Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 148: Hidden crisis

Shen Qingyan was stung by his attitude of avoiding flood beasts. She couldn't help asking: "Why do you always treat me coldly, and even refuse to look at me more, do you hate me so much? Still You hate me, hate me and leave without saying anything. "

Lu Zhanke looked at her with a lunatic gaze: "Are you okay, are we familiar? I don't think there is any friendship between us."

Shen Qingyan suffocated, his face whitening: "Did you consider me a stranger? But we have been together for so long."

"Wait a minute, please speak clearly. We just went to college together. We are just classmates. It doesn't matter. Do you understand?" Lu Zhanke thought that this woman was sick, and she even wished to associate with herself. Isn't she really crazy? Would you like to change a doctor yourself?

Said by Lu Zhanke, Shen Qingyan was heartbroken, but only ten years later, he had forgotten everything before, and even only remembered that he was a classmate. Was it really a blow to him? So big, that ’s why he did n’t want to remember his memories, did he?

Although his heart was cold for a while, Shen Qingyan insisted: "I understand, I understand, you just say that you don't want to make Ai Changhuan sad? So even if you forget our past, you don't Willing to remember. "

Lu Zhanke thinks that this woman is getting more and more serious. Not only does he not understand what he is saying, but he also likes to talk to himself. This feeling is a bit scary, and he doesn't want to stay longer.

"I still have something to do. Let's go first. I hope your professional attitude will not disappoint your name." Lu Zhanke turned around and left without looking back.

His fearless approach made Shen Qingyan's heartbroken, and all the glory that he had abandoned abroad returned in this way, all for him, but he just treated it as garbage and stomped on his feet at will.

She won't admit defeat so easily, Ai Changhuan is not her opponent at all.

Ai Changhuan is so busy that she has to take care of Lu Zhanke and not delay work, so she can only work on time every day and cannot work overtime. The work piles up day by day. In order to prove her strength, she has no complaints, only Work hard.

What made her more tired, however, was the 40th anniversary of the marriage of Father Lu and Mrs. Lu a few days later, so the two of them went on vacation and vacation, and probably came back for more than 20 days.

The Marines are also mysterious, sometimes in the company for several days, and sometimes disappear for days.

After a long weekend, Lu Zhanke was distressed that she wanted to let her rest more, so she didn't let her go to the hospital with her, but went by herself.

When arriving at the hospital, Shen Qingyan seemed to be in trouble, so he asked another doctor to help him recover, and Lu Zhanke didn't take his heart, after all, this was much better than the sad face facing Shen Qingyan.

Ai Changhuan slept soundly, and suddenly received a call from Ji Shen Qingyan, saying that she wanted to go shopping on the weekend, but she didn't know any friends, so she thought of her and asked if she had time.

Ai Changhuan looked at the time. At ten o'clock in the morning, she fell asleep almost, and couldn't sleep after she slept, so he agreed, and the two agreed to meet at their doorstep half an hour later.

After hanging up the phone, she quickly got up and got out of bed, freshened up, and brought all the things to bring.

As soon as she went downstairs, her cell phone rang again, and she thought it was Shen Qingyan's call to remind her. As a result, it was Ji Xingfan.

"Hey, Saner, today, my sister is on vacation, and I'm going out for shopping." Ji Xingfan seemed very happy, and his voice was higher than before.

Ai Changhuan helped: "Why are they all concentrated today? Is there a discount on the mall today?"

"What?" Ji Xingfan didn't know what she meant.

Ai Changhuan said: "Before you, a friend had asked me to go shopping with you. You are late, dear, please come early next time."

"What's the matter, you call your friend over for a chat." Ji Xingfan doesn't matter. Anyway, it's Ai Changhuan's friend. It shouldn't be a strange person.

"But ... Alexandria every time I go shopping with you." Although Ji Xingfan will take a serious disguise and dress up every time he goes shopping, he will still be recognized, and the fans will chase after them, both of them I can only run forward in despair. Every time I go shopping, I feel like I am fleeing, but Ji Xingfan seems to be obsessed with this game you chase after me. When you are free, you must pull Ai Changhuan out. Run around.

Ai Changhuan really wanted to point her head and ask if she had any consciousness as a female star.

Without getting Ai Changhuan's quick answer, Ji Xingfan was a little impatient and urged: "Hurry up, talk about where you plan to go and when to meet."

"Uh ... 11:30, Dongdaemun PR Mall ..." Forced by Ji Xingfan's deterrence, Ai Changhuan said the time and place.

"I see. I'll be waiting for you in the cafe on the 15th floor. Come here quickly. I'll kill someone if I'm late." Ji Xingfan hung up the phone conveniently after the threat.

Ai Changhuan felt that he was a small sad reminder and was destined to be oppressed by Ji Xingfan in his life.

Going out in tears, Shen Qingyan just came, so he got in the car directly.

"I don't know the way. If you make a mistake, remember to remind me." Who knows that the first sentence of Shen Qingyan is this.

Ai Changhuan could not help but burst out a cold sweat, why is her friend less reliable than one?

Hurrying along all the way, finally arrived at the cafe where Ji Xingfan was at eleven o'clock.

Shen Qingyan seemed very happy. She said that she liked to make more friends.

"Xiao Fan." Ai Changhuan brought Shen Qingyan to Ji Xingfan, and then introduced them separately.

"Hello there."

"Hello there."

The two shook hands and looked at each other.

Ji Xingfan said, "You look so beautiful, are you a star?"

Then I searched in my head, as if I had never seen this person.

Shen Qingyan smiled: "Thank you for the compliment, but I am not a star, but you, it looks more like it."

She wears a mask, a scarf and a hat on her right hand. Even indoors, she wears sunglasses, and she picks them in places that are not easily noticeable.

Ji Xingfan put up a finger: "Shh, but you are really smart, you know my profession without knowing me."

The reason why Ji Xingfan believes that the other party does not know himself is because the other party is too bland when he sees himself, and he is not excited at all. Alas, no matter how she is a superstar.

"Sorry, I didn't return to China for long." Shen Qingyan smiled apologetically.

Seeing the two of them talking like this, Ai Changhuan was finally relieved. You must know that the most annoying thing about beautiful women is to see another beautiful woman. She was really afraid that the two of them would not agree with each other, and then they quarreled with each other.

"Since I'm sorry, then please invite me." Ji Xingfan couldn't help joking.

"OK, I ask, please feel free to point!" Shen Qingyan agreed readily.

After sitting down, Ji Xingfan took the initiative to open the box: "How did you and Saner know each other? As far as I know, this person is extremely guarded, not so close, people who are not familiar with her think she is tall It's cold, so you see, she only has a close friend of mine. "

Ai Changhuan had a black line on his face: "It turned out that I was this image in your mind, I can see you through, all friends!"

Shen Qingyan covered her mouth and chuckled and laughed: "What's the matter, it looks very cold and doesn't seem to be close, but you will find that she is actually very interesting when you get closer."

"Yeah, when you become a true friend with her, you will find that she is such a kind-hearted guy, and she will not hesitate to intervene for her friends. Unfamiliar people see her like a goddess, familiar people look She is like a female nerve. "Ji Xingfan still made a sharp conclusion.

"Oh? Is this her unique charm?" Shen Qingyan thought seriously. "Do men like her like this? Should I be more cold?"

"Who is the man you mean?" Ji Xing asked with narrowed eyes.

"Uh ..." Shen Qingyan responded, hurriedly smiling, and said, "Nobody, I mean, I mean."

"Oh." Ji Xingfan said with a smile, but Shen Qingyan's eyes became more interesting, as if studying something.

Shen Qingyan took the coffee and took a sip, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a bit erratic. Why did she think that this woman named Ji Xingfan seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and the sentence she asked seemed to have no meaning, but they were not just do you know it? What can she know? You should be more attentive.

Ji Xingfan suddenly sighed: "Ah, it's really a relaxing time. Sometimes I just think about it when I'm 35 years old. I am an ordinary woman. I go shopping every day and do beauty. What a nice chat with my girlfriend. "

"If you want to rest, you can take a break now. Anyway, the money you make should not be spent in this life, or half-burned. Take a movie when you are bored, and give yourself a break when you are tired. Travel or something, life is only a few decades, why do you make yourself so hard. "Ai Changhuan persuaded, and she is not the first time to persuade Ji Xingfan, but Ji Xingfan always said that she has nothing to do When done, you can't go, you can't leave.

"I understand Xiao Fan's mentality," Shen Qingyan said, "Women, you can't live without a career. Even if I get married and have children, I won't give up my career because of my family. Without a career, there is no sense of security, thinking about the future It depends on the man's complexion, and I feel totally intolerable. So, Chang Huan, you can't give up your career completely because of your husband. You ca n’t live a life of breath. "

"I told her the same way, but she didn't seem to be able to listen at all. She always walked around her husband. I managed to go to work some time ago, and I can't rest assured that her husband. I ca n’t talk anymore. You said she Husband is in his thirties, do n’t know how to take care of himself? Not three years old. ”Ji Xingfan agrees with Shen Qingyan's point of view very much, and then speaks to Ai Changhuan again, she thinks Ai Changhuan Already **** by Marine Ke, he has no independent space of his own.

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