Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 134: Love you won't change

It's Ai Huanhuan's turn this time. What does it mean that Lu Zhanke took her bag away? But she didn't dare to ask more, and hurriedly followed the small broken steps and followed behind Lu Zhanke.

As soon as the glass door of the office was closed, the Legal Department immediately exploded the pan.

"Did you just see that, the second boss actually helped her carry the bag herself?"

"Good relationship."

"So happy."

"She also said that she was an ordinary person. Her relationship with the second boss had become a lice on the bald head, and it was obvious."

"Yeah, yeah, but the second boss looks so scary and doesn't laugh."

Although the glass door was closed, the door was not soundproof at all, not to mention they spoke so loudly, even though Ai Changhuan had already gone out two or three steps, they still heard their words clearly and could not help but want The amount of help was over, and it couldn't be hidden. Her relationship with Lu Zhanke was completely exposed this time.

And Lu Zhanke did not return to his office, instead turned and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Ai Changhuan hurried up after him and asked, "Where are you going? No work?"

Kirkton stopped and looked at her with a puzzled look: "You forgot, we have something to do today."

"... What's the matter?" Ai Changhuan really couldn't remember what had to be done today.

"Don't you say you should go back and see your grandpa today?" Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow.

"Ah ..." Ai Changhuan finally remembered it, but she didn't expect it to be so fast. Lu Zhanke said that she would take her back on the third day in three days. She put the empty folder in the front desk, and then Happily put Lu Zhanke's arm in his arms. "Then let's go. Right, do you want to say hello to anyone? Is it okay to just walk away?"

"I told the battle secretary that I'm just here to go through the on-boarding formalities, and only officially start work next week."

Well, now that the big boss agrees, she has nothing to say. She is happy to go out with Lu Zhanke.

When they came, they were in the car at home, but now they are sitting in the car provided by the company, and they are also driving the company.

Ai Changhuan thought that the thought of Lu Zhanqing was quite thoughtful.

"We have to go to the supermarket and buy all the materials we need." Ai Changhuan began to figure out what to buy. "My grandpa likes to eat braised pork, and then there are butterfly shrimp, crab meat and mustard are also good, you My favorite lion head, I like to eat fish ball pot, how about a broccoli vegetarian roll? I do n’t make the pork meat very authentic.

"Okay, it's up to you." Lu Zhanke had no comment, only said, "I didn't prepare anything. I only asked someone to get two boxes of good wine. I don't know if your grandpa would like it."

"My grandfather likes it. He likes to drink a couple of drinks when he's fine. Besides, it's from his granddaughter. Don't he like it?" Ai Changhuan remembered another thing. Say we went to my grandpa's house for dinner? "

"I already hit, and by the way, my mother, Battle Secretary, will go back." Lu Zhanqing tricked him into the company, and he couldn't make him better, so he was packed and sent to his home.


The two went to the largest supermarket and bought their own food like ordinary couples.

It was just that Marine Ke died and refused to push the cart, saying that it affected his image too much. He walked to look straight ahead, straighten his chest, and push a housewife like a cart.

Ai Changhuan tilted her head and said with a smile: "Okay, if you do n’t push the trolley, I will push it, but if I go to the trolley with both hands, I will not be able to hold you, you are sure you Don't want me to hold you? "

Lu Zhanke frowned and imagined that Ai Changhuan was pushing the cart in front, and he was walking behind like a silly big man. Then he took the cart decisively and said, "I'll push it. Now. "

Ai Chang cheered, and then left Lu Zhan Ke aside, ran to the front to purchase, and picked up the things he put in the cart. He did not pull the arm of Lu Zhan Ke at all, so Lu Zhan Ke sturdy Back to the porter.

He felt fooled.

I just watched Ai Changhuan happily jumping in front of me. There was actually a different kind of satisfaction. Maybe she loves a person to the depths. This is how she feels cute in every move. She did not have the heart to refuse.

Ai Changhuan waved desperately in front of the land battle Ke, as soon as the land battle Ke approached, he asked him, "Which of these two meats do you think is more suitable for braised pork?"

Where Lu Zhanke understood this, he took a finger and said, "This."

Ai Changhuan immediately said, "No, right. To cook braised pork, you must first choose skinned ribs, which is also called sandwich meat. Only when you make it can you sell it."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Zhanke proudly, "How about, am I smart?"

"Uh-huh, smart." Marine Zhan Kelian nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I still have to buy that kind of rock candy. Grandpa likes to eat sweet braised pork." Ai Changhuan thought back and smirked at the land battle Ke, "The braised pork I made for you last time was salty. Why are you? Do n’t say, I thought you like salty, but do n’t people in city A like sweet? What flavor do you like? ”

She did not like to eat braised pork, so she had never eaten it, and she had no idea whether it was salty or sweet.

"I can do it." Lu Zhanke did not want her to be entangled with this issue, so he chose a good-faith lie.

"So, I won't make two copies." Ai Changhuan made a happy decision.

After the purchase, Ai Changhuan was still interested: "Oh my God, I never thought that shopping in the supermarket was such a happy thing. There are too many good things, do you know? The shrimp and crab were just delivered, so fresh Yes, and those vegetables. They are all organic vegetables. There are many kinds of fresh green, which are much better than when we were in the army. "

She used to buy some snacks and daily necessities when she came to the supermarket. She never even went to the place where she sells vegetables. After six months of training in the army, she was able to pick and choose which dishes are good. If the dish is not good, you can see it at a glance. If Father Ai sees what she just looked like, I'm afraid she will be shocked.

Lu Zhanke smiled: "Why are you as excited as a kid?"

"Cut, what do you know? I don't see vegetables and meat. I see a plate of delicious dishes." Ai Changhuan folded his hands and looked forward to trying, "Oh, think about all Excited, today must make Grandpa's eyes wide open, ha ha ha. "

Lu Zhanke touched her head, no matter what, as long as she was happy, everything else didn't matter.

Shan Xiao said, "You say to them now that it's useless, they will still keep a certain distance from you, but you can prove to them with your own actual actions that you are an ordinary person."

Ai Changhuan asked, "How do I prove?"

Shan Xiao pointed to a cell at hand and said, "This is where you will work in the future. Like all newcomers, start from the bottom, do you have any opinions?"

This is exactly what Hatyai Changhuan does. She didn't need special treatment at first, so she nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, now I'll take you to the Human Resources Department to go through the entry procedures, and then let them take you to pick up office supplies, the next thing is up to you."

Ai Changhuan is actively using her actions to show everyone that she is not the same as those who come through the back door through relationships. She will work hard and seriously, starting from the most basic, but let her never fail. The thought was that the family pulled her hind legs.

When she went through the induction process, she put the bag in her seat, and her mobile phone was in the bag. Later, Lu Zhanke called her when she had something to call, and several of them were called.

Then, he went directly to the Legal Department, and said the first sentence: "Where is my wife?"

This remark is tantamount to a sullen thunder. If the identity of Ai Changhuan had been guessed without evidence before, then this sentence is a complete recognition and affirmation of Ai Changhuan's identity.

No one answered, he was standing in the Legal Department, everyone was frightened and trembled, pretending that he was very busy and very busy, and did not dare to make a small difference. Then someone finally could n’t stand it, and answered timidly: Human Resources. "

So hurry up and stop here.

The man said that he originally wanted Lu Zhanke to leave quickly, but he did not expect that Lu Zhanke sat down directly at Ai Changhuan and said, "I'll wait for her here."


And Ai Changhuan didn't know what was happening here. He chatted with someone in the Human Resources Department, and then came back holding things. When he saw Lu Zhanke sitting in his position, he was greatly surprised, and immediately He immediately pretended to shout, "Vice President."

Lu Zhanke frowned: "Where did you go, why did you come back now?"

Ai Changhuan put things on the table, and reverently replied, "I've got office supplies. I don't know what the vice president did to you about me?"

Lu Zhanke's eyebrows frowned even tighter: "You took the wrong medicine, what is your vice president?"

Perceiving that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right, Ai Changhuan hurriedly said, "Ah, you are here to get the documents, and I will immediately send the things to your office."

She grabbed a folder casually, and then kept winking at the Marine War Ke, you have something to say, is it all exposed now?

Originally, he wanted to prove his own strength, but he immediately dismantled Lu Zhanke. Ai Changhuan was so anxious that he had no time to drag him out.

Like understanding Ai Changhuan's eyes, Lu Zhanke finally got up, but also put Ai Changhuan's bag in his hand and said, "Let's go."

It's Ai Huanhuan's turn this time. What does it mean that Lu Zhanke took her bag away? But she didn't dare to ask more, and hurriedly followed the small broken steps and followed behind Lu Zhanke.

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