Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 150: Betrayed together

"I mean it very simply. You want to grab Marine Ke, I have no objection, and can even facilitate you when possible. We can cooperate."

This remark made Shen Qingyan shocked, and she thought that Ji Xingfan was Ai Changhuan's dead party. After realizing her intention, she should immediately tear down her face to Ai Changhuan, and she was even done. To prepare for the battle against the water, if you can't win Ai Changhuan, it will be even more difficult for her to regain the land battle Ke.

However, to her surprise, Ji Xingfan said she wanted to be on her side, which made her totally unbelievable.

"You ... what do you mean?" Shen Qingyan became more confused.

Ji Xingfan smiled: "Why, aren't there any girlfriends in foreign countries? Then you have a lot of experience today."

"Why?" Shen Qingyan said incomprehensible. "Aren't you and Ji Xingfan the best friends? Why should you betray her and stab a knife behind her? What's so good for you?"

"The benefits are many, but I won't tell you. As long as you know, Lu Zhanke is not my goal."

Ji Xingfan's eyes flickered slightly, and an inexplicable emotion passed quickly in her eyes, then she looked away and stared somewhere outside the window, and said, "Because, I'm a bitch. I want to reach For her own purpose, you can even sacrifice your best friend. She is the biggest and biggest fool in the world. Treating me as a friend should be the most wrong decision she has ever made in her life. So rest assured, I wo n’t go Break through yours. "

Shen Qingyan listened, only to feel sad and chilling. It turned out that not only abroad, but also domestically, people cannot fully trust each other, otherwise, it will hurt and Ai Changhuan. Just as deep.

"What is it, scared?" Ji Xingfan asked with a smile, but there was a little sadness in the smile.

Shen Qingyan leaned on the back of the chair, relaxed his body, and for the first time seriously examined Ji Xingfan, and then asked, "Guess, what if she tells Ai Changhuan your true face? I have been away from you ever since and regarded me as my only conscientious friend? You said, would I have a better chance to grab the land battle Ke? "

Her words were clearly threatening, but Ji Xingfan seemed to have heard some big joke, and couldn't help laughing. "You are so funny, you just like to tell jokes. What you thought you said was three Children's letter? You're just a familiar stranger, I'm her best girlfriend. "

Shen Qingyan pulled a corner of his mouth: "It's sad, although Ai Changhuan is my love rival, but at this moment, watching her betrayed by her best friend, I still can't help feeling sad for her."

"Yeah, it's sad." Ji Xingfan lowered his eyes slightly. "But what about that, people are selfish."

"Why me? Is it because I want to grab Marine Ke?" Shen Qingyan couldn't understand why she chose herself as her comrade-in-arms when the two met on the first day.

"Of course it's because you're smart enough. I don't want to choose a fool to be a comrade in arms. In the end, I am a burden. I just told you today, I just want to tell you that when you need help, remember to call me. Happy to help. "Ji Xing laughed and was very evil, which was very different from the former Ji Tianhou who was so careless and heartless. Is this a specialty of a female star? Changing faces three times a day, living with different masks? Every expression is acting?

Shen Qingyan thought that this woman was really terrible, and it was even more terrible to be treated as an enemy by a woman like Ji Xingfan.

She crossed her arms with her arms and held her chest in a self-defense posture: "Thank you, I will make the best use of it when needed."

Ji Xingfan looked at her vigilant movements, but raised her eyebrows lightly. It should be good for future plans to let her teammates be in awe of herself. She reached out her hand and said, "Come, happy cooperation."

Shen Qingyan glanced at her before reaching out and holding Ji Xingfan's hand, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Happy cooperation."

When Ai Changhuan came back, he felt a little strange.

She observed Shen Qingyan and Ji Xingfan's faces, and then asked carefully: "What's wrong with you two? Isn't it going to be a fight?"

Ji Xingfan smiled: "Yeah, seeing that the two handsome guys over there are not, I said the left side is more handsome, she has to say the right side is a bit handsome, our two aesthetics are different, there is no way to be friends."

Shen Qingyan's cold drink only took a sip at the beginning, but then she didn't move a bit, because her heart was already cold, and she couldn't drink the cold drink. She even sympathized with Ai Changhuan.

Looking at Ji Xing's remarks and smiling Yan Yan's face as if nothing had happened, she even felt that this woman was terribly terrible, like a cheetah. Once the target was identified, she bit her neck and caused the most fatal injury.

Although she wanted to grab the land battle, she couldn't hold it in her innocent smile at Ai Changhuan, so she lowered her eyes without any intersection with Ai Changhuan's sight.

Ji Xingfan saw her escape thought, kicked her quietly under the table, and said, "Why don't you talk, are you really angry? Oh, don't be so careful."

Is she the best person? Shen Qingyan thought secretly, then looked up at Ai Changhuan, and quickly turned his eyes away. Then he slowly said, "Yeah, it's better to Changhuan to comment, which one is more handsome?" a little."

Ai Changhuan wanted to be a peacemaker, so he said, "All are handsome, all handsome, and tied for first."

Ji Xingfan reached out and nodded Ai Changhuan's mind: "and mud, hate."

Ai Chang smiled.

Ji Xingfan had something to do, Shen Qingyan lost his mood, and Ai Changhuan was tired, so the three of them drank after drinking cold drinks.

Shen Qingyan was responsible for sending Ai Changhuan back because she said she was on the way.

Wen Yan Ji Xingfan just raised his eyebrows lightly, and then whispered to Shen Qingyan's ear, "I believe you will not dig the grave by yourself."

Because of this sentence, Shen Qingyan's heart seemed to be crushed by a big rock, and his heart was full of thoughts along the way.

Ai Changhuan carefully observed her face, and hesitated for a long time before asking: "Are you ... really angry?"

Shen Qingyan reluctantly smiled and said, "No, just suddenly, I'm a little tired."

"Oh," Ai Changhuan breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you were really angry with Xiao Fan, because you are a bit sullen. In fact, Xiao Fan has a tofu heart in her mouth, she just talks sometimes ... So that's a little bit, but she is nice, kind-hearted, and sincere, she has no bad eyes. "

Good-hearted? Treat people with sincerity? Shen Qingyan really wanted to sneer when she heard it. If Ai Changhuan knew what a good friend in her mouth was when she colluded with others, what expression would she have on her face, could she still laugh?

However, she couldn't say anything, because Ji Xingfan was right, even if she said that Ai Changhuan would not believe it, and she would lose the opportunity to approach Lu Zhanke. People are selfish. such. Besides, the person who really hurt Ai Changhuan was Ji Xingfan, not her.

Thinking like this, Shen Qingyan felt much better in her heart and smiled sincerely. She said, "Yeah, you are right, she is indeed a friend worthy of deep friendship. Thank you Chang Huan, I am today have a good time."

She kept suggesting that this was not robbing, but striving for her own happiness, and it was not shameful to fight for happiness. Besides, she obviously knew Lu Zhanke first. Why did she stay with him for so long, why did Ai Changhuan take him away? She is not reconciled!

When he got home, Shen Qingyan didn't come in and took a seat. He drove away immediately, leaving only Lu Zhanke at home.

Lu Zhanke had already recovered, and he had just arrived home not long, only 15 minutes earlier than Ai Changhuan.

When Ai Changhuan returned home, Lu Zhanke just came out of the bath, and when she saw her, she asked casually, "Go out?"

"Well, I went shopping with my friends and bought something." Ai Changhuan took out the perfume he bought and gave it to you. If you do n’t like it, you do n’t have to. "

Lu Zhanke took it for a look, and it turned out to be something he would not use. He asked, "Why do you buy this kind of thing? Is there any smell in me?"

Then he raised his hand and sniffed his arm.

Looking at his cute appearance, Ai Changhuan's heart was almost soft, and she wanted to pounce on him and rub him in his arms.

"Yeah, it smells." Ai Changhuan said deliberately, and then a fierce son pierced into the arms of Lu Zhanke, "I am manly."

Lu Zhanke held her shoulders, and smiled helplessly and indulgently, "You, really."

"Hey," Ai Chang smiled, "then I'll take a bath too."

In the bathroom, Ai Changhuan washed away her sweat. When she came out of the bathtub, she found that she had brought in the bottle of Dolce & Gabbana. After thinking about it, she decided to use it and opened the perfume bottle. She faced her I sprayed my neck twice. It tasted light and smelled very comfortable. Shouldn't Lu Zhanke find it?

When going to bed, as usual, she crawled over Lu Zhanke's legs, and then slept into the side of the bed.

Lu Zhanke was reading his magazine, because turning the pages was a bit inconvenient, so he read very slowly. When Ai Changhuan crawled over his leg, he smelled a special fragrance and the smell of the shower gel at home. Different.

He also looked at Ai Changhuan, but Ai Changhuan closed his eyes and looked ready to sleep.

He thought, maybe he smelled it wrong and maybe he shook his head. He continued to read his magazine and planned to go to sleep after reading this page.

However, the scent seemed to have magical power. He kept digging into his nose, and even disturbed him. He couldn't stand it. He threw the magazine aside and turned off the light, then approached Ai Chang Huan, ready to hug her to sleep.

And the special scent was getting stronger and stronger. He smelled it along the way, and unknowingly close to Ai Changhuan's neck. The tip of his nose slightly rubbed her neck, he whispered: "You are so fragrant."

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