Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 125: The drunk is not in the wine

Lu Zhanke first frowned, then shook his head helplessly, followed by a smile and stepped up.

Responsible for ordering and ordering is the Secretary of the General Secretary of the Army, Shan Xiao, also a student of Zhu Xu, but that was ten years ago.

When the two sides met, their expressions were extremely scary, and they all screamed, "Is that you?"

Both of them were particularly impressed by the debate that day.

Zhu Xu couldn't help laughing at the sight of them: "The two of you have known each other for a long time, so I don't need to introduce them?"

Ai Changhuan: "Professor!"

Shan Xiao: "Teacher!"

After shouting, the two looked at each other again, eyes full of doubt.

Zhu Xu smiled even more happily: "Forget it, I'll introduce it to you, Chang Huan. This is your brother Xiao Shan, Shan Xiao. This is your little sister Ai Chang Huan."



Turned out to be brothers and sisters in the same door, so that was so fierce last time?

Both were a little embarrassed. The Marines and the Marines were cold and cold, the atmosphere was frozen to the extreme, and no one spoke.

In the end, Shan Xiaoyi couldn't help but start by saying, "It turned out to be a young girl, so it wasn't shame to lose to you last time, after all, it's a family."

Ai Changhuan also hurriedly smiled: "It turned out to be a brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I had a problem with my attitude last time, I hope you don't mind ..."

The two humbly gave each other a suspicion.

So, after some noise, the crowd finally took their seats. From left to right, Zhu Xu, Ai Changhuan, Lu Zhanke, Shan Xiao, and Lu Qingqing formed a circle.

Ai Changhuan approached and quietly asked Zhu Xu: "I want to go to the bathroom, can you go?"

Professor Zhu was caught here as soon as she got off the plane. She was rather ashamed. She just wanted to take this opportunity to sort out herself, so she got up.

Lu Zhanke glanced at Ai Changhuan and then looked back.

When Shan Xiao got up and helped everyone to pour the tea, he said, "The relationship between the teacher and Chang Huan looks very good. I only heard that she got another proud disciple. I did not expect to be Mrs. Xiao Lu's wife. This time it was so powerful, it made me speechless. "

Lu Zhanqing added with ulterior motives: "Yes, she is indeed very talented, if it is not used well, it will be too wasteful, Zhan Ke, are you right?"

Lu Zhanke was not fooled by him at all, but only said lightly: "It depends on Chang Huan, which means that if she wants, I will not stop it."

This is his sincere words, and he also hopes that Chang Huan will be happier, instead of spending his life idle.

Lu Zhanqing tickled his lips: "Then it's all right, I'll ask her when Chang Huan comes back, you can rest assured that she will definitely enjoy the best treatment when she comes, to ensure that no one dares to bully her."

Besides, Ai Changhuan and Zhu Xu went to the bathroom together. She took the opportunity to ask Zhu Xu's impression of Lu Zhanke: "Professor, what do you think of Lu Zhanke?"

How could her little daughter Zhu Xu not understand, so her sharp words have become a little milder. She didn't want to hit Ai Changhuan, so she said: "It looks good, but it feels cold, a little bit. Not very talkative. "

"That's because the two of you have just met each other and are still unfamiliar. After waiting for a long time, you will find that he is actually a cold-hearted person." Said Ai Changhuan and couldn't help laughing. Professor, do you know? I was scared when I first saw him. I thought he was the kind of unsmiling person, but slowly I found out that he was actually very stingy. It's easy to forget to close the window, and then he's going to endlessly, forcing me to promise to remember to close the window next time. Do you say he is annoying?

There were complaining words in her mouth, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but to curl up, her eyes were full of smiles, and what she said was unhappy was fake? She obviously loves that man.

It seems that the Marines have not completely told her the truth.

Her research report in the United States and the finishing work have not been completed, but Lu Qingqing revealed to her that the person whom Ai Changhuan married was his younger brother, and because of his younger brother, Ai Changhuan has never been out of work, more recently. Not very happy, she just hurriedly ended her work and hurried back to meet Ai Changhuan.

"Well, it sounds like he treats you very well, understands and considerately." Zhu Xu paused before he said, "Have you ever thought about work, or do you want to be a full-time job?" Mrs?"

Speaking of work, Ai Changhuan's eyes could not help but dim, she bit her lip and said, "I really want to work, but the land battle Kota ..."

"He doesn't allow you to work?"

Ai Changhuan shook his head: "No, he would agree, but I don't want to work."

"Why?" Zhu Xu was puzzled. "You are obviously very talented, and you also like the profession of lawyers, don't you?"

"It is Lu Zhanke's body that is not allowed. He was injured some time ago and his arm was unable to move." Ai Changhuan was sad, "The doctor said that he had little hope of recovery, and I didn't want to ... let him face it alone. Kind of pain. "

Zhu Xu was shocked. She didn't expect it to be like this. It turned out that he was injured because of his hand ... It was a shame that he just tried to test him that way. Now I feel really ashamed, and I can't say sorry in my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't know before ..."

"It doesn't matter, this is also very good. I don't think he would like to be treated differently."

"Then I will tell you the truth. It is the Secretary of the Army who asked me to persuade you to come to work. I agreed because I didn't want to look at you. But now I decided to say nothing, you. It's up to you. "

"Ah ..." Ai Changhuan didn't expect that there was such a relationship, and he couldn't get around for a while. "Why did he want me to come to the company so much?"

She confessed that it hadn't been enough for the Marines to dig her so hard.

"The drunkard is not in the bar. If you think about what you have and what Secretary of Marine wants, you can understand."

After Zhu Xu's reminder, Ai Changhuan seemed to understand something. Before that, Lu Zhanke said that Lu Zhanqing wanted him to come to the company to help him, and then he refused. Is it possible that Lu Zhanqing dug himself out of the company to tie him up?

It ’s still for the Marine War Ke to go around this large circle. In fact, they had already discussed when the Marine War Ke surgery. When the Marine War Ke is finished, let him go to the company to work, divert his attention, and wait for him to do well in the company. Naturally, we can forget the life of the army and accept the reality.

Thinking about it this way, Ai Changhuan understood the painstaking intentions of Lu Zhanqing, and she felt ashamed, as if she had not done anything for Lu Zhanke seriously, but just stayed with him, and this morning she cried a worries about Lu Zhanke. Endlessly.

With a sigh, Ai Changhuan thought he should do something.

When the two returned to their seats, the dishes were almost the same. Ai Changhuan subconsciously leaned on the side of the land battle Ke, and his words and deeds were full of intimacy.

Lu Zhanke slightly smiled.

During the meeting, the Marine Secretary talked about asking Ai Changhuan to work in the company. Ai Changhuan asked Lu Zhanke: "Do you want me to go?"

Lu Zhanke will definitely go when she goes, so she is actually asking Lu Zhanke, would you like to go?

Lu Zhanke stared deeply at Ai Changhuan and asked, "Do you want to go?"

He cares most about her thoughts, and he absolutely respects her choice.

Ai Changhuan groaned a bit, then said with a bent eye and smiled, "Of course, Lu Zhanke, in fact, I like you the most."

She said nothing, but Lu Zhanke listened very happily. The only bit of unhappiness disappeared. The two looked at each other with a silly smile and a sweet smile.

Zhu Xu nodded secretly, which was considered an approval of Lu Zhanke. Then she wanted to laugh a little, when did she change so quickly about a hot idea?

Probably because a woman like Ai Changhuan will not be too bad, right?

The marine war strategist succeeded, proudly raised a glass of wine to the land war Ke, land war Ke did not bother to care about him, and Ai Changhuan sweet envy others.

After lunch, the two left without leaving for the company.

When I saw Zhu Xu, Ai Changhuan remembered the old days of college. I wanted to go to his alma mater early to see the sky. Just when Zhu Xu was going back to school, he left.

On the way, Zhu Xu said a lot of Ai Changhuan's affair, and the desperate breaking news made Ai Changhuan a little overwhelmed.

"Chang Huan, she's very clever, but she's lazy, thinking about some small speculative doors. It's really love or punishment." Professor Zhu said angrily and funnyly, "For example, there is an open book. Take the exam, you can only bring an A4 paper, you have to copy on it what you think you might be able to take on the test. The original intention of this move is to allow students to deepen their memory and learn through the process of screening and copying. It turned out that she did well. She ran down and printed an answer herself. She didn't write a word at all. Later, the teacher confiscated her piece of paper when she saw that she was so dishonest. As a result, you guessed it, she didn't say anything to herself. After answering all the test papers, the final test was better than those students who had A4 paper, so I said she was clever because she was too lazy. "

"It doesn't matter, I don't need a very diligent wife." Lu Zhanke was spoiled with all eyes, it was really a lover in his eyes. He felt that Ai Changhuan was good everywhere, and there were no shortcomings. Even if there were shortcomings, he was beautified by him. .

On the contrary, Ai Changhuan was a little embarrassed.

"Ah, professor, why do you keep exposing my boss? Can't you say some examples of positive and positive sunshine?" Ai Changhuan finally understood that when she asked Lu Zhanke's friends that day, she hoped that the other party would know more Your own past, and you are afraid that your past is too bad, destroying the good image in the other person's mind.

Although, she does not seem to have any good image.

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