Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 122: Say yes, don't change your mind

Looking at it all the way, when I saw her and Lu Zhanke standing in front of the priest and vowing that I would, Ai Changhuan couldn't help but burst into tears again, as if back to that time.

A lifetime, never change the original heart.

When she was feeling emotional, the phone rang, and she thought it was from a land warfare, so she picked it up without looking, and asked, "Where are you, why haven't you come back?"

The phone was silent and no one spoke.

Ai Changhuan's heart is as sweet as eating honey, so her voice can't help but a lot softer, like marshmallow just made, soft and sweet: "Hey, why don't you talk, when will you come back?"

Someone finally spoke on the other end of the call, but it was a very cold voice. The man shouted: "Chang Huan ..."

Ai Changhuan trembled, and the phone slammed on the ground. It was Qin Zhan who had not seen it for a long time.

The quality of the newly purchased mobile phone was very good. It fell from such a high place and did not break. Qin Zhan's voice was transmitted from the phone very clearly.

"Chang Huan, I want to meet you and explain what happened last time ..."

"I know I'm not qualified to ask you anything, but I really want to see you again ..."

"... I know you are married, that day, I saw your wedding car on the road ..."

The weather was a bit sultry that day, because she was going to wear a small wedding dress, so she did n’t eat anything in the morning. She felt a little dizzy halfway, so she lowered the window. At that time, she did feel that someone was watching her all the time, but When she turned to look around, she only saw a crowd of onlookers, and the beam that made her feel so special was never found.

It turned out that he was here that day, but why didn't he show up?

Ai Changhuan bent down and picked up the phone. His hands still trembled slightly, and his breathing became intermittent.

Qin Zhan continued: "I never thought you would get married. I thought you said you would wait for me to be true ..."

"Then what do you mean now, do you blame me?" Ai Changhuan's breathing became quicker, with uncontrollable anger, who left without a word, leaving her a person who would never be answered Phone, when she was in distress twice, where was he?

What did you say to see her and what took her away? As a result, she was arrested, and Lu Zhanke became the same. The grievance in her heart, the hatred in her heart, he never wanted to know, only when he wanted to see her. Only then.

"I didn't mean that, I just regret ..." There was a hint of guilt in his voice.

"What do you regret?"

"I regret not meeting you earlier." If at that time, he had not become undercover, and instead of wandering between life and death every day, he could boldly propose to her and tell her that he loves her, but unfortunately, nothing At the right time, for the sake of her safety, he could only hide his feelings again and again, and selfishly didn't want her to leave, so he let her wait for herself.

"Oh, what use are you talking about now, I just think that I was too stupid at first, and I wanted to marry you all at once" Ai Changhuan couldn't help but grit his teeth and took a deep breath before saying "Do you know? I really wanted to marry you, but unfortunately, the person who chose not to be you was you, because you did not seize the opportunity."

"Sorry, Chang Huan ..." Qin Zhan said guiltily, "Don't cry ..."

Ai Changhuan sucked her nose, pretending to be strong: "I didn't cry, I'm fine, I'm very happy now, let our past pass by, and you ... don't come to me again."

Said Ai Changhuan would hang up.

"Wait a minute, I still have something to say." Qin Zhan shouted again.


"Actually, the day I said I would take you away, I was sincere, and I later texted you ..."

"What text message?" Ai Changhuan determined that she hadn't seen any text messages that day. Later, her mobile phone was taken as evidence, and she replaced it with a new one.

After hearing the words, Qin Zhan paused, and then slowly said, "It's nothing. I just called you and no one answered. Then I sent a text message to ask when you came. That day, I waited for you all day at the intersection under the city wall. But you did n’t come, I thought you did n’t want to go with me. Later, I heard that you returned to City A, and I chased it again, but unfortunately, what I saw was your wedding with someone else. ”

"..." She was kidnapped before she reached the intersection under the city wall that day, so she didn't know if Qin Zhan had come that day, but she thought that Qin Zhan had no reason to lie to her, so she explained that "I went there that day, but ... something happened later and we missed it."

"I know, I know what happened that day." Qin Zhan said with some anger.

"What?" Ai Changhuan was surprised.

"I don't believe you will be willing to marry someone willingly, so I guess what happened that day. Later, I heard that there was a gun battle on the mountain, the drug dealer kidnapped the hostages and the anti-drug police. Then I knew that day You have been abducted, I think it's all because of me. If it weren't for me to call you out, you wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing, and I knew I would never see you again ... "

"Don't say ..." Ai Changhuan closed her eyes in pain. She really didn't want to remember the day's events. It's better not to think about it again in this life. So painful and gloomy past, she just wanted to seal existence In an unknown corner, as a secret, hidden in my heart for a lifetime.

"I don't want to say any more, I just want to see you secretly and then leave. But today, when I saw you getting off the car with that man, I realized that I was wrong."

"What?" Ai Chang frowned, and she got off with Lu Zhanke? Isn't this the door of this store in Meng Xian not long ago? Why would Qin Zhan know? Is he near here now?

Ai Chang got up cheerfully, walked down to the window and looked down, but only saw the car on the open-air parking lot, and there were no half figures.

"where are you?"

"You want to see me? Then you come down, and I will tell you how to go." Qin Zhan said.

"I ..." Ai Changhuan hesitated, "No, I can't see you again, you ... you go."

She couldn't be sorry for Marine Zhanke anymore, he had lost an arm.

"Don't you want to know what I want to say?"

"What do you want to say?" Ai Changhuan asked a little nervously, she intuitively said what Qin Zhan said would be very important, otherwise, he didn't need to go around with her for such a long time.

Knowing that she could not come to see herself, Qin Zhan was indescribably disappointed, but he solemnly said, "That day, when I was waiting for you at the intersection below the city wall, I saw the man who was with you today. That man, I didn't expect that he was your husband. Where did he go that day? "

As soon as this remark was made, Ai Changhuan was immediately struck by lightning. What, then, did Lu Zhanke go to town that day? No, it's impossible, how is this possible?

"Did you read it wrong?"

"No, presumably because people have been together for a long time, some places will start to become imaginary. When I saw him, I thought of you, so I took another look, and I was sure that I did not admit it. It turned out, When I was away, were you with him? I thought you would not fall in love with him, but did not expect that in the end you would marry him willingly. "

"No ... I don't believe it ..." Ai Changhuan still felt the news was unacceptable. She almost stood unstable and was teetering. She grabbed the pot plant next to her and barely stood, but her mind was very chaotic and chaotic. Ranma, "Maybe, maybe he knew me when I was kidnapped before he went there to find me. Yes, yes, this must be ..."

She was so emotional that she couldn't even tell what she was talking about.

"No, not long after the time we agreed, he came but you did not come." Qin Zhan's voice was a bit low, "You know, my profession is dangerous, and I was born to fight them, so When I saw them, I hid subconsciously and observed them secretly. Then I remembered the time. Chang Huan, you have to believe me. This man is very dangerous. He knows that you have been kidnapped, but he does not immediately rescue you. It can be seen that his intentions are sinister, so don't be fooled by him! "

In the end, Qin Zhan's emotions couldn't help but get excited, and his speaking speed also accelerated a lot.

Ai Changhuan finally couldn't help breaking down, and shouted with the same excitement: "I don't believe I don't believe, how could Marine Keke not save me, you must be lying to me, I won't believe your gossip, Qin Zhan, don't let I despise you. Anyone may not save me, but it is absolutely impossible for Marine Kota to save me. "

"I mean this is likely to be a trap. Although I don't know the process and purpose of the entire trap yet, I can tell you for sure, Chang Huan, you have been designed, and it is likely that you are the one who designed you. The person who believes most. "

Ai Changhuan almost bleeds his lips and bites, "I won't believe you. That day, you called me out. If you want to say who designed me, that person can only be you."

In her confused thoughts, she still maintained the last trace of clarity, that is, to believe in Lu Zhanke, to believe him!

"Even if I didn't have that call on that day, he would definitely find a reason for you to go out. If you think about the situation that day, if there is something wrong ..."

On that day, it was Lu Zhanke's birthday, everything was beautiful, there was nothing wrong, yes, no ...

But something flashed in her mind, a fact she didn't want to admit.

"I don't believe it ..." Her voice went down, even with a faint weeping sound. She didn't believe all this was designed by Lu Zhanke, and he had no reason to do so.

"You remember, right?" Qin Zhan's voice also became hazy.

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