Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 136: Test his mind

"Grandpa and grandpa, I like to cook, especially cooking for my family. This is my hobby, really, really." Seeing that Lu Zhanke refused to bow his head, Ai Changhuan hurried out to round the field, "Grandpa, I You have n’t eaten a few bites of food yet? Is n’t it delicious? But you make it so seriously that you can eat two more bites?

She stretched out her hand and twisted Lu Zhanke's waist fiercely, you ah, what kind of man is this time, hurry up and confess my mistakes, otherwise I will only be able to spare you.

Lu Zhanke thought he was right, but in order not to make Ai Changhuan embarrassed, he still chose to bow his head, got up and poured a glass of wine for Father Ai, and said, "I respect you, thank you for hurting her for more than twenty years. I will only hurt her twice more and I will not be sorry for her. "

Mr. Ai ’s nose moved, and it smelled like Wuliangye No. “0009” commemorative wine. It was bought at a high price at the auction that year. After so many years, the price soared. Is that the person who bought the batch of wine at first was Lu Zheke?

The old man has no other hobbies. He just likes to drink a little wine, and only drinks white wine. He said that the taste of the white wine is pure and pure. He smelled that wine. Taking this down the stairs, I picked up the wine glass and bumped into Lu Zhanke, but said in my mouth: "Don't think that I drink your wine means I don't blame you, I tell you ... uh ..."

In the end, the voice was the sound of admiration that the old man drank the wine. The surprise even enlarged the pupils several times, and he forgot to settle the bill with Lu Zhanke. He sighed loudly: "Good wine, good wine, Really good wine. "

Seeing that Father Ai liked it, Lu Zhanke also smiled and said, "Just like it."

Father Ai asked, "Why does this drink look so much like 0009?

"Yes, I bought it from a friend by chance." Lu Zhanke said modestly, "Ah yes, this time I brought you two cases of wine. One case is what you drink now. For this 0009, there is another box of 0001, which I bought from a friend. "

"..." Father Ai glared at Landing Ke, thinking that this boy was really deep-hearted, knowing that he loved to drink two drinks, so he made these two boxes of wine that he couldn't resist at all, even if it was another wine, It was these rare two boxes, and he couldn't bear to refuse it.

Seeing this, Lu Zhanke hurried and pleased Mr. Ai to pour wine, and said, "Taste it again, isn't it pure?"

Mr. Ai took the wine like a baby, and after tasting it, it really has a long aftertaste. The pure taste can hardly be described by words.

Ai Changhuan also looked at him eagerly, and Father Ai softened his heart and said, "I just can't control you anymore. You can do whatever you want."

This means to let go of the Marine War Ke.

Ai Changhuan was happy, and his body shook to the side of Lu Zhanke, leaning halfway on him, smiling at him with frowning eyes.

Lu Zhanke also bowed his head, looking at him tenderly.

Father Ai looked at his heart and shook his head, thinking how this silly girl had fought over the old fox of the land battle Ke, even knowing he was helping her, but kept talking to him.

Doesn't she understand yet? In fact, he didn't have to embarrass Marine Ke for this little thing. He was just angry that Marine Ke didn't protect her and made her hurt again and again. Last time in the hospital, Lu's family landed around him and he had nothing to say. Not only could the baby granddaughter be injured and not be able to go up to comfort him, but she also pretended to be angry to teach her. Now that she has arrived in her own home, she has a chance to learn, but she was stopped by that silly girl.

It is false to deliberately make things difficult, and it is true that he should wake up and make him dare not to take you seriously.

He patted the table in dissatisfaction: "What are you still doing, and don't hurry to pour me wine. My granddaughter cooks for me for the first time, accompanied by the best wine, it is even more memorable. what."

So these two people, one hurriedly poured wine to the old man, and one hurriedly filled the old man with vegetables, in short, to serve him comfortably.

Later, Mr. Ai drank too much, and couldn't help but start talking about the past.

"Xiao Huan is so pitiful, so when I was young, I lost my parents. Even if I hurt her again, I wouldn't be able to make up for that deficiency, you know?"

Marine Zhan Ke nodded: "I understand."

So he couldn't help but want to be nice to her.

Mr. Ai scolded: "You know how to fart, you have to understand that you still want her to do those heavy tasks?"

Ai Changhuan ’s sweat, she has n’t told her grandfather, she has learned how to grow vegetables, and fertilized, and so on. Even if she throws her into a nest with nothing, she wo n’t be hungry. When she died, she felt that it was better and enhanced her survivability.

Father Ai took another sip of wine, and then said drunkly: "But now think about it, you might be right, Xiao Huan can't be treated as a flower in a greenhouse all the time. This is not really good for her. She should be let Experiencing things that I haven't experienced before, so that she can really grow up, and if I am gone, she will not be bullied by others. "

"... Grandpa ..." Ai Changhuan's eyes were inexplicably moist, and at this moment, Grandpa's heart suddenly became clear. Grandpa really loved her, and she said so because she was afraid she might be hurt.

"Don't worry, as long as I am there, no one will dare to hurt her, and I will use my life to love her and protect her." Lu Zhanke held Ai Changhuan's hands tightly, his eyes were full of firmness.

Ai Changhuan looked back at him, and looked at his grandpa again. There were tears of happiness in his eyes. Both men loved her most.

"What if your mother doesn't like her?" Father Ai asked again.

The reason why he asked such a question was entirely reasonable. When he was in the hospital that day, Lu Moshen's wife had a clear idea of ​​Ai Changhuan's attitude.

Although Lu Zhanke repeatedly promised that he would be good to Ai Changhuan, but that was in the absence of any conflict, in case one day Lu Moshen's wife suddenly began to embarrass Chang Huan, what would Lu Zhanke choose? Choose to protect your wife or obey your mother?

Maybe this question is asked a little bit early, but sooner or later, will not it? Chang Huan is simple and doesn't know the complexity, but he, as a grandfather, can't help but think about her.

"Grandpa ..." Ai Changhuan couldn't help but wanted to help Lu Zhanke, but was stopped by Lu Zhanke.

"I dare not guarantee anything, but I will try my best to protect her. Any problems will be blocked in front of her." He said so, and did the same, or else I saw Mrs. Lu talking to Ai Changhuan last night. Can he rush down to save her?

Ai Changhuan flushed slightly and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, he is really good to me, and his mother also likes me very much. He also told me yesterday that he should be treated as a family. Let me see her as a family. "

Mr. Ai glanced at Ai Changhuan. The sore heart in her heart was indeed the water poured out by her married daughter, helping her husband and his wife's family to talk everywhere, for fear that they would embarrass them.

Hey, nothing more. The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. If she really wants to fight Landing Ke with all her heart, let her go. At least this land fighting Ke looks really good.

"Grandpa, let me have a drink with you, too." Ai Changhuan hurriedly poured a glass of wine for Grandpa Ai, and then poured herself a glass. When she raised the glass, she thought about what she should say and looked at Grandpa. More and more white hair, with a lot of emotion for a while, did not know what to say, "Grandpa, thank you, raise me as an adult, and let me take care of you in the future."

Mr. Ai shook his hands, and drank half a glass of wine, and couldn't help turning his eyes red. In order to conceal his malaise, he looked up and drank the remaining half glass of wine.

Ai Changhuan was about to finish drinking the wine, but Lu Zhanke reached out and took the wine glass in her hand, saying, "You can't drink, let me drink it for you."

Ai Changhuan took back the wine glass from him and said, "No need, this glass, I must drink it."

Then, frowned and drank the wine little by little. When the spicy taste of white wine filled the entire mouth, her hot tears came out. After drinking, the whole person was dizzy. Ke smirked as he watched the landing battle.

Lu Zhanke looked at her distressedly: "Everyone said that they can't drink, you have to be stubborn. Later, remember to take a sobering medicine."

Ai Changhuan didn't expect that this white wine was so strong, she just got drunk just after drinking it. She was holding her head in a daze, and she was fascinated by people, her cheeks turned a little red, a little cute The look at Lu Zhanke was soft like cotton candy.

Lu Zhanke saw a warm heart, just reached out to touch her cheek, but paused, took the wine glass aside and took a sip.

Although he drank a little too much, he did not forget that it was in Ai's house. Father Ai was still watching, and his feet seemed not to be good.

Mr. Ai waved his hand: "Forget it, drink here today, don't go back, just stay here for one night, or stay in Xiaohuan's room."

After speaking, let the servant take them upstairs to Ai Changhuan's room.

Although Ai Changhuan is married, Mr. Ai still makes her room clean as often as she still lives in this home.

Lu Zhanke also drank a lot, and as he went upstairs, people gradually became drowsy, took the hangover medicine sent by the servant, and fed Ai Changhuan to eat, so he lay in bed and prepared for lunch.

Although he visited the Ai family several times, Ai Changhuan's room was never seen.

But it doesn't matter, it's not too late to visit after waking up.

When Lu Zhanke was planning to close his eyes and rest, Ai Changhuan, who had been obediently nestling in his arms, suddenly sobbed and screamed, "Grandpa."

Her memory still stayed where she toasted her grandfather, and the complex mood at that time kept in her heart and slowly fermented.

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