"A fool, a fool, a fool, a futile man!" Another swearing from the land war, Ke Qi, "It's okay that you're crying, it hurts my heart to my throat. Are you trying to scare me to death?"

"I just thought ... if I had an accident ... I would never see you again ... It's sad that I cried ..." Ai Changhuan was aggrieved and embarrassed.

Marine Zhan Keqi bit her lip fiercely: "You little fairy, I really want to plant this life in your hands. I said you are fine, what did you run out of? I didn't look at you all at once Do n’t you just run around? I do n’t know if I need to see a traffic light when I cross the road? How many times have I told you? Do n’t take the risk. This time it ’s thanks to someone who saved you. I ’m so lucky. Do you know how serious the consequences are? Have you learned the lesson? Do you dare to be reckless next time? ”

"The responsibility is not with me this time. The driver was drunk and drunk ..." Ai Changhuan retorted softly, and she was standing on the sidewalk waiting for the green light, it was just facing away, who knew that suddenly She rushed out of a car and was scared to death.

Now think about the legs that are still a little weak.

Lu Zhanke squeezed her cheek again: "Don't you dare to argue? Do you think you are right?"

"... Not ..." Looking at the angry Zhan Ke, Ai Changhuan had no choice but to admit that he was wrong.

"Is that wrong? Are you afraid?" Lu Zhanke was really going to be mad at her. If it wasn't for the inconvenience of his hands, he must be holding her on his knees, and he would take a good meal. "Don't you remember long?"

"Wrong, I'm afraid, I have a long memory." Ai Changhuan answered the question of landing Ke Ke honestly, with a pitiful expression of "Please let go for life".

Marine Zhan Ke is angry, don't think that selling a cute man can be confused, he asked calmly, "Where is the one who saved you?"

"The person who saved me was Dr. Shen. She pushed me away and was hit by a car with a slight concussion. She is still lying on the bed." Ai Changhuan grabbed Lu Zhanke's hand and said earnestly, "I want to take her to our house and take care of her, okay?"

Lu Zhanke frowned subconsciously, but looking at Ai Changhuan's eyes, he could not directly refuse, but had to explain to her little by little: "Chang Huan, these are two different things. First, Dr. Shen rescued you, Our family is grateful for her. Any request she asks, if we can do it, she will do it immediately. Secondly, I can understand how you want to take care of her, but it does n’t have to be taken care of at home. It is very inconvenient at home. Do you understand?"

"But Dr. Shen has no relatives, no friends, and is lonely. How can I rest assured that she is at home alone? But it's a concussion. What if something happens?" Ai Changhuan was slightly dissatisfied with Lu Zhanke's decision.

"Then let her rest in the hospital, give her the best ward suite, ask her for the best nursing staff, and make sure it is more comfortable than staying in our house, and how long she wants to live. If you are not assured, you can do it every day Come to see her, but I will never agree to live in our house. "In short, Lu Zhanke was disgusted by strangers living in his own house.

"Why are you so cold-blooded? People have saved me. You left them in the hospital coldly. There is no human touch. I don't like you." It's too cold, let alone Shen Qingyan, but his own As for her friends, and she saved herself, she couldn't rest assured that she would stay in the hospital or her own house.

"Ai Changhuan, have you been trapped by the door?" Lu Zhanke was suffocated with speechlessness. "You let a pretty-looking woman live in your own home and face her husband all day and night. Are you afraid of something? "

"You're less here, do you think Dr. Shen is looking at you? People have long been sweethearts, okay, and more than ten years like a day, haven't changed their hearts. When you are a peerless beauty, they look at you more. I will abandon those who have loved you for more than ten years like you? "Ai Changhuan didn't worry at all, but thought that Lu Zhanke's idea was very funny. Of course, if she changed to another woman, she would definitely be wary. Yes, but that's Shen Qingyan. She has committed suicide for her sweetheart. How could she see the land warrior again? Besides, people are here to nourish, but not to fall in love. Lu Zhanke really thinks too much.

Lu Zhanke was extremely depressed, and he didn't know what Shen Qingyan had given Ai Changhuan's ecstasy, which convinced her that she didn't feel herself, and took her to her house with ease.

He frowned, looking strangely at Ai Changhuan: "Have you ever thought about that, in fact, the man doesn't exist at all, but just made up to lie to you?"

"Huh?" Ai Changhuan froze. "How is that possible? Why did she write a story to lie to me? What can I do to lie?"

"In order to make you feel relieved, you have successfully lived in our house and approached me?" Lu Zhanke reminded me so clearly, wouldn't Ai Changhuan still understand?

Of course, Ai Changhuan understands it, but just feels very funny: "Hey, Lu Zhanke, can you not be so narcissistic, even if I think you are handsome and good, I love what you love to die, but not everyone loves it You, you know? It ’s a story, and you ’re so funny. If she likes you, you ’ll be generous, and I wo n’t be afraid of her. I do n’t need such a lot of trouble, okay? ”

He almost forgot about the land battle of Ke Fuer. Ai Changhuan's brain circuit is a little different from normal people. She thinks normal people think normal, and she thinks normal.

Shen Qingyan's strange behavior seemed to her to be normal. He really wanted to knock her head to see what was inside.

"Actually, I didn't tell you something." In the end, Lu Zhanke decided to show up with Ai Changhuan directly, because he didn't know what to say.

"What?" Ai Changhuan didn't understand how he suddenly changed the subject.

Lu Zhanke's face was a little weird. After struggling for a while, he slowly said, "In fact, the person Shen Qingyan likes is me."

"..." Ai Changhuan's expression was very complicated. At first it was confused, then it was unbelievable, then the mouth twitched, and it turned out to be full of contempt, "Lu Zhanke, you are not saved, your self Love has penetrated into the bone marrow, and I am really speechless to you ... "

Lu Zhanke's face was black: "If you don't believe me, ask Shen Qingyan what the person she likes is. If it wasn't for me, I would agree with her to come to our house."

"Go and go!" Ai Changhuan patted the table and went to Shen Qingyan's ward again.

Seeing Ai Changhuan coming in, Shen Qingyan quickly asked: "How is Lu Zhanke?"

Seeing her so anxious expression, Ai Changhuan, who had been ignorant before, was suddenly stabbed. The dull emotional brain finally lighted up a vigilant red light. Instead of showing it directly, she slowed her pace, and in her heart After organizing the wording, he said, "He's fine, it's okay. Dr. Shen, you are such a good doctor. You care more about your patients than you care about your own body. Your former patients must be very happy. , Meet someone so nice you. "

The change of Ai Changhuan's expression was also noticed by Shen Qingyan. It was about her eagerness just to alert Ai Changhuan. She screamed badly in her heart. She accidentally attacked the grass, and her brain moved quickly, thinking How to answer to dispel Ai Changhuan's doubts.

Suddenly she thought about her speech, Yun Dan smiled lightly, and said, "That's because he is my first patient. If I can't cure him, wouldn't it have been smashed? With my own signboard, I also look forward to rising step by step based on my performance. "

Although this reason is reluctant, but also said that in the past, although Ai Changhuan's doubts have been dispelled, there is still doubt in her heart, because if Shen Qingyan's goal is really Lu Zhanke, she will not let her succeed Yes, it's her!

She smiled and said, "I just came up with a good idea. Didn't you say you couldn't find a reason to meet your sweetheart? Now the reason is not here? You can tell him that you are injured and let him Look at you, maybe he will stay to take care of you, after all, a man's hard heart will be soft to the injured woman.

"No need." Shen Qingyan said but refused. Facing Ai Changhuan's doubtful look, she quickly said, "I always feel nervous when facing him, and often say something inexplicable. You see me now I bumped my head. When I saw him, I didn't know what stupid things to say, and I still don't shame. "

"Dr. Shen, you are too sensible, and maybe what he likes is you who are a little confused and cute. Don't waste such a good opportunity." Ai Changhuan tried his best to persuade, because she really felt this way Yes, the second is that she wants to ask who Shen Qingyan's sweetheart is. If she has never refused to say that, then it proves that the man is really likely to be Lu Zhanke.

"This ..." Shen Qingyan said this was the first time she had seen such a stubborn Ai Changhuan, and she seemed to have another meaning in her words. Did she notice something? When did you show yourself?

While Shen Qingyan was vacillating, Ai Changhuan said again, "Cry over, yell over, I really want to see what kind of man the man who fascinated the great beauty Dr. Shen is. "

If you quit, it will become very deliberate, right? Maybe it will also cause her alert, but for a moment she couldn't think of anybody who could be arrested to impersonate her sweetheart. Former friends certainly couldn't be contacted anymore, because they all knew that they liked Lu Zhanke, and they were involved again. She was completely exposed to the past.

How to do how to do? Shen Qingyan grasped the sheets under him, and worked hard to think of a solution.

"What's wrong? Is it difficult?" Ai Changhuan had doubts in her heart. Is she really?

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