Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 219: Unforgettable

Shan Xiao drank a lot of wine and couldn't drive. Ai Changhuan let him go with him. The two sat in the back of the car and talked.

Ai Changhuan asked how Shan Xiao was suddenly transferred away. Shan Xiao said that the manager of the D city branch was full and had a lot of losses, so Lu Zhanqing sent him to be the manager of the branch and check the accounts in recent years. This was also a challenge, so when the Marine asked him for his opinion, he agreed.

After speaking, Shan Xiao smiled: "Think of it this way, City D and I are quite destined. When I left without a penny, now I can return to Yijin."

Ai Changhuan would ask like this, because he was worried about what Lu Zhanke was doing. Now listening to Shan Xiao's words, he felt relieved and encouraged: "Well, I believe you will definitely be able to show your strength this time. . "

After taking a break in the car, Shan Xiao didn't know whether he was awake or even more drunk. After entering the KTV box, he became Mai Ba, holding the microphone to sing, and sang the sound, regardless of the break. Enchanted, forgetting me.

The group of colleagues who like to watch the lively applause kept clapping and encouraged Shan Xiao to sing and jump.

Ai Changhuan couldn't bear to look directly, afraid that when Shan Xiao awoke the next day, he blame himself for not stopping him, so he made an excuse to get out.

It happened that a man walked past her while she was on the phone. The box doors were closed. The corridor was still quiet, so she heard all the ring tones from the man's cell phone.

How afraid I fall in the dark

Tomorrow smile with tears

The more beautiful the more afraid to get

Every time I cry and laugh and run

Looking for while losing

Ai Changhuan's body was stiff. This song was the one she liked the most. It was reserved for Qin Zhan. When the army party was held, she deliberately played the song to test whether Du Yucheng was in the end. Qin Zhan, now it sounds a bit like feeling like another generation.

She froze there without moving.

The call was answered, and the man said, "Fuck, surname Qin, you old man, how can you make such a girly ringtone? I listened to goosebumps."

Qin? Ai Changhuan chuckled in his heart, is there such a coincidence?

The man on the phone said something, and the man said, "Okay, I'll come to you."

The ghost was terrible, Ai Changhuan stepped up and followed. In such a cold day, the man was wearing a pair of leather pants and a leather jacket with a V-neck sweater inside, and the exposed chests were covered with tattoos. , Scorpion, snake-shaped, do not look like good people.

Ai Changhuan remembered the situation when he first met Qin Zhan, who was also in KTV at that time. In order to avoid his enemies, he rushed into the women's bathroom, hijacked her, and threatened her from talking. remember.

He said, "Do you dare to try it?"

She scolded: "Did you grab me, and still want to touch me?"

We met again on the way back to school. At that time he rescued her and told her that he was called Da Qin, a bad person, and then she told him that if he wanted to be a good person from now on, he called her stupid and said She is too easy to believe in others.

The past bit by bit, like a tide, may have been drinking. Perhaps her emotions were fragile. She found that she wanted to cry. Even in the face of Qin Zhan, she had never experienced it. Maybe she is not sad for Qin Zhan, but for her first love. The song touched a certain string in her heart, she was sinking into sorrow and couldn't help herself.

Strangely, the man turned left and right, entered an elevator, and she followed in. Although she didn't know what would happen next, she still wanted to see if that person was Qin Zhan. It's just a look, she and Qin Zhan can never return to the past.

"How many floors are you going to?" The man asked her aloud, and asked again and again.

Ai Changhuan finally woke up like a dream. She looked at him. The man looked at the 15th floor. She thought about it and looked at the 13th floor.

She didn't know that there was such a high floor above this KTV.

The man was still wary of her, and looked at her several times, seeing that she had no micro-headphones or a micro-camera, and she was still stupid, so she was relieved. How could such a shy person be the police? Sent to follow.

On the 13th floor, Ai Changhuan stepped out of the elevator. This floor is a high-end restaurant, and she entered without much hesitation.

When the elevator door was closed, she turned quickly again and ran upstairs from the fire passage. Will the Qin Zhan be there on the 15th floor?

On the fifteenth floor, she quietly pushed open the door. The man stopped in front of a room, raised his hand and knocked for three long and one short, and then someone came to open the door. Ai Changhuan couldn't see the person's face, so he couldn't. Judging whether the man was Qin Zhan, she leaned out a little and tried to look inside. The man closed the door with a snoring sound.

After waiting for a while, and no one came out, Ai Changhuan went to the door with a cat on her waist. She tried to see through the crack of the door, but the door was dead, she couldn't see anything, and put her ears back On the door, the sound insulation of the door was so good that she could only hear her breathing.

Disappointed, she hid back in the fire tunnel again, thinking that if someone came out later, she could also see if there was Qin Zhan in it.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was finally movement over there. Someone opened the door. Ai Changhuan quietly opened a door slit and looked out from the slit. But she squatted very low, so she could only see that. People are wearing a pair of black leather shoes, and those long legs, and they can no longer be seen when they go up.

The man had been walking this way. He should be taking the elevator downstairs. When passing by Ai Changhuan, Ai Changhuan stood up and stared hard at the man's face.

The man's movement was quick, and he walked past Ai Changhuan, then he lowered his head and entered the elevator. The elevator door closed slowly, and Ai Changhuan heard the sound of the elevator going down.

She squatted a few numb legs and squinted, thinking that she must be crazy, but she really followed, even if she met Qin Zhan, what could she say to him?

Still go back. Thinking like this, she really got up and left.

However, the door of the fire passageway creaked open, and then a person flashed in side by side. The man caught Ai Changhuan's neck with one hand, and covered Ai Changhuan's mouth with one hand. Time easily subdued her.

Ai Changhuan's eyes widened in horror, her legs kicked in a panic, trying to escape the control of unknown people behind her.

The man grabbed her and walked upstairs, whispering, "It's me, Qin Zhan!"

Qin Zhan? Ai Changhuan froze, and the man let go of his hand, and Ai Changhuan looked back at him.

It really is Qin Zhan.

"How will you be here?"

"How will you be here?"

They both asked at the same time.

Qin Zhan grabbed Ai Changhuan's hand and pulled her upstairs: "Come with me, it's not safe here."

Qin Zhan took Ai Changhuan to the top of the building. It is very empty here. If anyone comes, he can see it at a glance.

In fact, when the door was closed, Qin Zhan saw his companion followed by a small tail. When he was even more surprised, the man looked like Ai Changhuan. When he moved in his heart, he didn't say anything. Like that, he closed the door and spent half an hour in the room. He had an excuse to buy cigarettes. When he passed Ai Changhuan, he looked at it with his light. It was her. This is how to control people.

236 "You don't stay well with Lu Zhanke, what are you doing here?" Qin Zhan asked.

"I ..." Ai Chang thought for a while and said, "My colleagues and I sang here and saw someone like you, so I followed."

She gave the middle part to the province, and now is not the time for Wymeen to pass.

Qin Zhan paused and asked, "What are you looking for? I thought you never wanted to see me again."

The two of them were very quarrelous last time, and Ai Changhuan treated him ...

Ai Changhuan pursed her lips and hesitated for a while before asking: "What are you doing here? It's also dangerous, shouldn't you be doing anything illegal?"

Now think about it, in the end she was because he was careful to follow him, because he was a bad guy in that sentence.

At that time, the scene of the death of the old black dragon brother Hu Brother came to mind, although she and Qin Zhan could not go back in time, and did not want to see him killed.

"Are you worried about me?" Qin Zhan's eyes lit up with a touch of starlight.

Ai Changhuan said: "Yes, I am worried about you, but I also care about you from the standpoint of a friend."

"... Oh ..." Qin Zhan chuckled, and said half-self-deprecatingly, "I am amorous again. You can rest assured that I am fine, so now, go back, and do n’t follow me anymore Now, even if you see me, you still do n’t see it, understand? "

"Are you really doing bad things?" Ai Changhuan asked.

"Why, do you want to catch me for Lu Zhanke?" A cold wind blew, Qin Zhan's eyes flickered, obscure.

"No, I don't," Ai Changhuan bit her lip. "After all, I owe you. If you need help, remember to come to me."

Qin Zhan looked at her and said nothing.

"I'm sorry." Ai Changhuan's voice was very soft, as if the wind would blow away.

Qin Zhan's throat was dry for a while, he coughed several times in succession, and finally said, "I didn't tell you last time, did Lu Zhanke lie to you? Would you like to know what Lu Zhanke lied to you, I can tell you now."

Ai Changhuan stepped back unconsciously: "I said, I don't want to listen, even if you have to tell me, I will think that you are lying."

Lu Zhanke has no reason to lie to her. He has always been so good to her, holding her in his palm, how can he lie to her?

Seeing Ai Changhuan's sudden look of vigilance, Qin Zhan felt a pain in his heart. He grinned bitterly and said, "I promise, what I said is true, and I will never lie to you."

Ai Changhuan pursed his lips and looked at him, keeping his body ready to escape at any time.

Qin Zhan said: "You are right, Lu Zhanke did not lie to you, it was me who lied to you. At that time, I was not willing to watch the two of you together. I still wanted to take you back, so I knitted. That kind of lie, I even want to fabricate evidence to lie to you and make you feel disappointed with Lu Zhanke. "

Ai Changhuan's hands clenched tightly, angrily glaring at Qin Zhan: "Why?"

"I said it because I didn't want to see the two of you together.

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