Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 179: Don't stop

At this moment, the mobile phone on the bed suddenly rang, and the two of them moved together for a while, and looked at each other for a while.

Lu Zhanke reached out with a calm face and took the cell phone. He had to see which one was so late and called.

Take a look at the phone, the two large characters of Shan Xiao appear on the screen of the mobile phone, flashing, showing off!

Lu Zhanke gritted his teeth and was about to throw the phone out, but Ai Changhuan reached out and took the phone again, saying, "It's so late, the senior is calling, maybe there is something wrong."

Lu Zhanke took a deep breath, then buried his head in Ai Changhuan's shoulder socket, and did not speak again.

Ai Changhuan connected the phone, then accidentally turned on the speakerphone, and Shan Xiao's noisy voice immediately rang in the quiet room.

"Chang Huan, didn't I tell you that I had something to tell you last time? I was still waiting for you to call me, but you have n’t heard from me. I ca n’t help but want to tell you today, that, Last time, the girl who said we were cheating in Shuiqiu Square, I met her again today, no, this is the second time I met her. The last time I was in the emperor, I asked her to hand in the photo When she came out, she ransomed 100,000 with me. She was so ambitious that she dared to blackmail the lawyer. I will take her to the police station tomorrow morning. Would you like to come? "

When I heard Shan Xiao ’s words, Ai Changhuan could n’t help the amount of money. This idiot and Shui Qiu Square was only known by the two of them. Now it ’s so embarrassing. All she had to think was how to explain to Lu Zhanke.

Shan Xiao is still there: "How are you, can you come?"

Ai Changhuan held her phone close to her lips, and then yelled, "Go!"

Then Lisuo hung up the phone, and Lu Zhanke looked up at her with an uncertain look.

Ai Chang threw the mobile phone happily, and explained to Lu Zhanke, "Husband ... husband, you listen to me, things are not like that, you listen to me explain."

Lu Zhanke's breath suddenly cooled down, he rolled over and lay beside Ai Changhuan, silent.

"Husband ..." Ai Changhuan had already scolded Shan Xiao in her heart. Why did she just call at this time? Why did she say such a thing and she was cheap? Why should she answer the call? How difficult it is to wait for this opportunity.

Lu Zhanke sighed and said, "No need to explain, I believe in you."

How could he not believe that when he saw that newspaper, he didn't ask anything and chose to believe. Now even after hearing one of the parties admit it, he still chooses to believe because he loves her too much.

"Do you believe it?" Ai Changhuan was surprised. "Do you really believe me?"

"Of course." Lu Zhanke answered with certainty.

"That ..." Ai Changhuan hesitated, then rushed up again, "let's continue ..."

Lu Zhanke touched her arm and said, "Forget it, it's late. That's it for today, OK?"

"But ..." Ai Changhuan was a little reconciled. "It's not too late, let's just continue it. Come, let me kiss you first ..."

Lu Zhanke stopped her crying and laughing: "Okay, don't make trouble, go to sleep."

Seeing Lu Zhanke being so resolute, Ai Changhuan was not good enough to wrap his face and land on Zhan Ke. She rolled over from him and lay obediently, holding his arm, leaning against his shoulder, and fell asleep.

When Ai Changhuan woke up the next day, Lu Zhanke was gone, and there was a faint sound of water in the bathroom. She wondered why Lu Zhanke got up so early.

Sitting on the bed in a daze, the bathroom door was suddenly opened, and Lu Zhanke leaned his head out and was about to go out. After facing Ai Changhuan, he took a look, then retracted and rushed back to Ai Changhuan. He said, "Chang Huan, you're awake. Help me get a bathrobe. I forgot to bring it in."

"Oh." Ai Changhuan finally understood why Lu Zhanke was retracting, because it was because she wasn't wearing a bathrobe, and she laughed at Lu Zhanke when she got out of the bed and went to the cloakroom. Did n’t you see it, what do you hide? ”

Lu Zhanke laughed in the bathroom: "I'm not shy, I'm afraid you look shy, or I'll come out now?"

"Don't worry, I'm afraid of you. I'll take you a bathrobe now." Ai Changhuan really was afraid that Lu Zhanke would wear nothing.

She took a bathrobe out of the closet, and suddenly something fell out. Ai Changhuan snorted, then bent down to pick it up, and opened it to a newspaper, the newspaper itself. No wonder, it's strange why this newspaper is here.

Is there anything special?

Ai Changhuan spread out the newspaper. The first few pages were nothing special. On the last page, I introduced the scenic features of City D, as well as the Water Autumn Square, and her and Shan Xiao's intimate group photo.

Coupled with that title, anyone who reads this newspaper will think she and Shan Xiao are a pair.

The date of the newspaper was the day she returned from City D, and in this room, only she and Lu Zheke would come in, which means that the newspaper was hidden here by Lu Zheke.

It turned out that he knew that day, so he was unhappy. As a result, he didn't ask anything. Last night, Shan Xiao called and he still believed in her unwaveringly.

This kind of land battle Ke, I am afraid there is no second in this world, if, just give up like this, she will regret it in her life.

Holding the newspaper, Ai Changhuan's heart was full of emotions for a while.

"Chang Huan, did you bring your clothes?" Lu Zhanke still shouted in the bathroom.

"Oh ... come ..." Ai Changhuan hid the newspaper back to where he was, and then pretended that nothing had happened and went towards Marine Zhanke.

Ai Changhuan was waiting at the door of the bathroom while he was wearing clothes, thinking about what to do next.

When Lu Zhanke came out, she felt a little strange when she saw her, "What's wrong, do you want to use the bathroom too?"

"No," Ai Changhuan lowered his eyes and thought, then said, "I have something today, I may not be able to accompany you to the hospital, can you go by yourself?"

Something? Lu Zhanke thought of the phone that made him sullen, and frowned unconsciously.

Ai Changhuan seemed to understand what he thought, and smiled happily, saying, "I'm not looking for a senior, I'm looking for a grandfather, and I haven't seen him for a long time."

Hearing Ai Changhuan's words, Lu Zhanke's brow flinched and said, "Okay, when will you end, and I will pick you up then."

"No, I don't know when I will be there, anyway, I must be back before dinner, okay?" Ai Changhuan stood up, approached Lu Zhanke, and put his hands on Lu Zhanke's chest. Never ... "

Let other women **** you away.

Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow, wondering why she said something strange.

Ai Changhuan just looked at him and laughed. After breakfast, the two separated and went out.

Ai Changhuan did not lie. She did go to find Ai Ai, but it was for the sake of land battle.

In front of the door, Ai Changhuan has called Mr. Ai and said he had something to do with him. After all, this is a private matter, so it is better to talk at home, so Grandpa Ai did n’t go out and waited for her at home.

Arriving at Ai's house, Ai Changhuan went straight to the study. Father Ai was already working, and when she saw her come in, she hurriedly put down her documents and greeted her.

"Xiaohuan, what's wrong?"

"Grandpa," seeing his grandpa, Ai Changhuan was also troubled, "You have to help me."

"Help, Grandpa must help you. What did you say first? Wasn't the Marine Kona kid bad for you?"

"It's not Lu Ke, it's someone else." Ai Changhuan told Mr. Shen Qingyan what he said, and finally said, "She wants me to let out Lu Ke, I can't agree, so please ask Grandpa to see if you have There is no way. "

Hearing that Ai Changhuan said, Father Ai was very angry. He patted the table and was angry: "This man is so brave, he grabbed my granddaughter and grabbed him."

Ai Changhuan said: "She said that she can cure the arm of Lu Zhanke, so we can't move her for the time being, but I don't want to sit still, I already have two solutions in my heart. The first is to find an expert and send someone I went to Shen Qingyan ’s research institute in the United States. I do n’t believe that she alone can come up with a treatment plan. A colleague who works with her in the United States may also be able to get it. Remedies, no matter what is useful, always try it. The second solution is actually a backup solution. If it doesn't work, you can only use special methods to let her hand it over. "

In short, we must never give up to Shen Qingyan.

The reason why she did not go to Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu was because they were found by Shen Qingyan, and because they could no longer be contacted after traveling, so she could only use the power of Ai Family.

Mr. Ai nodded his head: "Be assured, I will send someone to investigate the details of the woman, and I will inform you as soon as I have news."

"Grandpa, thank you." After the formal talk, Ai Changhuan's nervousness finally relaxed a little, and he flew into the arms of Grandpa Ai again and flirted.

Grandpa Ai patted her on the back and said, "Stupid boy, thank you, Grandpa is your baby granddaughter, who doesn't help you. Just stay here for lunch at noon, Grandpa will let you prepare more for you Dishes. "

Because he had greeted Lu Zhanke in advance, Ai Changhuan agreed without hesitation.

Mr. Ai still had some documents to deal with. Ai Changhuan returned to his room. After thinking about it, he contacted his former friends and classmates again and asked them if they knew experts in this area. Kind, as long as you contact her immediately, she will thank you again.

In addition, experts from major orthopedics and rehabilitation departments of major hospitals are invited to come to the consultation to see if they can come up with a feasible treatment plan.

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