Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 116: Officially became the Lu family

After the wedding was over, Ai Changhuan officially became the Lu family.

The luggage she left at Ai ’s house was sent to Lu ’s house the day before the wedding. The first thing the new bride would do is to serve her in-laws. At this moment, she had changed into a traditional Chinese red bridal gown, which Lu Zhanke wore. It's a suit.

Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu sat in the upper position. Ai Changhuan gave them toasts one by one, and then Mrs. Lu said the house motto. In short, everything is mainly men. Women should be responsible for the husband and the child, organize the housework, and continue the incense .

Ai Changhuan almost thought that he had traveled to ancient times. Didn't this feudal three have been cancelled since the four virtues? She sneaked her eyes at Lu Zhanke, who hinted that she should not act lightly.

Mrs. Lu noticed Ai Changhuan ’s small gesture, and frowned slightly, apparently a little bit displeased, and said, "Don't go to Zhan Ke for everything. He is a big man, and you are not too young, Some things are fully capable of being resolved on their own. "

Ai Changhuan looked back silently and said, "Yes."

In the days of great joy, Mrs. Lu didn't want to find her unhappy, so she said, "Okay, it's too late, you two go to rest."

"Yes, mother." Lu Zhanke said.

"Yeah ... women." Ai Changhuan almost bit her tongue, and Lu Zhanke hurriedly pulled her away. This girl, if she stays there, I don't know what trouble she will cause.

Mrs. Lu looked at the back of the two of them hurriedly upstairs and sighed: "Ah, it's still too young to understand anything."

"If you don't understand, you can teach, at least not bad nature." Father Lu said.

Mrs. Lu turned her attention to Lu Zhanqing, who has always been unscrupulous: "Your wife must make a good choice. In addition to the door-to-door counterparts, you must also be knowledgeable and decent, but you must not get me another one.

"Oh." Lu Zhanqing said absently.

"Oh, what, I asked you to meet your Uncle Li's daughter last time. You kept pushing me away. When are you going to get married?"

"I already have someone," said the soldier, and then got up. "Mom, if you're fine, I'll go back first."

Lu Zhanqing moved out a few years ago and lived alone. He didn't wait for Mrs. Lu to speak, so he went out of his own self, apparently too lazy.

Mrs. Lu couldn't find anyone when she wanted to learn the lesson. She could only complain to Father Lu: "Look at him, the bigger you are, the more you will not accept discipline."

"The child is so old that he will take care of some things himself, so don't worry about it blindly."

"Why did I worry about it blindly? You don't want to think about it. If he doesn't get married again, he won't know how old he will be before giving birth. When do you say I can hold my grandson?"

"Be nice to Chang Huan, you can get through some things, and you will soon be able to hug your grandson as you wish." Father Lu said so comfortably.

"I hope so."

Besides, Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke went upstairs, a little worried: "You said, did I just say something wrong, your mother seems to have land, and you are not very happy."

Lu Zhanke reassured: "It's okay, my mother has a knife-shaped tofu heart, and you'll know it later."

"Oh." Ai Changhuan was finally relieved when he heard Lu Zheke say this, and then began to look at Lu Zheke's room. This was her first visit.

Before Lu Zhanke lived in the hospital, she stayed in the hospital bed. She returned to Ai's house to be married the day before her marriage, so she never visited Lu Zhanke's room.

A glance at Ai Changhuan is a bit speechless. The layout of this room is exactly the same as his style in the military. They are simple and low-key. In the center of the room is a large kingsize bed, then some furniture appliances, beds The headlight is also a simple one without any decoration. The whole room can be seen at a glance. The only thing that is a little bit different is the red letter on the wall.

Their wedding photos haven't been washed out yet, so we haven't got them yet.

Lu Zhanke sat on the bed and untiedly unbuttoned his suit with one hand: "I believe that my mother will like you when my mother starts to understand you."

Ai Changhuan hurried over to help him take off his suit jacket. It was okay. Somehow, Lu Zhanke leaned over, and then the two looked at each other and both blushed.

Ai Changhuan looked away and said without a word: "Oh, what if I and your mother fell into the water at the same time and you saved the water?"

After talking about Ai Changhuan, he couldn't wait to pump himself up. Why did he ask such a question on the brain?

"Ha" Lu Zhanke couldn't help but smile, "Ai Changhuan, why do you ask such questions?"

"Um ... when I didn't ask." Ai Changhuan hurriedly cleared out, "I don't really want to ask, I just ... just a little awkward ... oh, it's so hot ..."

Ai Changhuan could not wait to find a hole to drill down. Why did he say the wrong thing again?

"Hot? Can you wear so much without getting hot? Take off your clothes." Lu Zhanke said naturally.

"Ahem ..." Ai Changhuan did not deliberately want to crook, but this scene, coupled with such a slightly embarrassing atmosphere, is difficult to think about crooked.

Lu Zhanke looked at her with surprise: "What happened to you? Why is your face so red?"

Ai Changhuan fanned her hands and said, "Have you? No, how could I blush? By the way, Lu Zhanke, you are thirsty, should you drink water?"

"I'm not thirsty. If you want to drink it, you can drink it by yourself. I'm going to take a shower." Lu Zhanke stood up and stood in front of the closet, and took out a bath towel.

Then he started to fight with his shirt button again. The button was much smaller than the button on the coat, and it was even more inconvenient to untie. So he turned his head and said to Ai Changhuan, "Changhuan, come and help me Take off your clothes. "

Ai Changhuan, who was drinking water, heard a spit of water directly: "You ... what are you talking about?"

She was blushing and disgusting.

"Help me undress." Lu Zhanke looked calm.

"Oh, oh ..." Ai Changhuan lowered the glass and walked over, and then stood in front of Lu Ke, taking a deep breath, then raised his hand to help Lu Ke to unbutton his shirt.

No way, she didn't dare to look up. In case of a pair of Marine Ke's eyes, she would be afraid to get into the ground slit.

Oops, my mouth is dry, my face is hot, my heart is beating fast, my hands are still trembling, and for a long time I only unlock the three buttons on it.

Lu Zhanke reached out and took her hand, and asked, "What's wrong with you? How can you shake so much?"

Ai Changhuan was startled. He almost didn't jump up. He even asked, how could he even ask?

"No ... nothing ..." Ai Changhuan stuttered.

Lu Zhanke thought about it for a while, and found that the only reason that Ai Changhuan could be aberrant was the question of who was rescued before falling into the river. He scraped the tip of her nose and said, "Fool, my mother can swim. So I will teach you swimming in the future, otherwise our son will answer this question without answering it right. "

Ai Chang happily twisted around his waist. This stupid man wasn't very powerful before. Why didn't he understand at this moment that she was so shy? Maybe he thought the two were married. No more shyness?

What a big wood!

"His!" Lu Zhanke took a breath of air, and also lamented that the woman's mind was really hard to guess, neither coaxing nor coaxing.

Seeing that he had learned the lesson, Ai Changhuan let him go. Lisuo helped him take off his shirt, and pushed him to the bathroom: "Aren't you going to take a shower? Are you still going?"

Lu Zhanke grabbed her backhand and looked at her with a grin: "Wife, today is our wedding night."

The temperature that Ai Changhuan finally managed to fall back rose sharply, his face crimson: "So ... so?"

"Let's wash it together, save water ... save time ..." Lu Zhanke whispered to her ear.

"Ahem ..." A woman who had just suspected she was abandoning her shyness suddenly turned red, leaning her head against his chest and whispering, "Then ... let's go together ..."

The next moment, she entered the bathroom together with Marine Ke, and was pressed against the wall by his wide chest. Both were nervous and breathing was extremely tight.

"Chang Huan ..." Lu Zhanke pecked her lips slightly.

Ai Changhuan hesitated for a moment, then reached out and caught Lu Zhanke's neck, and kissed boldly.

There was a smile in Lu Zhanke's eyes, and he did not try to stop her. She still licked and licked on her lips like a puppy.

Ai Changhuan's heart was beating wildly. She was very nervous, very nervous. She didn't dare to raise her eyes to see Marine Zhanke. She could only close her eyes tightly, her lips were also narrow, her mind was blank. The only feeling is, why does it seem like I ’m not as comfortable as a Marine Ke kiss? Is it the wrong angle?

She remembered the scene when the land battle Ke kissed herself before, but she was so addicted that she couldn't remember anything.

Seems like ... didn't he do that?

Thinking about it this way, Ai Chang licked the lips of Lu Zhanke timidly, and then he couldn't help shaking, some shy and a little excited, the heartbeat was getting louder and louder, and he couldn't think hard. Already.

Lu Zhanke's eyes darkened, and it seemed to guide her slowly to learn a real kiss.

Ai Changhuan hugged Lu Zhanke's neck tightly, and a strange enthusiasm rose in her body, which made her a little irritable and anxious. She couldn't help wanting to approach Lu Zhanke again and again. It seemed that this was the only way to relieve her.

Lu Zhanke's big palm did not hesitate to slide to her waist, and embraced her to make her closer to herself, letting her know that she, like her, was difficult to hold herself ...

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