Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 206: Love delusion

Shen Qingyan's complexion changed and turned purple for a while, it looked beautiful. Looking at Feng Jinghe's face, she had a regret in her heart. If she was not so cold, maybe she Will really marry him, then she is also the wife of the president of the listed company, but unfortunately at that time, she was not willing to be the wife of a researcher at the institute, so it was for this reason that Feng Jinghe left the institute herself Go out and start a business?

If ... if there is another chance ... she might choose Feng Jiehe. Although she doesn't love him, at least she won't fight like a chicken.

But if there is so much in life, if you miss it, you miss it.

She sneered: "Meaning, do you really want to be so unwilling to give me a penny of alimony? If I go to the test and prove that I have been raped, it is not so easy for you to want to get married. "

"I am very sorry for your encounter. If you are going to conduct an appraisal, I totally agree with it. I will not appeal to the court at that time." This is his final kindness to her. He does not want to do too much. Although she had no trace of repentance.

Shen Qingyan angrily waved all the photos on the coffee table to the ground and yelled angrily: "You go out to me, I don't want to see you."

Feng Jinghe slowly took out a business card and put it on the coffee table, and then wrote his current phone number on the back of the business card: "Although I don't know if you have saved my phone, I will give you a spare one. OK, call me after you think about it, and I will ask a lawyer to prepare a divorce agreement. You can think about what conditions you want to mention first. "

Shen Qingyan had turned around and made it clear that he didn't want to talk anymore. When Feng Jinghe went away, she was smashed by other things on the office table.

When threatening Ai Changhuan in the past, she thought it was so cool to look at the other party's inability to struggle, but she was very capable, but now, the incapable person has become herself, and she is really about to collapse, and all this It's all because of the woman Ai Changhuan, she won't let go of her, even if it's all done together, she won't let go of her!

Of course, Shen Qingyan would not give up so easily. She has nothing left now, and there is nothing she can not do. Whether it is Ai Changhuan or Feng Jinghe, who dares to betray her, she will not let go of it. .

Feng Jinghe hasn't inquired about his address for the time being, so she can only pick up Ai Changhuan first.

Because of these resentments in her heart, she didn't want to go to work, she just walked away silently, then went home and drove the car near Ai Changhuan's house, monitored her every move, and waited for Ai Changhuan when she came out alone. Rushing over, huh, she didn't believe that Ai Changhuan could not be killed.

I don't know if she's too lucky or her resentment is too strong, Ai Changhuan went out this afternoon, and Lu Zhanke hasn't been with her.

Ai Changhuan went to see Feng Jinghe, so of course Lu Zhanke couldn't accompany her. Now Feng Jinghe is equivalent to her savior in her mind. Does the savior say she wants to have afternoon tea without her?

The two met at a tea restaurant. In fact, Feng Jinghe wanted to find someone to talk about his own mind. He was very depressed by Shen Qingyan. I do n’t know how the diligent and aggressive woman became Now this horror looks like it.

Lu Zhanke naturally did not rest assured that Ai Changhuan went out alone. The abduction in City C before was enough to make him frightened. Therefore, Ai Changhuan would send the driver with the most skilled driving skills at home and the best driver. Ai Changhuan has repeatedly told him to protect Ai Changhuan's personal safety.

Ai Changhuan got on the car after saying goodbye to Lu Zhanke. As soon as the car drove out, Shen Qingyan followed, and she thought she followed carefully, but was discovered by the driver after a while.

Because it ’s a very ordinary private car, it has n’t been modified or installed, and it does n’t look like a terrorist. The driver asked Ai Changhuan, “Little grandma, there is a car that has been following us all the time. You have seen it. That car? "

Ai Changhuan looked back, because she was too far away to see the driver, and the car was everywhere on the street. It was nothing special. Even if she knew it, she mistakenly thought she had seen it elsewhere. "Maybe the same road."

"Do you want to get rid of it?" The driver reminded, "maybe someone who hates you ..."

Resentful? Ai Chang thought for a while. He never took the initiative to blame people. If he really wanted to say who he had offended recently, it would only be Shen Qingyan, would it be her? Speaking of which, her car also seems to be of this style and color. She also took her car to see Ji Xingfan.

"Wait for a chance to reduce the speed of the car. When the car approaches, I will take a closer look and don't let the other party find out."

"Got it."

At the next intersection, there will be a traffic light. The driver quietly slows down the car and estimates the time when the red light will appear.

Shen Qingyan, staring at Ai Changhuan, did not notice any tricks in the driver of her car, so the distance between the two cars was getting closer and closer, waiting for Ai Changhuan When the car stopped because of a red light, Shen Qingyan had to step on the brakes hard, but the car still taxied forward for some distance, so when the car stopped, there were less than five meters between the two cars. Distance, Ai Changhuan naturally recognized the Shen Qingyan driving.

If she has something to find herself, just call and ask her to come out to meet her. There is no need to follow this set. Since she chose to follow this unseen means, it means that what she wants to do is not good.

For her own good and for Shen Qingyan, she couldn't meet her again.

So when the green light was about to turn on, Ai Changhuan said to the driver, "Get rid of her."

I hope she won't make any crazy moves.

This road is all roads, there are no trails or alleys, and there is not much traffic. If you want to dump it, it is not easy to dump it. You can only wait to enter the city.

Seeing that Ai Changhuan's car didn't want to speed up, Shen Qingyan said with a sigh of relief. She thought she had been discovered by Ai Changhuan, but she was relieved too early.

After entering the city, the driver turned left and right three or two times and ran away. However, Shen Qingyan lost it in a blink of an eye. She was so anxious that she failed unwillingly and drove the car anxiously. Moving forward, she didn't believe she couldn't find Ai Changhuan.

After she drove a certain distance forward, Ai Changhuan's car came out of the back road, then drove to the opposite place of Shen Qingyan, and just threw her away so easily.

Feng Jinghe was waiting there when Ai Changhuan arrived at the coffee shop. She looked at her watch, alas, two seconds later than the agreed time, if that was too late.

Seeing Ai Changhuan, Feng Jinghe got up and greeted her, clarified her position, and then when Ai Changhuan came over, the gentleman helped her to open the chair for her to sit down, um, all of this It ’s all normal, the next thing is to ask you what to drink and then Ai Changhuan orders some coffee he usually drinks and by the way the weather and road conditions, but the first sentence of Feng Jinghe is: "I think that The waiter definitely likes me because she has been here several times and asked me if I want to order something. I observed that she came to my table most often. You said, was she deliberately trying to talk to me? "

"..." Ai Changhuan looked at the table in front of Feng Jinghe, only a glass of boiling water.

She smiled stiffly and said, "Maybe, but let's just order something first."

"OK, because you haven't come yet, I have nothing to order," Feng Jinghe explained.

Ai Changhuan flipped through the menu, then looked up at Feng Jinghe and smiled: "In fact, you can click first, it doesn't matter."

"No, I have to wait until you order."

"Why?" Is this an American custom?

"Because I want to point you the same." Feng Jinghe answered.

Ai Changhuan glanced at him, thinking that this joint competition was really interesting. He was invincible and indifferent in the mall. He never refused to lose, but he was pure and natural in life. After the people in the hall came in, the first reaction was to see what was on the table of other people. Later, you can refer to yourself, and by the way, order a copy for the companion who has not come, so that you will not appear ignorant. It can also indicate that he really understands the emotional quotient.

But after Feng Jinghe came, he did not follow the trend, but asked for a glass of boiling water, and then waited honestly.

Think about it this way, he does have something special about him.

However, before she finished admiring her, Feng Jinghe said, "Because I want to know what you like to eat and drink, and then see how your taste is."

Ai Changhuan slipped three black lines on his forehead: "Mr. Feng, I don't think this has anything to do with taste, but only to taste. Everyone's taste is different."

Well, just sighed when she didn't say that everything was an illusion.

"Then look at your taste." Feng Jinghe stared at Ai Changhuan's hand eagerly to see what she was going to order.

With his eyes staring like that, Ai Changhuan felt a great deal of pressure. Every time he turned the menu, he felt that Feng Jinghe's sight swept around his hand like a searchlight.

With a black line on his face, Ai Changhuan ordered a cup of Caramel Macchiato, and the dessert required caramel pudding.

Seeing Ai Changhuan ordered these two items, Feng Jinghe had to follow them. During this period, his brow was always frowning, because for a big man, it ’s too **** good to order these two things. He It's a real man!

Ai Changhuan thought to myself, you are a man, I am not, I ca n’t eat what I do n’t like to meet your taste, right?

When the waiter brought things up, Ai Changhuan glanced at the waiter unconsciously after she left, and quietly asked Feng Jinghe, "Did you say that waiter liked you?"

Feng Jinghe followed her gaze and the waiter had quickly turned his face away, and he nodded: "Yes, it is her."

"Then you may be right, she is really interesting to you."

Feng Jinghe's waist plate was straightened immediately, looking serious, as if discussing academic issues: "How did you know? Is there any basis?"

"After she sent us what we ordered, she gave me a quiet glance, because she mistakenly thought I was your girlfriend, and you ordered me to please me to please my preferences, So she was jealous and angry, and showed uncontrollably, although she thought that she was hiding well. "She said long ago that if Feng Jinghe didn't speak, that seriousness would still be a bluff. , And wearing a valuable suit with empty fingers and a rich golden bachelor at first glance, the girl must be very confident in her appearance, so she appeared in front of Feng Jinghe twice. It's just that Feng Jinghe is the one who doesn't like the woman who posted it the most.

When Ai Changhuan was talking, Feng Jinghe's brow frowned tightly, as if thinking about something very serious. After Ai Changhuan finished speaking, he finally opened his own question: "Why is it to please you?" I want to be the same as you? Are you happy if you are the same? "

"..." Ai Changhuan pursed her lips, and her heart was almost depressed, and she almost vomited blood. Brother, is this not the point?

"You haven't answered me yet." Persistent outside Feng Jing qualified.

Ai Chang helped the amount of support: "Unhappy."

"Then what you say is a paradox." Feng Jinghe retorted in a serious way.

"I'm not happy because I'm not your girlfriend. If I were your girlfriend and I love caramel puddings very much, then I would like you to order the same as me, and then after I finish eating, I feel When I wasn't very jealous of your share, you looked at me with a petting and helpless smile, then gave me your share, and then I was happy, I was happy, and you were happy, this is The subtlety of falling in love between a man and a woman that can only be understood, understand? "Ai Changhuan felt that he would become a life instructor, and then teach an emotional idiot how to fall in love.

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