Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 119: This black pot is big

Housekeeper Wu Ma looked up and saw Ai Changhuan standing next to Lu Zhanke with a flushed face. Although she was a little shy, her eyes were firm and she could not hide. Wu Ma nodded secretly in her heart, she was generous, her temper was calm, she was worthy The young master is just right.

She smiled and said, "If you need help, Grandma Erjie will speak."

Ai Changhuan also smiled and answered, "Thank you, Mom, for now."

In fact, what she thought was that she was clumsy and it was better not to let more people know.

Wu Ma looked at Lu Zhanke, and saw that he nodded slightly, and then took him back again.

Seeing people walking away, Ai Changhuan turned his elbow on the side of Lu Zhanke: "I blame you."

This time I lost my face to my uncle's house.

Marine Ke is quite innocent: "Blame me?"

He didn't expect Ai Changhuan to come up suddenly, nor did the housekeeper suddenly come in. This black pot was a bit too big.

Ai Changhuan said, "blame you for being too delicious."

Lu Zhanke was so full of praise that he was about to take a small advantage, but was avoided by Ai Changhuan.

Ai Changhuan held a spatula in front of him and defended: "From now on, you will be at least half a meter away from me. You must not approach without my permission, do you know?"

"..." Lu Zhanke was very dissatisfied, but helpless.

After everything was ready, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu also came back in the morning. Knowing that Ai Changhuan had prepared breakfast, Mrs. Lu looked at her with a much softer look, and told them that they should go to wash and then come down Have breakfast together.

While waiting for her mother-in-law and father-in-law to come downstairs, Ai Changhuan secretly asked Lu Zhanke: "What if they don't like it?"

"I like it."

"Are they hard to please?"

"Fool, you just have to please me."

"Go aside, I said seriously."

"I answered very carefully, rest assured, everything is left to me."

When the two whispered, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu came downstairs, Ai Changhuan quickly got up and helped them to congee, while the housekeeper Wu Ma who had stretched out her hand had to retract her hand.

In order to show his respect for his in-laws, Ai Changhuan filled each of them with a large bowl, and then pleased and smiled.

Mrs. Lu glanced at Father Lu before saying anything.

Ai Changhuan was keenly aware of what was happening and turned to look at Lu Zhanke. Lu Zhanke only reached out and touched her hair to show comfort.

In my heart, I felt sad for this silly girl. I was afraid that she would never please someone so much.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanke rarely greeted Father Lu and Mrs. Lu for food: "Parents and father, try the dishes that Chang Huan made by himself, the taste is not bad."

Mrs. Lu looked at the dishes, and they were pretty good, but she didn't know how it tasted.

She stretched out her hands and chopped purple cabbage. The taste was ok, not salty or light, and it was just right, so she praised, "It's not bad."

A large rock hanging in the heart of Ai Changhuan was finally put down. She was afraid that Mrs. Lu was not satisfied.

"Let's eat it, too," Father Lu said lightly.

"Um." Ai Changhuan nodded, and then chopped chopsticks, but first gave them to Luan Ke.

Although Lu Zhanke had previously trained with his left hand to shoot and pull a knife, he had never tried to eat with his chopsticks in his left hand. When he was in the hospital, as long as he was hungry, Ai Changhuan would send food to his mouth, and he only needed to open his mouth. On the line, in the absence of outsiders, the young couple can be considered like this, but now he has to rely on himself to dine with his parents. This is also what he said to Ai Changhuan in advance.

In fact, Ai Changhuan proposed that he drink porridge with a spoon, but he was so good-looking that he refused.

Now Ai Changhuan stared at Landing Zhan Ke nervously, but Lu Zhanke held his chopsticks, calmly started drinking porridge, picked a few times, and finally picked up a lily, then slowly put it in his mouth and chewed.

Ai Changhuan, who was ecstatic because of being praised by Mrs. Lu, faded instantly, absentmindedly holding the porridge, but she did not eat.

Lu Zhanke, as if he didn't feel it, turned to Mrs. Lu: "Mom, didn't you tell me last time that you had contacted a rehabilitation doctor for me? When did the rehabilitation start?"

"Ah, she is still in the United States. She said that she would rush over immediately after handling the matter at hand, about one or two days later. She said that after returning, she will only serve you by herself until you are fully recovered. "Although the doctor said that Lu Zhanke's hope of recovery is very small, they are parents, even if only one ten thousandth hope is not willing to give up, so they invited the most famous rehabilitation doctor in the United States, Shen Qingyan, to come and treat him.

Although Shen Qingyan is only 35 years old, she is from a medical family, her father is the director of the American Institute of Orthopaedics, and her mother is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. Shen Qingyan combined the knowledge of her parents, combined Chinese and Western, to develop a unique set of Of the rehabilitation programs, none of the patients she treated herself failed.

They thought that Shen Qingyan would be difficult to invite, but they did not expect that she would agree in one sip, and pushed out all the other itineraries to return to take care of Lu Zhanke.

But these, they will not talk to Lu Zhanke, and Ben has nothing to say. If he talks too much, he will cause his suspicion and doubt about his illness.

Knowing that Mrs. Lu had asked for the rebuilding of a famous doctor to help Lu Zhanke treat, Ai Changhuan's original dim mood brightened instantly.

She took the spoon by herself, scooped a spoonful of porridge, put it on her mouth and blew, and then yanked the sleeve of Lu Zhanke: "Come here."

Lu Zhanke looked at her sideways: "What?"

Ai Changhuan handed the spoon to his mouth: "Hurry up."

Lu Zhanke glanced at his parents and found that although they were eating their breakfast with their eyes, nose and nose, he still noticed that his mother's hand was shaking a bit, and he reluctantly said to Ai Changhuan: " You eat it yourself. "

What's it like to feed in front of your parents?

Ai Changhuan didn't care: "How do you rebuild if you are not full?"

She boldly turned her face and asked Madam Lu: "Mother-in-law, did you say I was right?"

Mrs. Lu was shaking her hands, a piece of purple cabbage slipped from the chopsticks and fell to the table. Mrs. Lu's eyes drew, and said with a smirk: "... yes ..."

Ai Changhuan proudly raised his eyebrows at Land War Ke.

Ke Zhen had no choice but to swallow the spoonful of porridge quickly.

Housekeeper Wu Ma snickered and said, "Second Master and Second Master are really good."

Lu Zhanke blocked Wu Ma's ridiculous eyes with his forehead.

Ai Changhuan grinned for a while and continued her feeding career.

This meal, which was eaten by Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu, was a torment. In fact, they had long wanted to put down their chopsticks and leave, but they were afraid that they would leave after leaving. The son and daughter-in-law are sweet.

Although she felt a little bit embarrassed at first, she slowly got better. Mrs. Lu took the initiative to help Mr. Lu clip a chopsticks dish. Mr. Lu looked up at her, but she felt inexplicably warm, but she was happy.

After breakfast, Ai Changhuan wanted to rush to clean up the chopsticks again. Who knew that he got up too violently, and suddenly pulled to the tail vertebra, grinning in pain.

Lu Zhanke hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Ai Changhuan rubbed his lower back and whispered, "I don't blame you all yet."

She now likes to rely on Lu Zhanke's body. Seeing him can't compete with herself makes her feel very interesting, but she doesn't know how ambiguous the other words in the audience are.

It looks like it's a wedding night and it's overwhelming.

Housekeeper Wu Ma hurriedly said, "Grandma, you can rest, just leave us to pack up."

Mrs. Lu was overwhelmed when she thought she would hug her big white fat grandson, and Yan Yue said to Ai Changhuan, "You've been busy all morning, just rest."

Even Father Lu, who hasn't talked very much, said with joy on his face, "Go back and rest."

Ai Changhuan looked at Lu Zhanke in doubt.

If there weren't any outsiders in there, Lu Zhanke really wanted to reach out and squeeze her face, and then flick her forehead, how could he be so confused and so cute.

But he restrained and only said lightly, "It's all right."

Alas, this is probably the beauty in the eyes of a lover.

The two went upstairs, and Ai Changhuan hurriedly asked Lu Zhanke: "How was my performance just now? How many points would I give?"

Marine War Answer: "One hundred and two."

"How come twenty more?"

"I'm happy to give."

Ai Changhuan was also very sweet, and immediately like a koala bear, the whole person was hung on the ground of the war soldier Ke: "Tell me, how many points can I get if I have a hundred points, please do n’t count the friendship . "

"Do you really want me to say?" Lu Zhanke glanced at Ai Changhuan.

Ai Changhuan nodded fiercely.

"Well, ninety-eight." Lu Zhanke thought about it and gave such a score.

Ai Changhuan blinked: "Is it ninety, is it ninety-eight?"

Lu Zhanke couldn't help laughing, she was really real, but the more real words, the more she cares, right?

He bowed his head and kissed her brows: "Wife, it's 98, one hundred and two."

Ai Changhuan was overjoyed, and was about to be proud, but implied that she couldn't be too complacent. She had to reflect and be alert, why not one hundred but ninety-eight.

After licking his lips, he asked, "Where have those two points left?"

"The two points are because the porridge you gave your parents is too full. They are almost full. Didn't you find out?"

Ai Changhuan smiled a little embarrassedly: "I was ..."

That was to please them, but they didn't expect it to happen.

Lu Zhanke smiled gently: "I know, parents know, so they didn't say anything, they also know your heart. Don't worry too much, just get along naturally."

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