Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 167: Seeing her and other men with my own eyes

No overtime!

But Chang Huan always told him that the company asked for overtime and overtime. He didn't expect that she would lie, so he never thought about her in the past, even if he saw her eating with other men that day, he didn't ask anything.

But now, one by one the evidence was before him, and he had to doubt it.

Why did Chang Huan lie to him? She said she would call him that day and didn't call. Who was she with at that time?

"Hey, boss two? Why don't you talk? Anything else to ask?"

Lu Zhanke hung up the phone. Of course he still has to ask, there are many, many questions to ask.

After Ai Changhuan got off the plane, he drove immediately, and then Lu Zhanke's text message came in.

Seeing that Lu Zhanke said she was coming to pick up, she happily jumped three times in situ, even happier than eating a hundred skewers.

After taking the baggage, he hurried to the exit to find Marine Ke.

But no matter how she looked, she didn't find the figure of Lu Zhanke. Didn't he receive it, so he went back in advance?

After thinking about it, I still called and asked where Lu Ke is now.

Seeing the phone light up, Lu Zhanke hesitated and hesitated. He knew that he was in a bad state right now. He might reveal the stuff as soon as he answered the phone.

Suspicion turned into a thorn, deeply pierced into his heart, and one day he felt uncomfortable without pulling it out.

When he hesitated, the phone went dark again.

No one answered and the call hung up automatically.

Ai Changhuan was inexplicably disappointed.

Shan Xiao asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you just be happy to fly?"

Ai Changhuan lost his face: "Lu Zhanke said he would come to pick me up, but I didn't find him, and no one called."

Shan Xiao also looked around. He did not see Lu Zhanke. He thought about it and said, "Maybe it's waiting in a car outside, let's go out first."

There is no better way, Ai Changhuan has to agree.

Out of gentlemanliness, Shan Xiao automatically took the suitcase in her hand and said, "Let's go."

Because of the short-term business trip, Ai Changhuan only brought clothes for washing and some materials, and the materials were handed over. Now there are only clothes left in the box, which is very light. She was also embarrassed to ask Shan Xiao to help her take it, and said: Still not used, I'll get it myself. "

Shan Xiao said, "It's okay, let's go."

Two people clashed, Ai Changhuan couldn't grab Shan Xiao, so he could only hold it, and thanked him, "Thank you."

Shan Xiao smiled: "What are you polite to me?"

At this time, Lu Zhanke stood behind the pillar and came out. He did not want to hide, but he did not find that Ai Changhuan had come towards himself until he heard her voice and Shan Xiao's voice.

The words they spoke, and the inexplicable intimacy in the words, proved that their relationship was indeed extraordinary.

Lu Zhanke could not bear it, and finally moved up to catch up, no matter what, he had to ask clearly.

Suddenly he was strapped to his shoulders, and Ai Changhuan was startled, leaning subconsciously against Shan Xiao.

In fact, she didn't lean on it deliberately, only she walked on the left and Shan Xiao walked on the right. When her left shoulder was caught, she would involuntarily hide to the right, and then Shan Xiao stood on the right again, looking Seems to be hiding in Shan Xiao's arms.

Seeing Ai Changhuan's movement, Lu Zhanke's face couldn't help but turn black again.

After Ai Changhuan turned back, she found that the person who took her shoulder was the Marine Ke she thought she had gone back, so she was surprised and then happy. After three seconds of excitement, the whole person fluttered and said: " Lu Zhanke, you are really here, I am so happy. "

Her surprise seemed more like a shock to Lu Zhanke, as if she saw him who shouldn't have appeared here, and her belated happiness was more like a performance than from her heart.

And the body she rushed over, he didn't feel the warmth of the past, but the indescribable coldness.

"Lu Zhanke, you are so kind. I miss you so much, have you missed me?" Ai Changhuan didn't realize that Lu Zhanke was wrong, and kept expressing his feelings for him, "I found me I ca n’t live without you. I ca n’t live without you. ”

Although she often confessed, this is the first time she has said so naked.

But Lu Zhanke didn't respond. He took her shoulders and pulled her away from herself. He said coldly, "Well, go home."

Ai Changhuan looked at his dark face, and finally realized that he seemed to be in a bad mood. Is it because he didn't come back from the plane last night but took this morning?

You should blame Shan Xiao for this matter, and make your own claims without consulting her. Thinking of Ai Changhuan here, she glanced at Shan Xiao with great resentment, thinking that it was you, and it made my dear unhappy.

Shan Xiao was confused, thinking not that Xiaobie should win the wedding? Why do these two look the same?

And Lu Zhanke looked at his own eyes, full of anger, as if he was going to be burned to ashes in the next second.

He narrowed his neck and returned her to Ai Changhuan's suitcase. He said, "Well, since the second boss is here to pick you up, then I won't send you anymore, I ... I'll go back first."

Ai Chang cheerfully waved with him: "Goodbye, goodbye."

Lu Zhanke didn't speak. He pulled Ai Changhuan's suitcase around Shan Xiao and walked quickly, because the pace was too fast, and even brought a cold wind.

Shan Xiao sneezed sharply.

Ai Changhuan quickly chased after him: "Lu Zhanke, what are you doing so fast? Wait for me!"

Noisy finally got in the car, Ai Changhuan also asked Lu Zhanke: "What's wrong with you? Your face looks so scary, is it because you stay up late?"

Lu Zhanke said coldly, "No."

Ai Changhuan was relieved, patted his chest and said, "Oh, you finally spoke, do you know how scary you were just now? What's wrong, is it because I was angry late? Anymore? "

Lu Zhanke turned his face away without looking at her.

not talking? That's it?

Ai Changhuan quickly explained: "In fact, I wanted to come back last night, but Shan Xiao ..."

After thinking about it, it seems that it is not enough to push the responsibility to Shan Xiao alone, and he invited himself to eat so many delicious things.

After a pause, she said again, "Well, I admit that there is my own reason for this."

Lu Zhanke immediately glared, her eyes were like a knife, she even admitted so?

Lu Zhanke's eyes are too fierce. Ai Changhuan can only ask for mercy in order to survive: "But I really didn't mean it, dear, Lu Zhanke, forgive me?"

Lu Zhanke's face was completely black like the bottom of the pot, and the palm on his leg could not help but clenched again and again, the back of his hand had blue tendons, and he was struggling to suppress his anger.

She could not ask what she thought of at the moment. What else did she ask, did she admit it?

I'm afraid he'll be embarrassed if he asks again.

What does it mean for him to break through all this, maybe Ai Changhuan really took this opportunity to leave him, and then he will have nothing. When she stayed with him from the beginning, she was unwilling to do it. Even if it changed now, I was afraid that she would be a little reluctant. It wasn't that he thought too much, but that was the case. If she and Shan Xiao were really nothing, she could tell him directly that she was lying because there was something she didn't want to say.

So, can you only bear it?

He looked at Ai Changhuan's face, for a moment it was difficult to choose.

Forbearance, Ai Changhuan may still stay with him. If not, Ai Changhuan will leave.

He struggled and struggled. In the end, Ai Changhuan's importance overcame everything. He decided that if Ai Changhuan didn't mention it, he wouldn't know what to do, and just stay silent.

Ai Changhuan blinked: "What's wrong with you, it's been weird."

Lu Zhanke said, "Nothing."

"Okay." Ai Changhuan believed, and then talked about some things this time to go to City D, "The time is too fast, the schedule is too rushed, I haven't come here to take a good stroll, I wanted to give you You do n’t have time to buy some souvenirs. Do n’t be angry, I will remember it next time. ”

"I don't need it."

"I'll tell you, Shan Xiao is really good at others, and took me to eat a lot of delicious food." She found that she was a little bit enthusiastic about the food in City D.

Lu Zhanke frowned, he didn't expect Ai Changhuan to raise it so quickly, which made him have unprecedented fear.

"He also takes good care of me, I think you ..." You can consider giving him some pay.

Ai Changhuan was going to say this, but Lu Zhanke interrupted her sharply.

"Don't say it." He thought that Ai Changhuan was going to talk about her and Shan Xiao, and it was difficult to accept it for a while, so he couldn't help but interrupt it.

If he knows that Ai Changhuan is talking about processing capital, he will not only give Shan Xiao processing capital, but even fire him. It is possible that the dead boy will be so close to his wife!

"Uh ..." Frightened by Marine Zhan Ke's irritable mood, Ai Changhuan was a little speechless. "What's wrong with you, it's scary today."

"Nothing." Lu Zhanke endured it again.

Ai Changhuan quietly withdrew his arm in his arm, drew his clothes around, lowered his head and said, "You have been saying nothing tonight, but you still lose your temper ..."

"I didn't lose my temper!" Lu Zhanke's tone rushed again.

"You see, you also said that you didn't lose your temper, but you are so fierce." Ai Changhuan felt very wronged. She was so happy to see Lu Zhanke, but Lu Zhanke kept getting angry and shouting at her. This is unprecedented. of.

Thinking of calling him that day, but the person who answered it was Shen Qingyan, the little doubt in his heart could not help but swell a little, did he start to get tired of himself?

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