfway up the mountain, they caught them immediately.

"The chance of fart, you guys just want to get rid of me." Brother Hu didn't notice the movements of the others. He waved his pistol impulsively, his eyes were scarlet, and he was forced into a state of despair.

"You are committing a crime. If you do n’t violate the law first, who will kill you?" There were three snipers ambushing in front of and behind. Three of them could be easily killed with their marksmanship, but there were only two left. As soon as they were stimulated, they shot Ai Changhuan.

"If no one buys us, we will come to sell drugs? Why don't you catch those who use drugs? We just want to make some money and spend it, is this wrong?" Brother Hu actually looked very angry.

After hearing what he said, Lu Zhanke felt that his three views had to be refreshed. This is the first time that a person who knows the wrong and does not change the law and blame everything on the system will see it for the first time.

"Those who take drugs will naturally catch them, but have you ever thought about how many people you have killed because of drug trafficking, how many wives have lost their husbands, how many children have lost their parents, how many elderly people have lost children, if you do n’t know, I can tell you that I once watched a happy and beautiful family of five who were torn apart because of drugs. My son used up all the money in the family and sold all his assets. After a penny, He also wanted to sell his wife and children. As a result, the wife and her man died together in order to protect the child. There are only two vicissitudes of the old man who lost his labor and a child to be fed. Is this miserable lesson not enough for you to realize? You also have parents, so why not think about your family more? Have you ever thought that maybe they are still waiting for you to go home. As long as you haven't made a big mistake, there is still a chance to start again. " Lu Zhanke said a lot in one breath. Of course, what he said is true. He hopes that his words can evoke that. The only person of conscience.

His eyes kept falling on Ai Changhuan. She seemed to be awake, and she opened her eyes from time to time, but her eyes were dull and dull, and there was no reaction when she looked at him. .

Lu Zhanke's heart was so incomparable that he saw all the injuries on Ai Changhuan. She really suffered a lot, so he must save her.

After listening to Lu Zhanke's words, Dong brother sobbed lowly. He thought of his elderly parents, who was sensible when he was a kid, and tasted a little drug out of curiosity. As a result, he became addicted, and later became more and more difficult to extricate himself. Followed by Long Brother to do this damaging thing, sometimes when he sleeps in the middle of the night, he will be pleasantly surprised by the nightmare, and also think of his parents' old and tearful face.

When he heard his voice, Lao Hei turned back and gave him a stern glance, then raised his hand and slapped him: "Don't be fooled, you think you really have a chance to survive after being arrested, not to Going for a gun? "

Lao Hei angrily attacked Marine Ke, shouting, "Don't **** **** anymore, I will kill this woman with one shot without taking your people away, so the fish is dead."

Old Black grunted and gasped, his nerves tightened to the extreme, as if to break in the next second.

Lu Zhanke knew he couldn't stimulate him anymore.

He quietly made a gesture to make the lurking sniper lurk deeper. Don't act lightly, and then asked, "I can let Chang Huan go if I let you go?"

Hearing the tone of Kezhen Ke's weak voice, Old Black's tense nerve loosened a little. He just wanted to escape now, so he left the mouth and promised: "As long as we get down the mountain and get in the car, we will let this woman out. Now. "

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