Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 110: How are you going to compensate me?

"Chang Huan, wait a minute" Lu Zhanke suddenly held Ai Changhuan's hand and said, "I'll let you go over."

The previous lessons were enough, and he didn't want to make Ai Changhuan any more dangerous.

In fact, it's safe here. No one dares to make a city in A, but Ai Changhuan doesn't want to let Lu Zhanke worry, so he agrees. Lu Zhanke called the car from the house and the driver came over. The drivers they hired were all veterans. He is very agile, so he can guarantee Ai Changhuan's safety.

Mrs. Lu heard that Ai Changhuan was going out, worried about her son, so she followed up to take care of Lu Zhanke.

I heard that Mrs. Lu was coming. Ai Changhuan was not in a hurry to go out. She sat by the bed and talked to Lu Zhanke. She pretended to ask, "Hey, Lu Zhanke, why is your right every time your mother comes? I ’m so fierce, is it to show your power as the head of the family? ”

Looking at Ai Changhuan who was so ignorant and unconscious, Lu Zhanke shook his head helplessly. It seemed that she really did not understand the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law in China, and did not even know that the mother-in-law was born an enemy. If he is too good with Ai Changhuan, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with Mrs. Lu. Don't talk about getting along with each other at that time, I'm afraid that I have to pick something from time to time.

On the contrary, if he is not good to Ai Changhuan, Mrs. Lu will only sympathize with Ai Changhuan and then treat her involuntarily.

But he couldn't tell her these words, but only let her slowly understand.

Seeing the land battle Ke refused to say, Ai Changhuan could not help but rolled his eyes, turned to look out the window, the leaves had turned yellow, fell to the ground as soon as the wind was blown, and turned into a bare trunk, looking a bit boring.

Ai Changhuan said, "Your mother will be back in a little while. I will help you out."

Although it was windy outside, fortunately, the weather was good and it was a rare sunny day.

Lu Zhanke had been lying on the bed for half a month, and he was already impatient. If it was not for the doctor to say that he could not act lightly, he would have gone out for a few punches and laps. He was naturally happy when he heard the words, and he got up with his left hand on his body: If we do n’t go out, people will get moldy. "

The layout of the military region hospitals is the same, so they are revisited.

Looking at this seemingly familiar scene, Ai Changhuan couldn't help but say with emotion: "It seems that we have been dealing with the hospital since we were together, and I don't know if it's too bad luck. But it doesn't matter that we can do our best."

Lu Zhanke thought a little funny and said, "It's not whether you should be extremely hard-working."

Ai Chang threw up his tongue and didn't care.

Ai Changhuan asked Lu Zhanke: "Have you ever thought about what will happen to us in the future?"

Lu Zhanke shook his head and said, "I never wanted something so far away."

Their profession is always full of dangers, so they never expect tomorrow, nor imagine the future, because no one knows what will happen in the next second.

Maybe it was because Ai Changhuan asked, maybe because he had been too leisurely recently, he even started to seriously consider this issue.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Maybe it's the same as it is now. We continue to live in the barracks, quarreling and fighting each other every day, waking up the first person you see is you, and the last person you see before going to bed is also You. Ah, no, it will still be a little different, because we will have our own children in the future. The boys are a little naughty and the girls are gentle and gentle, but we love them very much. "

Ai Changhuan understood that Lu Zhanke still had to return to his own battlefield, but he didn't know that his hands had been used up.

Ai Changhuan inexplicably felt some heartache. She twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled stiffly: "What beautiful you want, who wants to have a child for you?"

Lu Zhanke just raised his eyebrows, and was not angry. He said, "If you do n’t have a child, you can just be two of us. Chat and talk about funny things from a young age. But no matter what we look like, I won't forget how I looked when I first met you. "

"Cut, how good are you as your memory." Ai Changhuan pretended to disdain, "I only believe in science."

Then another look of frustration: "Lin Zhanke, we haven't taken a photo together."

The photos on the marriage certificate are synthetic, not to mention the wedding photos, nothing.

Wen Yan Lu Zhanke also felt a little guilty: "Chang Huan, I'm sorry, I didn't give you anything, but I lied to you."

Ai Changhuan poked at his cheek, and voiced, "You're right, nothing was given to me, not even my dream wedding. You said, how are you going to compensate me?"

Kemei Mei said: "Otherwise, let us take care of the wedding."

After the wedding, see where she is still going.

Ai Changhuan froze, "You ... what are you really saying?"

She thought that Marine Zhe could at least talk about what she would do to her, and never bully her or anything, but he did not expect that he directly proposed to make up a wedding.

Weddings, weddings once in a lifetime, this is the dream of every girl, if not, it will really be a lifetime regret.


Ai Changhuan is a little hesitant. There are too many things to plan for the wedding, what to order for the banquet and wedding invitations, and to arrange venues and entertainment activities.

I think it ’s a big head when I think about it. Although Ai Changhuan is very much looking forward to a grand wedding, but she is also afraid of trouble. After struggling for a long time, she finally has the advantage of inertia. It ’s not good yet, so do n’t overwork. "

She is also afraid of affecting Lu Zhanke's body.

Hearing her concerns, Marine Zhan Ke apprehended her hand and said, "It's okay, we can find a wedding company, they will do all these things, you don't need to worry. The only thing you need to do is to choose a beautiful wedding dress , Be a beautiful bride, and then marry me. "

"Is the wedding company reliable?" Ai Changhuan always felt that it was a bit too risky to hand over her marriage to a stranger. Can it not be returned if it is inappropriate?

Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow: "I have a friend who is from a wedding company. He is absolutely reliable. When he tells you your request, he will do it properly."

"Really? Do you still have such friends?" Ai Changhuan relieved, and couldn't help but joke with Lu Zhanke.

"His name is Meng Xian, who grew up with me in a large courtyard. I was with elementary, junior high, and high schools. Later, I went to a military school. He went to study abroad. This was only separated, but now he has returned to China to develop. I started a wedding company and only do weddings for celebrities in the upper classes. The high-end luxury is pretty good. "

Lu Zhanke returned to the hospital this time without telling anyone. The two Ai Lu also issued a password to the hospital to prohibit anyone from revealing the matter, otherwise the ward would be crowded on the first day of the war How can he rest assured that people from all walks of life are at ease? Moreover, he did not have the heart to look at the immortal Ai Changhuan and those who were indifferent, so it was best to say nothing, but now it seems that he has to show up with those old friends. Thinking about it is depressed, who wants to chat with a group of big masters? He and Ai Changhuan are very good. No matter how long they are together, they will not feel tired.

Ai Changhuan couldn't help but be interested in this Meng Xian. Since he and Lu Ke are dead parties, then naturally they know all his scandals?

Will not be able to dig a lot of secrets at that time?

Ai Changhuan thought, could not help but laugh out loud.

Lu Zhanke looked at her with surprise: "What's wrong with you? Couldn't it be silly to be happy?"

Ai Changhuan touched the corners of her mouth so that she should not smile too proudly, lest she be seen by the Marine Warrior, she said, "It's okay, I'm just too happy."

Lu Zhanke couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's just a wedding. It's not as complicated as you think. Besides, there is still a mother. His son got married for the first time, and she must be excited to have the wedding all Get everything down and ask yourself. You are not assured of a powerful mother? "

Ai Chang smiled, and interfaced: "Your mom ..."

"Huh?" Lu Zhanke raised his eyebrows and looked at Ai Changhuan meaningfully.

Ai Changhuan understood the meaning in his eyes, his face inexplicably red: "I ... I haven't adapted yet, I really don't know what to call."

When I call my mother-in-law, I always feel a bit shameful.

Looking at her shy look, Lu Zhanke couldn't help covering his lips and coughing, squeezing the smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "You shouldn't be used to calling, you might as well call me a mother like me."

mom? The word Ai Changhuan hasn't been called for a long time. It seems to be a door valve hidden in the memory, closing all the pain before. Now when the word comes out, I feel that my throat is a bit dry. As a child, everyone had parents, and she only had grandpa.

Seeing Ai Changhuan's suddenly silent smile, Lu Zhanke was silent for a while, and then quickly understood why she was like this.

For a moment, she regretted that she had just talked and touched her sadness.

He took her hand, and humbled him seriously, "I'm sorry, I didn't care about your feelings."

Although his real purpose is to make Ai Changhuan treat his family as his own.

Ai Chang smiled and said suddenly, "It's all right."

Later Mrs. Lu came and Ai Changhuan left.

When looking at Mrs. Landing, Ai Changhuan was a little hesitant, and that mother finally failed to call out.

Mrs. Lu also noticed that Ai Changhuan's face was strange, so she asked what happened to Lu Zhanke, if she had bullied her again.

Lu Zhanke looked at Ai Changhuan's direction of departure, full of thought.

The reason why Ai Changhuan suddenly remembered going to see Ji Xingfan was because Ji Xingfan called her and said she had a boyfriend.

Ai Changhuan is not surprised. Last time, after Lu Zhanke's advice, she realized that Ji Xingfan might have kept her boyfriend behind her. When she was questioned later, she denied it, and now she took the initiative to confess. I don't understand Ji Xingfan's meaning, is she planning to marry this man, so she called herself over?

With such doubts, Ai Changhuan arrived at the meeting place agreed with Ai Changhuan. The other side cafe, this cafe is just downstairs from Ji Xingfan's agency, and usually only accepts some special artistes, second and third line. Artists can't get in at all, so it's very confidential.

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