"Of course I'm here to take care of you." She fetched a clean towel again, and pressed Landing Ke's chest again, let him lie back, "Don't move, I will wipe your sweat."

Only then did Lu Zhanke find out that his shirt had been unbuttoned. He had a bad feeling and asked, "Is your clothes unbuttoned?"

Ai Changhuan hummed unhappy: "Not me, but Dr. Shen."

Lu Zhanke's brows deepened, and he finally realized that he had been secretly seized several times by Shen Qingyan, and his face couldn't help looking harder and harder.

He decided not to fall asleep in the rehabilitation room no matter how tired he was the next time he was rehabilitated, and he must go somewhere else.

Looking at his face that didn't seem very happy, Ai Changhuan's mood finally improved. After helping Lu Zhanke to dry his sweat, he fastened him again, and took the bag he brought over, and asked, " Can you go now? Let's find a place to eat. I made bento for you. "

And it's a luxury bento.

Lu Zhanke didn't want to stay here anymore, so he agreed with Ai Changhuan. The two found a clean lawn in the garden behind the hospital, took a tablecloth from the car, sat down on the mat, blowing the wind , Enjoying the beautiful scenery, eating good food, began the first camping for the two.

Ai Changhuan made five dishes and one soup, as well as other snacks, but she took special care of one of the dishes and kept secretly watching the expression of Lu Zhanke when eating that dish.

Her small movements were completely glimpsed by Lu Zheke. Whenever he extended his chopsticks to the plate of chestnuts and fried chicken, she would be extremely nervous, and his eyes were fixed on him, but he was still not very skilled at holding chopsticks in his left hand. Chestnuts can't be clipped, and only occasionally clip chicken pieces. This should be her newly learned dish. I have never seen her cook it before.

Lu Zhanke really guessed. When D chestnut fried chicken was eaten in City D, Ai Changhuan was thinking about going to give Lu Zhanke a try after returning, so she could n’t wait to do it today, she tried it. It's not bad, she thought to herself that she was still quite talented in cooking.

She took a chestnut and handed it to Lu Zhanke, saying, "Taste this, it is sweet and sweet."

Lu Zhanke bit his mouth open and didn't speak.

Ai Changhuan pondered his expression, and asked, "How about it?"

Lu Zhanke nodded: "It tastes good, and it has all colors and aromas."

Ai Changhuan immediately smiled happily and said, "I thought of you when I ate this dish in City D, and I knew you would like it, haha, I didn't really guess wrong."

Lu Zhanke's face sank a little. City D had formed a small thorn in his mind. When not mentioned, it was regarded as okay, but when it was mentioned, there was still a slight tingling sensation.

What is he going to say, it's really hard for you to say that, when you are with other men, can you still think of your husband?

How this sounds like what a sorrowful woman would say, a sour taste.

He couldn't say anything, so he didn't say anything.

Ai Changhuan looked at the blue sky, the white clouds, the trees, the flowers, and suddenly said to Lu Zhanke, "Lou Zhanke, when we will travel together."

The Marine Ke Jiacai acted, and then asked, "Where do you want to go?"

He wondered if he should treat her better, so good that she couldn't tolerate others.

"Well, this, it does n’t have to be a world famous place. I prefer some places with local characteristics, even if it ’s just a small town or a mountain. As long as there are enough fun places and enough delicious food, then It ’s okay. As for Maldives, Bali, I think, let ’s wait for the tenth and 20th anniversary of our wedding. ”I was a little excited when thinking about it, and Ai Changhuan could n’t wait to come and talk about it. After traveling, she immediately moved her body, sat next to Lu Zhanke, and coquettishly arrived, "How about, okay? When your hands are okay, let's go okay? Don't tell me if you're busy with work Time, so many people in your army stand up, but I am the only one of you. If you are not with me, no one will be with me. "

She talked a lot, and only one sentence poked at the heart of Lu Zhanke. She said that she had to wait for the tenth anniversary and the twentyth anniversary of her wedding anniversary to travel. Can they really go that far? No, it should go further. There are 30, 40, 50 years, countless days and nights. Ai Changhuan can only be his. Anyone who tries to get close to Ai Changhuan will kill all. amnesty!


"Don't just laugh, please answer me, okay?" Ai Changhuan was anxious in his heart, and urged Landing War to give the answer quickly.

Lu Zhanke finally nodded and said, "OK."

After receiving a positive answer, Ai Changhuan smiled with satisfaction, but childishly stretched out her fingers to check out Lu Zhanke: "Hold out your hand, and you must abide by the hook. You must not regret it."

Marine Zhan Ke had no choice but to follow suit.

Ai Changhuan was happy for a while, and fed him three chestnuts in succession, and then said, "I told you, when you're outside, don't let you take off your clothes, you know? Do you think about the scars on your body? Scar, how scary it is to scare others, right? "

Listening to the sour words, Lu Zhanke's mood got better and better. He tickled his lips and asked, "Did you mean Dr. Shen?"

Ai Changhuan's face burst into red for a moment. She coughed uncomfortably, her eyes ducked and said, "Who ... who said I meant her, and the others I referred to were other people who didn't know, such as children Ah, people with a weak heart like the elderly, don't get me wrong, don't think about it. "

Lu Zhanke nodded: "Well, I know, I will leave all your clothes to take off."

"Well, take off yourself." The two noisy and reconciled.

What Lu Zhanke wanted was very simple. All he wanted was Ai Changhuan's attention.

After the two were reconciled, they were more tired and crooked than before. The small movement of touching the small hand and the small face continued. When Shen Qingyan stood at the window of the inpatient department and looked down, two eyes burst into flames.

With the incident in the rehabilitation room, Ai Changhuan's vigilance as a woman finally improved a bit, and she no longer foolishly asked Lu Zhanke to treat Shen Qingyan and Yan Yue with special attention, and even paid special attention to not leaving him too much. Although it seems a little careful when spending time alone, there is nothing wrong with defending your husband and his marriage.

And Lu Zhanke was very pleased that she finally knew that she was jealous and guarded against Shen Qingyan. He didn't need to remind him painstakingly, and he didn't have to work hard to hide Shen Qingyan, because Ai Changhuan saw him Very tight, almost inseparable.

After two days of being extremely tired and crazily sweet, it was Monday again. This time, the Marine Ke offered to send Ai Changhuan to work and Ai Changhuan never refused.

And Lu Zhanke sent Ai Changhuan to the company for a purpose, he had to go and see what the boy Xiao Shan wanted to do.

Seeing Lu Zhanke coming to the company, Shan Xiao was still a little excited, because Lu Zhanqing didn't come to work today. Although the company is still operating as usual, it always feels like a leader.

Lu Zhanke entered his office, then called Shan Xiao into it.

He first expressed his concern for the employees' life and work, and then asked about his personal feelings, and asked if he had a girlfriend or someone he liked. When the boss was young, he planned to get married.

When being called into the office by Lu Zhanke, Shan Xiao thought he was talking about work, and he was ready to show his skills at any time, but Lu Zhanke only brought about his work and the focus was on him. In his emotional life, he murmured in his heart. The second boss hardly came to the company. There must be important things when he came. Does he have any deeper meaning? Is this why I want to promote myself? After all, married people have many advantages over unmarried people in many ways.

Thinking of his upcoming promotion and salary increase, Shan Xiao was even more excited. He immediately patted his chest and said, "If you send me any difficult task, I can sacrifice everything for the company. I have not been married in the last five years. Intended. "

Lu Zhanke finally managed to keep his peaceful face cracked. He almost jumped up and grabbed the kid's collar and violently beat him. If you get married, you will get married. Whatever, if you do n’t get married within five years, I ’m looking forward to my divorce within five years.

After taking a deep breath three times, Lu Zhanke reluctantly squeezed a smile, saying, "Young people, do n’t waste your business because of public affairs. I think the family ’s influence on a person ’s work is also great. Men with a family also have a stronger sense of responsibility and the company I do n’t want to take up too much of your personal time for you to work overtime. You can go out and ask for something when you are fine. Do n’t delay your life-long events because of business affairs, do you think? ”

His voice was still a little deeper in the last four words.

This time, Shan Xiao understood that he wanted a married rather than unmarried man, but he did n’t even have a target for development. If he got married all at once, he would be too late, right?

It's one thing to be too late, but it's another to make a statement. He immediately said, "I see. Thank you, boss two for mentioning."

Lu Zhanke was very satisfied with his so engaging performance: "It's okay, you can go to work."

Out of the door, Shan Xiao went to the Legal Department. When he walked to the door of the Legal Department, he paused for a while, then stood there and looked inward, intending to find a suitable girlfriend for himself.

This is too old-fashioned, and a bit boring.

This is married, it's gone.

Although this is okay, it is clear that there is already a boyfriend who is still dead and will not admit it.

He is too young to be 21 years old. He doesn't want the old cow to eat tender grass.

This is beautiful, funny, and has the same hobbies as herself, and she is also of suitable age. Unfortunately, her husband is a land warrior!

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