Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 114: Careful vow, marry him!

In order to show his prudence, Lu Zhanke replaced his large sick suit and put on a dark green military uniform. He was erect and radiant, and he became that man who was above all else.

Ai Chang coveted with joy, secretly said unfortunately, why she hadn't enjoyed him before, and she had a beautiful view by her side.

The onlookers kept cheering: "Marry him, marry him, marry him!"

"Promise him promise him!"

"Together with!"

Knowing that he was not good at speaking, it was not easy to say such a tired and crooked word, and Ai Changhuan was reluctant to keep him kneeling on the ground, so without much embarrassment, Ai Changhuan happily took over the Marine Ke The rose on her hand, and her smile is brighter than the flowers.

Lu Zhanke also raised the corner of his mouth, then pulled out a red velvet box from his pocket, and opened the lid with his thumb. The diamond ring inside was shining brightly in the sun.

Ai Changhuan's excited eyes flooded, and she almost didn't cry. This kind of proposal scene, she saw it many times on TV. When the male lead pulled out the ring, the female lead couldn't want to cry, she At that time, I was thinking that women really could not resist the diamond ring.

But at this moment she understood that it wasn't the diamond ring that really made her cry, but she finally understood that from now on, this man is her and happiness is her, and two people will live together forever.

She took a deep breath to keep herself from being so helpless. After calming down, she found that Lu Zhanke's right button was moved, and then he frowned a little, then stared at the diamond ring for a while.

At that moment, Ai Changhuan suddenly understood that his right hand could not be used, and he could not take out the ring and put it on her hand.

Ai Changhuan's mood collapsed suddenly, tears weeping down, but she desperately bit her lip to prevent herself from crying.

Lu Zhanke smiled distressedly and said, "It's not convenient for the right hand."

Then Ai Changhuan saw that Lu Zhanke lowered his head with his teeth to pull out the ring, then threw the ring away, and then held the ring in his hand.

Ai Changhuan trembled her hand out, then watched Lu Zhanke slowly, and slowly put the ring on her hand.

The moment the ring was worn, the joyful expression on Lu Zhanke's face overflowed with words. He raised his eyes to look at her, and his smile was warm and bright: "Chang Huan, you see, just right."

Ai Changhuan couldn't help but rushed to the ground, hugged Lu Zheke tightly and couldn't cry. She was so sad for Lu Zheke that she felt heartache for him, but she found that she was so helpless, if possible, if it was true, She was willing to use her right hand to replace Marine Zhanke's right hand, no, even with her hands, she would.

Seeing him cry, Lu Zhanke thought she was too excited, so she was helpless, but she did n’t know where to start, she could only pat her back with her hands, and whispered, "Do n’t cry So many people are watching ... "

Ai Changhuan cried louder and louder, and the tears kept flowing.

Lu Zhanke thought about it carefully, yes, all the processes were done according to Meng Xian, the flowers were sent, and the rings were also sent. Why was she crying so sad?

The Marine Corps Cobb was puzzled, and finally could only threatenly say, "If you cry anymore, I will kiss you!"

I remember this trick used well before, as long as he said so, she immediately behaved like a bunny.

Ai Changhuan's crying was a little bit. She wiped her tears, then held his cheeks with both hands, stared at him firmly, and said, "Sorry, I was just too excited, and I forgot to say something. . "

"What is it?" Lu Zhanke raised his hand and helped her wipe away the tears on her face.

Ai Changhuan hooked the corner of his mouth, a beautiful smile bloomed, and said, "I do."

She is willing to marry him and stay with him forever and forever.

Lu Zhanke also laughed: "Thank you."

Ai Changhuan's eyelashes trembled, grabbed both sides of Lu Zheke's neck with his hands, lifted his toes, approached his lips, and said, "Lu Zhanke, I love you."

Then she closed her eyes and kissed gently. This was her heart. No matter what the future might be, she loved him so much.

"I love you too," he said.

Meng Xian is indeed the top figure in the wedding preparation industry. Within half a month, everything was properly arranged. The wedding venue with a transparent roof was also found. It turned out to be a villa in the suburbs of Jinbo.

At first, for no reason, he built a glass house on the grass of more than two hundred square meters in the backyard of his home. Everything was the same as Ai Changhuan dreamed.

Other things Meng Xian will solve. The only thing Ai Changhuan needs to worry about is the wedding dress. She keeps trying the wedding dress and choosing the most beautiful one. The only thing that can provide her reference is Ji Xingfan.

When I heard that Ai Changhuan was going to make up for the wedding, Ji Xingfan immediately laughed loudly without hesitation: "Ah, you guys are new wine in old bottles, it's really interesting, it's very interesting."

Ai Changhuan was happy, too lazy to care about her: "I know you're red, naked, naked jealousy, what's the matter, hate to marry?"

"Oh, I hate marriage? Do you know what I think about every time I see myself in the mirror?"

"Think why you are one year older."

"Get off, I think, if I were a man, I would also like women like me. It's perfect. It's perfect."

"Narcissism, how about this one?" Ai Changhuan picked a long cutout wedding gown. She was already tall and put on this to set off her good figure.

Ji Xingfan is not very satisfied: "This collar is too high, and it will look like your neck is short when you wear it."

"What about this one?" Ai Changhuan chose another short one that could reveal her long legs.

Ji Xingfan rolled his eyes: "Sister, it was winter when you were married, it was cold, do you know?"

Ai Changhuan bit his lip in distress: "Then this one, this one is long, and the collar is not high."

"This person who is obviously fat and doesn't know that he thought you were getting married."

Ai Changhuan chose another set.

Ji Xing Fan Fu's amount: "I have really served you, the four ugliest wedding dresses in this shop have been picked out by you."

The staff's face was already green.

Ai Changhuan is a little hesitant: "Hey, I haven't been married yet. How can I know what looks good and what doesn't look good, or you can help me choose it."

Ji Xingfan waved with a big hand: "You try it, give it a try one by one, I don't believe I can't find a good one."

Ji Xingfan said such a light and fluttering sentence, Ai Changhuan was tired and half dead, dressed and undressed and then dressed, and was still very interested at first. After changing it, he felt pretty beautiful and was still in the same circle. Later, she was getting tired and numb, and she felt like she had become a wooden face, leaving it to the designer.

"Are you okay?" Ai Chang couldn't help being tired, almost kneeling directly on the ground.

Ji Xingfan rubbed his dry eyes: "Why do I think every set is the same?"

Ai Changhuan vomited blood: "No, have you come to such a sentence after watching the excitement for a long time?"

Ji Xingfan photographed the table: "I think it takes time to see the liveliness. Do you know how much I want to make in a day? I wouldn't have come if it was because you are my girlfriend.

"Then give me a little more serious."

"Why am I not serious?"

The two were talking and almost didn't fight.

While playing, someone pushed in the door.

Ai Changhuan is also a bit strange. This is a VIP box. It is only used for them. Why do other people come in? Turning around, it turned out to be the peacock Meng Xian.

The staff on the side saw that he immediately ran over in small steps and shouted respectfully: "Boss."

Meng Xian raised her hand arbitrarily, asked her to flash aside, then walked towards Ai Changhuan with a smile, and asked, "How about, do you like it?"

"There are too many wedding dresses, and I'm dazzled by all my choices," Ai Changhuan added, "but they all look good."

"Why are you so polite? Ugly is ugly, no matter how euphemistic it is," Ji Xingfan said without knowing when to put on sunglasses, covering most of his face coldly.

Meng Xian turned to look at her: "This is it?"

"This is my good friend Ji ..."

Ai Changhuan interrupted Ji Xingfan before she said, "What's the matter, still want to find me for revenge? My girl can't change her name, or her name, Ji Xiaofan."

Ai Changhuan's mouth twitched.

Meng Xian smiled and said, "How is it? I just want to listen to Miss Ji's opinions and suggestions with an open mind. If there is any dissatisfaction, we must change it."

Meng Xian quite looks like a businessman, a little different from the guy who always had a hippie smile some time ago.

Ji Xingfan rolled his eyes secretly: "We picked for a long time and didn't pick a suitable wedding dress. You said, how could we be satisfied?"

"Ah, this ..." Meng Xianzai took a closer look at the set on Ai Changhuan, and then smiled and said, "It's a bit inappropriate, it looks a bit too complicated, Chang Huan you like it. It should be simple but sophisticated. "

"Yes, yes." Ai Changhuan nodded. "How do you know?"

"Just look at the clothes you usually wear." Not fancy, simple and comfortable, but all match her style.

After that, Meng Xian went to pick a wedding dress for Ai Changhuan.

Ji Xingfan secretly asked Ai Changhuan: "Why, did you know each other before?"

"I know, he is a dead party of Marine Ke, and he planned my wedding."

"Oh!" Ji Xing was greatly stimulated. "It's over. Did I just offend him then?"

"Probably not. He's not the kind of person with careful eyes, but how did you put on your sunglasses?" He also reported his pseudonym.

"I'm so beautiful, what if he falls in love with me at first sight?"

"..." Ai Changhuan said heartily, you are really helpless.

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