Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 158: Only you in my heart

Lu Zhanke directly sent Ai Changhuan upstairs and took a turn around the company, but found that Lu Zhanqing didn't come to work. He guessed that Lu Zhanqing came home suddenly yesterday, probably to let him come to work, but saw that he was still recovering. Jian, left without saying anything.

What kind of ghost is Lu Junqing doing, even if he is in love, he can't come to work all day?

After rehab, Shen Qingyan and eagerly wanted to go back with Lu Zhanke, but Lu Zheke said that he was going to pick up Ai Changhuan from work.

Shen Qingyan almost jumped again, wanting to say that he would follow suit, and he was afraid that he would meet Lu Zhanqing. In the end, he could only help Lu Ke to leave.

She found that she had no chance to be alone with Lu Zhanke, because as long as Ai Changhuan was there, Lu Zhanke would desperately go to her.

I have to find a way to transfer Ai Changhuan.

But she didn't know anyone in the company. What should I do? Finally, after much deliberation, she decided to make a call to Ji Xingfan. Didn't she say she can find her anything? Let her show her strengths.

When she received her call, Ji Xingfan still felt a little funny. She thought that Shen Qingyan could support some days more, but did not expect to be defeated so soon.

After hearing Shen Qingyan's request, Ji Xingfan quickly agreed, let her wait for her news, and also hinted that she had better gain something during the time when Ai Changhuan left, otherwise she really had to consider changing Partner.

In this regard, Shen Qingyan was also very annoyed: "Lu Zhanke only has Ai Changhuan in his eyes, and Ai Changhuan only has Lu Zhanke in his eyes. The relationship between the two of them is unbreakable, and I want to get involved.

Ji Xingfan groaned for a moment, but suddenly thought of someone: "Ai Changhuan had a former boyfriend, and he kept thinking about it before marrying Lu Zhanke. Lu Zhanke also knew this, and he seemed to mind too, I think you can start from Write articles here. "

"Next article? How?"

Ji Xing fan smiled sarcastically: "I have to come to think about what I still want to do with you, just fine it yourself? You can take care of it yourself, I have already paved the way for you, if you are a silly hat It ’s still uncertain, I really have to reconsider our partnership. "

Shamelessly shamed, Shen Qingyan was also frustrated, refusing to refute: "Then you tell me the information of the ex-boyfriend, otherwise how can I start!"

"I don't know. San'er never showed me a picture of that person or told me what that person was doing. I only knew that person was Qin Zhan."

Shen Qingyan immediately smiled ironically: "Aren't you her best friend? She didn't tell you everything."

Ji Xingfan snorted coldly: "Don't be ridiculous here, let's get the land battle Ke first, then let's hope I didn't look away."

Although Shen Qingyan made her very dissatisfied, she is the only person who can use it at present, otherwise she will not know how long she will wait next time.

Shen Qingyan also said coldly: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

Hanging up the phone, Ji Xingfan called her agent over and asked her if there had been any news that was bad for her.

The agent said that there was a media that was arrogantly proclaiming that she had been raised by the owner of gold, and fabricated a lot of so-called evidence.

Ji Xing grew up, then said he was going to ask a lawyer to sue them.

Brokers are a bit surprised, because this kind of news has come out before, but they all choose to turn a blind eye. After all, this kind of thing is notorious, it is a waste of time, and proof is difficult.

However, Ji Xingfan insisted that the agent had to discuss with the company for such a large matter, and she could not make such a hasty decision.

Ji Xingfan said she would get it over the company, and then called Bai Jin, who hadn't been contacted for a long time, and told him that his new movie was about to be released, and there was something to quarrel with. Someone just happened It's better to quarrel about her being detained.

Bai Jin was originally in a meeting. If Ji Xingfan had called in this time, he would definitely hang up, but this time he left the person in the conference room and went out to answer the phone.

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you call me for so long?" Bai Jin thought about it, Ji Xingfan hadn't called him for a long time. He thought she was in trouble.

Ji Xingfan said, "No, I'm busy."

This excuse Bai Jin didn't bother to tear it apart: "Let's have a meal together tonight, and then go to me."

Ji Xing was a bit tired, with a slight alienation in his tone: "Forget it, it's inconvenient recently. I'm just going to have a lawsuit with someone. Here I'm having dinner with you again. It's not good to be photographed."

"Well, wouldn't it be better if someone was photographed? If they said that I had fostered you, you would stand up and deny it. In my opinion, it would be more conducive to hype." Somehow, Bai Jin seemed a little impatient. , And this irritability comes from Ji Xingfan's attitude towards herself, she seems to have changed, she was not like this before.

"I'm not feeling well today and don't want to go." Ji Xingfan once again refused.

Bai Jin finally noticed something wrong: "Are you hiding from me?"

Ji Xingfan smiled: "You think too much, how could I do that? I do all this for you."

"I don't need you to do anything for me." He is omnipotent and doesn't need more.

Ji Xingfan said, "This is what I want. Who wants me to love you so much?"

"..." For a moment, Bai Jin didn't know how to answer.

"Well, that's it. I'll agree with you about the lawsuit." Ji Xingfan was about to hang up, but Bai Jin suddenly called out to her.

"Wait a minute."

Then Ji Xingfan had been waiting, but Bai Jin did not speak again, she did not speak, she just waited quietly, the quiet air flowed quietly between the two, but there was no sweetness in the past, only one left This kind of embarrassment and helplessness makes people unclear.

In the end, Ji Xingfan couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "Do you remember, how long have you never said you love me?"

Waiting for Bai Jin to answer, she hung up the phone quickly.

When the agent was deaf, he didn't hear everything.

Ji Xingfan refused to let her go, saying, "You just heard it, the big boss agreed."

"This ..." What about this subsequent operation? There is no lawsuit that can't be won in a year and a half.

Ji Xingfan smiled: "Don't worry, just make a fright and scare them. When the new movie is released, the hype will end. I won't really tell you. I'm not stupid."

After hearing what she said, the agent was finally at ease. She was afraid that she would really go to court with someone when she got serious, offending the media and not staring at you all day? People can not escape from doing wrong? If one day you go wrong and get caught by others, then you are really over.

Ji Xingfan also said: "Don't use someone from the company's legal department this time, I'll ask a lawyer outside."

The agent was anxious again: "Why?"

Obviously people in your company are better at it, right? Can someone outside know her?

Ji Xingfan just sneered and said, "Those bales ..."

The people in the company's legal department are really not strong enough. In the past several confrontations with Huaxing, no one has won others. It is no wonder that they have been held by others for so many years.

The agent was speechless, but did not want to continue arguing with her, so she had her, only thinking that she had to be extra careful this time, and nothing should be wrong.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Jin was silent for a long time. He was thinking about the meaning of Ji Xingfan's last sentence. Could he blame himself for being too busy lately and not accompanying her well? But he just invited her for dinner, but she refused. It should not be for this reason, it must be for something else.

As he was thinking, the secretary came over and reminded him that the major shareholders in the meeting room were still waiting and asked when he would return.

Bai Jin rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about putting these things aside first, and thinking later.

When he turned around, he turned around and asked his secretary to investigate what Ji Xingfan was doing recently, who he met, and what happened. Tell him all about him.

Because he felt that Ji Xingfan might change his mind.

In the afternoon, the secretary got the results of the investigation, and then he knew that Ji Xingfan was secretly dating a mysterious man recently, but who has not been investigated yet. He was going to hand over the report to Bai Jin. She stopped her heart. She not only forcibly snatched the results of the report, but also warned the secretary not to raise the matter with Bai Jin.

This company has three people in power. The first is Bai Dabo, Bai Jin's father, the second is Anniversary Heart, Bai Dabo's lover, and the third is Bai Jin.

Boss Bai has a well-known name. He rarely comes to the company. Anniversary heart has no name. She controls the absolute part of the company, but she is only a registered director and financial director. Difficult hard work to please.

More importantly, Anniversary caught the secretary's handle, knowing that he had embezzled a public fund. Although the amount was not large, it was enough for him to eat a few years.

So under the balance, he decided to tell Bai Jin that nothing was found. Ji Xingfan just hadn't got rid of the previous character yet, a little sentimental.

Anniversary of course knows who that man is, because she planned all this herself, and she arranged Ji Xingfan to approach the man. Therefore, this incident must not be let Bai Jin know until the day when it is done.

Ji Xing has long been tired of this kind of life. She has to hurt and deceive her friends when she struggles between two men. She is exhausted, so she will say such things.

If Bai Jin really understands her, why can't she understand her plight? She had been waiting for someone to redeem her. She thought that person would be Bai Jin, but waited and waited, but he just blamed himself for not having contacted him for so long. The others didn't care.

Such a day, she hopes to end as soon as possible, even if the end is overwhelming, she will never hesitate.

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