Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 173: You let go of Marine Ke

Lu Zhanke said, "Sister, please, please let me go. What do you like about me? I still can't change it?" Stop pestering me anymore.

Shen Qingyan slammed the door angrily, Jin Bo fell down on the sofa with a loss of energy, and did not know what expression was on his face. Some were sad, some regretted, but more were relieved.

Forget it, it's so far away. After more than ten years of entanglement, he is also tired.

Seeing this, Meng Yue could not help but comfort her: "If she is not blind, she will find you good, and will definitely come back to you after discovery."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the box was pushed open.

Everyone looked conditionedly toward the door, thinking in their hearts, I will go, will not really come back, right?

The figure of the man behind the door slowly appeared in front of everyone, and looked inside, as if he found out when he said happily, "It really is here, Chang Huan, am I not late?"

This frightening commodity turned out to be Shan Xiao. Looking at his ignorant and bright face, Ai Changhuan couldn't help but help him, brother, you will really choose the opportunity to appear.

Looking at everyone's strange faces, Shan Xiao scratched his head and said, "Isn't it about eight o'clock? I shouldn't be late, now it's 7.59: 35."

"Well," Meng Yue couldn't help but laughed out. "Funny."

Meng Yi said: "It is really a good match with the big brother, a big funny ratio, a small funny ratio."

Ai Changhuan didn't mind joking with them, and sat down with some sullenness. She was a little confused now. It seemed that besides Jin Bo and Shen Qingyan who lied to her, there was also Lu Zhanke.

When Lu Mingke met for the first time, Lu Zhanke recognized Shen Qingyan, but pretended not to know him. The words he said were not narcissistic, but real.

Everyone knows the inside story. Only she was blinded by a drum like a fool, and she looked at Lu Zhanke stupidly. In the eyes of others, she must have looked like a poor clown at that time.

Lu Zhanke wanted to explain, but many people looked at it. It was not a good time to speak. He finally said, "I have something to say with Chang Huan, let's go back first and invite everyone to dinner another day."

He pulled Ai Changhuan out, but Ai Changhuan let go of his hand, his eyes full of distrust.

"Let's go back, and I'll explain it to you after you go back?"

Ai Changhuan stood motionless as if he hadn't heard it.

Marine Zhan Ke had no choice but to go outside first.

Ai Changhuan hesitated for a while, and eventually followed the lead of the battle, and went out.

As Ai Changhuan passed by, Shan Xiao quickly rushed over and said in her ear: "I have something very important to tell you, we will come out to meet you tomorrow."

Ai Changhuan didn't understand what he said at all, only nodded indiscriminately.

Everyone I know has left, and the rest are completely unknown. In the eyes of everyone's inquiry, Shan Xiao said a little crazily: "So what, then I'm gone, goodbye everyone."

Then he went out too busy.

Meng Yue said, "It's kind of cute."

Meng Yi said with a sigh, "Hey, a good blind date would be messed up like this. The poor blind date men and women just went home without even having time to introduce themselves."

Meng Yue said, "Did you see him?"

Meng Yi thought for a while, and said, "If you look handsome, you don't know how kung fu."

Meng Xian patted the table: "Girls, can you pay attention when talking? Can you talk about such a private topic on the bed? Even if you don't put me in your eyes, don't you see that there are two Are the grandpas here? "


Meng Yi looked at Meng Xian with an almost idiot's gaze: "We are talking about fighting and kung fu, who said it was kung fu on the bed? The one with impure thoughts is you?"

Meng Xian was embarrassingly complacent.

Meng Yue said: "Don't do this kind of blind date for us in the future. Forgive you once in the other person's face, and forgive us again next time."

Meng Xian subconsciously went to Ke Yisheng and hid, and said, "Who ... who said this was a blind date? That person was a friend of Chang Huan and asked to come and play together."

Meng Yi sneered, "Is that so? Do you dare to stand up and say?"

Meng Yue said, "I have only heard that dead ducks have hard mouths. I did not expect dead peacocks to have hard mouths."

Meng Xian immediately held Ke Yisheng's waist and shouted, "Xiao Sheng saves me!"

Jin Bo finally returned to God and said, "Forget it, don't make a noise. Everyone is going away. Go back to your house and find your mother."

It makes sense that the protagonists are gone. It is boring to stay here, so let's go home and go to sleep.

When he went out, Meng Xian was still comforting Jinbo: "It's okay, don't be sad, there is no grass in the world, and there is a world in April. You see me, I have given up Shen Qingyan and nourished it. Such beauties have been dating, and I don't know how happy they are to live, haha ​​... "

Meng Yue couldn't help but vowed: "Don't bring bad Jin brother, we have such a bad figure in our Meng family."

"Uh ..." Meng Xian's head was knotted. "Wait a second, why do you think there is something wrong with this statement? What's wrong, Xiaosheng do you know?"

Ke Yisheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and stuffed him directly into the car, then asked the driver to send the noisy peacock home as soon as possible.

Meng Yi and Meng Yue also followed, leaving him and Jin Bo.

He squinted and asked, "Do you want a drink together? I don't have anything else here, but there is enough wine."

Jin Bo said, "Let's go."

Besides Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke, the two got on the car one after the other. Although both were sitting in the back seat of the car, the two were separated by a long distance. Ai Changhuan didn't want to take care of Lu Zhanke, so after getting on the car He kept turning his head to look out the window, but did not look at Lu Zhanke.

Lu Zhanke had misery, and he did not arrange this. He did not expect that Shen Qingyan would become more and more crazy. Besides, he did not seem to have done anything wrong except to hide Ai Changhuan's own knowledge of Shen Qingyan. When Shen Qingyan tried to approach himself, he refused in every possible way, and had never done anything to apologize to Ai Changhuan.

He tried to talk to Ai Changhuan several times, but was rejected by Ai Changhuan. Not only did she refuse to talk to him, but she also refused to have any visual contact with him.

The two went home silently all the way. As soon as they entered the house, they saw Wu Ma running up and hurriedly, saying, "Master No.2, Grandma No.2, I just didn't know what happened. Dr. Shen suddenly came back to pack and left, I asked What happened to her? She said she would come back one day. Did something happen? "

Upon hearing that, Ai Changhuan was almost going to anger. She gave Lu Zhanke a stern look and said, "Ask him well, he knows very well that everyone else is a fool!"

Then went upstairs in anger.

Wu Ma was startled. This was the first time she had seen Ai Changhuan so angry.

"Master Er, did you quarrel with Grandma Er?"

Lu Zhanke said a little embarrassingly: "It's okay, just a little temper, I'll just coax."

After speaking, I hurried up.

Ai Changhuan looked really angry, even throwing her favorite scarf directly on the ground, and stepping on it with one foot.

Lu Zhanke quietly glanced at her face, only one glance felt her irresistible anger. He cleared his throat and said, "Chang Huan, don't be angry, listen to me first."

Ai Chang glared at him angrily: "Okay, then you explain it, explain it little by little to me. If you don't explain it clearly, you can kneel on the remote control, change it to another station, and change it to another station. . "

Lu Zhanke's face was drawn. I never expected that Ai Changhuan, who had always been gentle and pleasant, would have such a violent day, but ...

"What am I going to explain?" He didn't seem to know where to start, because there were so many broken things happening these days.

"What?" Ai Changhuan exploded as soon as he heard these words. "You don't even know where you went wrong? There is no good faith in this explanation. I refuse to negotiate with you. You kneel on the remote control consciously. Right. "

Lu Zhanke hurriedly said, "Wife and wife, you misunderstood. I didn't mean that. I just got a little confused now. I don't know where to start. Otherwise, would you give me a hint? A small tip would be fine?"

Ai Changhuan sneered, "My brain is a bit messy. My brain is also a mess. You all know it, but no one says it. Only I am like a fool. Is it fun to see my joke? "

"Chang Huan, I didn't mean to lie to you. When Shen Qingyan first came to our house, I recognized her, but in my eyes, she is just a long time I haven't seen or even want to see her again. Yes, even strangers who are not even friends, I thought, since it is a stranger, there is no need to tell you that I know her. If I know that so many things will happen later, I will definitely be the first time Tell you. "Lu Zhanke shouted in a good voice, at this moment he completely turned into a wife and slave, no longer the image of wise and mighty before.

For his explanation, Ai Changhuan was not very satisfied, and the fire that had already fallen was re-hooked by his last sentence: "What do you mean, do you want to say that I am a fool? Did you even lead the wolf into the room? When I ran before and after Shen Qingyan, did you think in your heart, look, is she really a fool? "

"No, no, I never thought so, why would I think so?"

"Walk away, don't touch me." Ai Changhuan waved the Marine Zhan Ke stretched out and wanted to hold her hand, said angrily: "If you reminded me at the beginning, I would not do that later What a silly thing, and I won't be so passive today, totally like a fool, I don't understand anything. "

Lu Zhanke thought, I reminded you, and I reminded you more than once, but you did n’t understand.

But he didn't dare to say this, but said: "Then I tell you now, tell you all, okay?"

Then Lu Zhanke told the story of him, Shen Qingyan, and Jin Bo for more than ten years.

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