Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 104: Why are you a fool?

"He also just finished the operation. The doctor said that he would be sent to City A for treatment immediately. We are waiting to send him a military plane to take him there." Pei Xie explained what happened.

After hearing the words, Ai Changhuan immediately looked up and wiped away her tears. Now is not the time for her to be weak. She must be strong and she must help Lu Zhanke.

"I ... what about my cell phone?" She remembered that her cell phone had been searched away by the group of people, saying that it was to be sent to Lu Zhanke.

"I'm still in the army's exhibit room. I didn't bring it. Why? Do you want to use a cell phone?" Pei asked.

"Well, I want to call my grandpa." Ai Changhuan said.

Pei Zheng gave her the phone, he thought she was going to make a phone call to report home safety.

Ai Changhuan called his grandfather, and then asked him to arrange a plane to pick up Marine Ke. If it was too late, let him say hello to the people here and let them move quickly.

Father Ai asked her what was going on. She only said that Lu Zhanke was injured. He didn't mention a word about being kidnapped. She didn't want to worry him.

His granddaughter was injured, and Father Ai couldn't be more in a hurry. He hung up the phone and immediately called the teacher Wang Feixiao to let him arrange it as soon as possible and deal with it in special circumstances.

Wang Feixiao is a subordinate of Mr. Ai. The talents under Lu Zhanke's injuries have just been reported. He is about to send someone to arrange the plane. Hurry up.

At this time, Deputy Chief Ouyang also finally knew where Lu Zhanke's wife was sacred. He only sighed that the two families were too low-key. Lu Zhan Ke never depended on his family's back and scenes, and relying on his own strength, he did not expect his wife to change It is not even mentioning the back and scene of their own family. They are usually low-key and peaceful, which makes them think they are ordinary children. If it wasn't for this incident that forced her to use the resources at home, they're afraid they don't know how long to hide it.

Ai Changhuan's back and scene were only known to those responsible for the political trial, but they received an order from them to keep Ai Changhuan's identity confidential, so naturally no one knew.

When Ai Changhuan made the phone call and returned the phone to Pei Rai, Pei Rai was a bit stunned. He was obviously surprised by Ai Changhuan's back and scene.

"You ... why have you never mentioned your grandpa ..."

Ai Chang shrugged: "Teach him what he does, no matter what his rank or position, in my eyes, he is just an ordinary grandfather. And he taught me from an early age so that I do n’t want to tell others who I am , As low-key as it can be, for fear of danger. "

Looking at Ai Changhuan, now Pei Zhao's head is full of her squatting and digging in the yard, it's really hard to imagine that she turned out to be the granddaughter of that person.

However, when he knew that her surname Ai came from city A, he should have thought of it.

Ai Changhuan ignored his struggle, and she struggled to get out of bed: "I'm going to see Marine Zhanke."

She had nothing in her stomach, and her whole body was weak and weak, so she couldn't lift it a little.

Pei Zheng was silent: "I asked the nurse to find a wheelchair for you."

Ai Changhuan didn't want Lu Zhanke to look at himself and shake, and agreed.

Ai Changhuan was pushed to Lu Zheke's ward. Lu Zheke hadn't woken up yet, his face looked pale. This was the second time she saw Lu Zheke injured and hospitalized, and she felt heartache.

"Stay alone with him for a while, I'll go out first." Pei recruited and closed the door of the ward.

"Lu Zhanke ..." Ai Changhuan gently touched the back of Lu Zhanke's hand. Although she knew he was strong and knew he was very good, but looking at him lying on the bed who was seriously injured and unable to move, she couldn't help being careful. Fear of being broken.

Land War Ke, who had always been responsive to her, did not respond at this moment.

"Promise me, it must be fine, okay?"

"..." Lu Zhanke naturally did not respond, and he could not hear or feel it.

Ai Changhuan just felt very heartbroken: "You fool, why are you here ... you don't know, I hope you don't come because I am afraid you will be hurt again ..."

"By the way, you must have seen the letter they gave you. It was fake ... Although it was written by me, it was not my true will. They didn't know what was injected to me, and I became Out of your control ... "

"Lu Zhanke, you believe me, I didn't really hate you ... those are not my true thoughts ..."

"I'm sorry ... if I didn't lie to you ... there would be no such thing and you wouldn't be hurt ..."

She thought that maybe she shouldn't go to see Qin Zhan, but this time she was wrong again.

She shook hands with Landing Warfare and looked at him stupidly, but in her head she kept talking about what he had told her before and what he had done. Strangely, all she remembered was his good, Those who were unhappy at the beginning and did not even remember.

"Lu Zhanke, you don't count." She suddenly remembered another thing. "The other day, Qiao Sheng taught me military boxing. If you think the two of us are too close together, we will be jealous and not let him teach. You also said that when you are free, you teach me personally. But you seem to be busy all the time, and you have n’t had time to teach. This time, we will take a good rest, you teach me boxing, I teach you ... … I'll teach you how to dance? Forget it, let's teach something else. It's not appropriate to use strong arms ... "

Talking, Ai Changhuan's tears ran down uncontrollably. She heard Pei Zheng said that Lu Zhanke's hand was seriously injured, and he might not recover in a lifetime.

She feels sorry for Lu Zhanke. She has seen him look like he was in training. He is particularly handsome. Those obstacles are not worth mentioning in his eyes. His shooting action is also super handsome, which can capture the hearts of all the girls. .

But ... from now on ...

From now on……

She bowed her head sharply and bit her own arm. She didn't want to cry as Landing Warrior's face, and didn't want her to know that she was crying again.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open. Ai Changhuan thought it was Pei Zheng, and quickly dries the tears on his face, but his eyes are still red.

"Ready?" She asked quietly without turning her head.

The people behind did not answer.

Ai Changhuan felt a little strange, and turned to look at it, but it wasn't Pei Zhao who stood at the door but Du Yucheng.

Du Yucheng's face also looked very bad, as if he had not slept for a long time.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Ai Changhuan didn't know that Du Yucheng hadn't participated in this battle, so he didn't wonder why he came so fast.

She only responded slightly: "Yes."

Du Yucheng went one step further and glanced at Land Fighting Ke, wondering what was in his mind.

Ai Changhuan felt the atmosphere strange.

Du Yucheng said to himself again: "I suddenly received a special task two days ago, so ..."

Ai Changhuan said nothing, she did not understand what Du Yucheng said to her suddenly.

Du Yucheng also seemed to realize that he shouldn't say these things. He slightly pursed his lips, paused, and said, "Yes, what about your cell phone, why did I call you to tell me to shut down?"

Ai Changhuan said he was still in the exhibit room.

Du Yucheng gave her a glance: "I called you before and no one answered, probably in the morning before the accident. I was looking for something for you, if only I could call you back that day. . "

Ai Changhuan recalled that she didn't remember her phone ringing or anything, but she didn't take it seriously, she just said, "Oh, that's probably because I accidentally mute the mute, so I didn't hear it, you find What's wrong with me? "

Du Yucheng sighed and said, "It's all right, you ... you're fine."

Du Yucheng, that is, Qin Zhan, that day he asked Ai Changhuan and wanted to take her with him, but suddenly received a temporary task, saying that Lao Hei reassembled his hands and wanted to make a comeback, he can only continue to use Qin Zhan's identity as an undercover He contacted the big boss Yang Jiran and said that he would monitor the old black, and the big boss agreed.

Then he thought of Ai Changhuan, and then called her again, and asked her to wait. He came to pick her up after finishing the matter. Unfortunately, the phone was still unanswered, and he sent a text message again, hoping she would watch Hurry back after that, but for some reason, she didn't see it, so something happened later.

After he and Lao He converged, he learned that Ai Changhuan was caught by them, suffered abuse and severe beatings. Lao Hei even proposed to use drugs to control Ai Changhuan.

He had no choice but to start, pretending that he had used the latest drugs to control Ai Changhuan. In fact, he was only using hallucinogens, and his heart was still hanging, in case the old black had doubts, then he And Ai Changhuan will be in danger.

Fortunately, everything was successfully hidden, and Ai Changhuan was rescued.

However, he couldn't say anything, couldn't explain anything. He could only watch Ai Changhuan misunderstand him, and watch Ai Changhuan get farther and farther from him.

He did so much, but she knew nothing.

Why is he willing? In the end, it's difficult.

Du Yucheng ticked the corner of his mouth, and his voice was a little erratic: "I heard that you are going to City A. It will take at least a few months ..."

When Ai Changhuan was under his eyelids, he had no control over anything. Now that the two of them are leaving, they don't know what will happen, and Du Yucheng's heart is very unpleasant.

Ai Changhuan's eyes were still stuck to Lu Zhanke's body: "Well, his hand was seriously injured."

"Then you take good care of him." Du Yucheng said this, but the expression on his face was reluctant. He turned quickly and didn't seem to want to look at it again.

He walked to the door, but was alive again. After struggling, he said, "Lin Zhanke sacrificed so much for you, are you very moved? Have you ever wondered why? You shouldn't be naive, he Do you really love you? "

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