Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 127: Want to step into her past

Lu Zhanke was provoked, but said calmly: "I will not prevent you from making friends. If you think you can talk, I support you to go out with him. Just remember to pay AA when you pay, don't owe others Humanity. "

This is the treatment that a mature man should have, rather than eating some useless dry vinegar.

"Cut ..." Didn't get what he wanted, Ai Changhuan was a little interested, and no longer teased Marine Zheke, whispered, "Rest assured, I have rejected him."

Lu Zhanke looked up, the boy opened the note excitedly, his face suddenly changed after seeing the words on the face, and then gave Ai Chang a vicious glance, seeming to be annoyed by her disinterest.

Lu Zhanke shook his head helplessly, thinking that the little boy now really can't hold his breath, only to endure such a small blow will violently run away, how can he face greater setbacks in society in the future?

At the end of the class, the battered boy, encouraged by his classmates, gathered up the courage to come to Ai Changhuan again and asked her, "Why reject me? Am I not handsome?"

A few idiot girls around said immediately: "Shuaishuai is so handsome, you are dead. You are the first handsome in the class."

Ai Changhuan looked at the oblique bangs that almost blocked his eyes, and the slightly faded BB cream on the tip of his nose. He even felt that the other was a mother-in-law. Still seeing with such heavy bangs covering your eyes and walking? Is it true that a man's hairstyle is good for a man?

After talking silently in his heart, Ai Changhuan was too lazy to continue entanglement with him, turned around and held Lu Zhanke's face and got a deep kiss, and then announced loudly in the exclamation of the crowd: "Sorry, I have a man, If you want to chase me, first ask my man to disagree. "

Lu Zhanke stood up in coordination, his ninety-one height standing among these half-old children was a stand-up chicken group, and the group of people really looked like chicks in his eyes.

The classmate who thought he was the world's first beautiful man looked at the figure of Kezhan Ke on the ground, and his jaw almost fell off, completely stupid.

The surrounding classmates gradually gathered around, it was almost going to cause riots.

Suddenly a voice in the crowd shouted, "Isn't this Changhuan Xuejie?"

Huh? Why are there acquaintances? Ai Changhuan didn't know what he was doing, and hurriedly pulled the ground to fight Ke to kill the crowd and ran away from the back door.

And the classmate was still chasing after him: "Sister, sister, don't leave, you are my idol ..."

In the past, Ai Changhuan was a famous talented girl and a beautiful girl in the law department. Unfortunately, her home was terrible. Therefore, the lower-grade classmates only heard of her prestige. Few people have actually seen her, and did not expect to be recognized. Out.

Ai Changhuan grabbed Lu Zhanke and ran all the way. He stopped after seeing that no one was chasing him.

"Ah, really, these people are really crazy." Ai Changhuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a look of fear.

In fact, Zhu Xu had already been very resentful of her face, and did not tell her another feat at school, and that feat was what caused her to be so intensely crowded.

"I didn't expect you to be so famous?" Lu Zhanke was a little surprised, so it seems that Ai Changhuan was still the character of this school.

When Ai Changhuan saw that there was a milk tea shop next to him, he pulled in and landed in Ke: "Come here and try the black tea here, it's quite special."

Lu Zhanke asked, "Don't you say that the boys who drink milk tea are pretty guns?"

Ai Chang laughed and smiled, "I mean, specifically, you know? You can rest assured, no matter what you drink in my heart is very special man. Boss, come with a cup of burnt grass and a cup of black tea."

The two finally sat down and the drinks ordered were served.

Ai Chang smiled at Lu Zheke with a smile: "Could you give me a drink of your black tea?"

Lu Zhanke pushed the black tea without hesitation, but asked strangely, "Do you like black tea?"

Ai Changhuan took a big sip, and then said, "I like black tea and I also like to burn celestial grass, so I ordered both of them so that I can drink both. That's a male pot friend One of the benefits is wonderful, it's blessed to be happy. "

Lu Zhanke petted a smile and said, "That's all for you."

As a ‘boyfriend’, he does n’t mind providing such a little benefit.

"Thank you." Ai Changhua cheered and started drinking her beverage happily again.

However, Lu Zhanke said, "Why, don't you plan to talk about the sensation that you have done in school before?"

"Ahem ..." Ai Changhuan was accidentally caught by black tea, and then whispered, "Why did you say that suddenly, it scared me ..."

"It's useless to coquettish and shift the subject." Lu Zhanke ruthlessly pierced her plot, "Student Ai Changhuan, confess to being lenient and resist strictness."

"Actually ..." Ai Changhuan thought that this was not shameful, at least for the benefit of countless later classmates. She was a little embarrassed when she was about to speak, but suddenly there was an exaggerated voice.

"Ai Changhuan? Are you the Ai Changhuan?" The owner who had been making milk tea behind the counter suddenly rushed over. "The student who took the law department went to the principal's office to protest and asked the school to install air-conditioning in the student dormitory. Chang Huan? "

"..." Ai Changhuan's expression was a little tangled. "Yeah, I am ..."

Lu Zhanke looked at Ai Changhuan's eyes too ... somewhat meaningful, I never thought she had such a feat before.

"Ah, I know you. It was a big deal at first, but thanks to that, now the school has installed air-conditioning in the student dormitory. It has been installed in the law department building. One department per semester. How about you, but haven't you graduated? Why did you come back suddenly? "


"Ah, I know. You must be coming back to see if the principal has fulfilled his promises, right? I heard that you had been silent by refusing the principal!"

"... not ..."

"I've also heard that the principals can't move even if you are shocked by your words ..."

"No ..." When did the rumor spread so badly?

"Don't be humble, it's still talked about now ..."

"... hehe ..." Ai Changhuan said that her mood was very complicated, because there were too many exaggerated ingredients in it, she was willing to justify it, but no one listened.

"I also heard that you didn't come out for seven days in the dormitory because you were afraid of the principal's retaliation."

"Why ..." It was just that she came home just after the National Day holiday. How could there be such a message? Is everyone's brain hole too big?

"But it doesn't matter, everyone still appreciates you very much. I won't charge you for today's milk tea. Can you take a photo with me and let me hang it in front of the store?"

"Still no more." Ai Changhuan dropped twenty dollars on the table. "That we have something, let's go first."

Ai Changhuan kept winking at Lu Zhanke, implying that he hurried away. However, Lu Zheke was very interested in Ai Changhuan's glorious past. Listening, he didn't want to leave. Come out, I'm afraid he will have a drink with his wife.

As soon as he went out, Lu Zhanke couldn't help giggling: "I never thought you were so bold before, but I always thought you were a little white rabbit."

Ai Changhuan smiled wryly: "I'm a soft-skinned girl and a female-skinned girl."

The corners of Lu Zhanke's mouth were closed: "Yes, yes, the induction is in place, then, where do we go next to see your legend?"

Ai Changhuan said embarrassingly, "Do you want to go to the library? I know the person in charge there, and we can put in without a card."

"Go then." Lu Zhanke had no objection.

It was just that they walked away, which was a bitter to the class they had previously attended. At the beginning of the second class, the teacher did not see Ai Changhuan and thought that someone had skipped the class. He immediately announced a temporary roll call and did not have to deduct all attendance.

So some of the students who were lazy and sleeping in bed received a call from the classmates who were in class and immediately jumped out of bed and flew towards the classroom.

Ai Changhuan took Landing Ke to the library, and talked about his relationship with the librarian on the road.

In order to make full use of the resources of the library, the school stipulates that a student can only borrow three books a week, but Ai Changhuan reads books quickly, and his mind is good. Basically, one book in the morning, three books are not enough.

Later she made a bet with the administrator. If the administrator lost, she would have to allow Ai Changhuan to borrow books at any time, and borrow as many books as she wanted.

In the end, of course, Ai Changhuan won. When she was okay, she nestled in a corner of the library to read a book. If she didn't read enough, she took the book back to read it, and returned it the next morning.

When she was with Ai Changhuan before, Lu Zhanke felt that she was pure white like a piece of transparent paper. In the past, she could see through at a glance, and she was a very straightforward person. There was almost no secret in front of him, but after such an afternoon together, he discovered her little-known side. The original life of Ai Changhuan was so rich and varied, and he used to be so dazzlingly active in front of everyone .

Such Ai Changhuan made him even more distracted.

He asked curiously: "What bet did you make with the administrator?"

Ai Chang laughed mysteriously: "I asked her to guess which department I belonged to. At that time, I was holding an architectural design, and then she guessed that I was in the architecture department, haha, so she finally Lost. "

Marine Zhan Ke puzzled: "How come you, a law department, read a book from the architecture department?"

"Since I'm studying law, why should I read a law book?" Ai Changhuan asked rhetorically.

"This ..." Lu Zhanke thought this was a fallacy, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Ai Changhuan continued, "I have read all those law books, so of course I have to look at other books to adjust. I told you that the books I have read in addition to the architecture department. I have a computer science department of engineering. I have also read books about theology. I have read all the less popular professional books. "

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