Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 221: Marine Ke, I'm sorry

When she heard her hostess's tone, Ai Changhuan was so angry and funny, so she couldn't help but want to tease her, and said, "What's the matter, me and Shan Xiao ... you know how I can bear it Just leave him here like this? At least you should help him change into comfortable clothes before leaving. "

With that in mind, she deliberately walked towards Shan Xiao, and the girl really became more flustered, and stopped walking in front of Ai Changhuan: "I will help him change without you."

"Oh? You?" Ai Changhuan looked at the girl in disbelief. "You ... you will be embarrassed at a young age, so let me do it."

"No, no, no, I can do this, I've already ... it's not strange," the girl said aloud, but her cheeky face turned red quietly.

Ai Changhuan looked funny, but seeing her so resolutely, she couldn't hold on anymore, so as not to make people cry.

She turned to look at the deep-sleeping Shan Xiao, who had mixed feelings in her heart. Later, she thought that since Shan Xiao herself had decided so, she would not be able to say anything more, and let them go.

"Then take good care of him." After the explanation, Ai Changhuan also went home.

It was almost early in the morning when I got home. Father Lu and Mrs. Lu both fell asleep. Ai Changhuan had to go upstairs quietly, and quietly opened the bedroom door. The bedroom had lights on, but there was no one in the bed and no one in the bathroom. Strange, where did Land War Ke go so late?

He was in a daze, and suddenly someone hugged her from behind, holding her tightly around his waist, and gritted his teeth and asked, "How come back?"

Ai Chang was startled, and after knowing that it was Lu Zheke, she politely stepped on the instep of Lu Zheke: "What are you doing, it scared me."

Lu Zhanke was in pain, and he had no choice but to let go of his arms and yelled as he stroked his feet, "It hurts, it hurts."

Ai Changhuan rolled her eyes: "Don't pretend, I stepped on my left foot, and what jump did you take with your right foot."

"Ah ..." Lu Zhanke touched the tip of his nose awkwardly, but he was so righteous that she came back so late. He stepped forward, pressed her against the wall and pressed him, and said, "Say why? Come back late? Don't you know how worried I am? "

"I ... I sent my colleague home. I'm drunk. I can't leave them alone, right?" Looking at Lu Zhanke's eyes, Ai Changhuan felt inexplicably guilty. She didn't dare tell Lu Zhanke that she had seen her. Qin Zhan was also held and spoke by him.

Looking at Ai Changhuan's dodging eyes, Lu Zhanke knew that she must have something to hide from herself, so she got closer to her, and the whole person was pressed on her, asking, "Is it just sending my colleague home? Did not Anything else? Be honest! "

"Do you doubt me?" Ai Changhuan said that she was very unhappy. In fact, she was more afraid of being seen through. She shouted to cover up her guilty conscience. "Lu Zhanke, you even doubted me, the two of us have been together for so long. Doubt me for such little things? I'm disappointed in you, you know? "

"..." How could Lu Zhanke not see her guilty conscience, it was only a matter of minutes for him to tear through her, and at the same time he was curious as to what was making Ai Changhuan so anxious and so anxious to hide.

He looked into her eyes and thought, if there was any gap between him and Ai Changhuan before, it was something she had liked before, a man named Qin Zhan, but she had not decided to let go Are you down with yourself? This is why? Could it be that when I went out with my colleagues today, what peach blossoms did I encounter? Will it be a new colleague from the company?

Seeing that Lu Zhanke didn't speak, Ai Changhuan was even more anxious. Although she knew that she should be calm and calm at this time, or she would be seen through by Lu Zhanke, but she really couldn't lie about landing Zhan Ke.

Hey, it doesn't matter.

Ai Changhuan pushed away the Marine War Ke and said, "You can reflect on it here alone. I'll take a bath first, and you should seriously reflect on it."

After that, I was so busy that this is the typical wicked person to sue first.

Lu Zhanke looked at Ai Changhuan's back, squinted his eyes, then went downstairs, called the driver, and quietly asked where Ai Changhuan had been and who he had met.

As a result, what the driver said was not different from what Ai Changhuan said. The colleague who sent him home was Shan Xiao, and he already had a girlfriend at home.

That's weird, why is that?

When Ai Changhuan came out of the bath, Lu Zhanke was already lying on the bed.

She coughed and pushed into the ground war: "Isn't it for you to stand and reflect? Why are you in bed?"

Lu Zhanke grabbed her waist, pressed her under her hand, and said, "I think lying down and reflecting more deeply."

"Squibble." Ai Changhuan rested his hand on his shoulder to keep him from pressing down. "You ... you get up ..."

Lu Zhanke hooked his lips and showed a charming smile, saying, "Don't you check the results of my introspection? What if I don't reflect deeply enough?"

Ai Changhuan blushed and her neck was red. The whole person seemed to have fallen into tomato sauce. She blushed and said, "Speak, just talk, don't move your hands."

Ah, do n’t you know that she has no resistance to his beauty? She also deliberately left out his clothes, exposing his strong chest muscles, making her unable to help but want to touch one or two to feel the strength of his body.

Lu Zhanke said solemnly: "I didn't move my hands, it's your wife."

Ai Chang Huan glanced at him, then closed his hand stretched out on the Marine's chest muscles, and sternly said in his mouth, "Don't think you will seduce me with such a little beauty, and I will easily forgive you . "

"So?" Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow, a pair of dark eyes slowly forgotten into her eyes.

Ai Changhuan's face couldn't help but turn red again, and if her eyes contained autumn water, she bit her lip, and finally cruelly, holding both hands of Lu Zhanke's face, saying, "You have to come up with more beauty, such as ... … Throw the towel around your waist. "

Alas, just so unpromising, a pair of people on his body, forget about anger, forget about concealment, forget about shyness, just want to throw him severely, or be thrown.

Lu Zhanke's eyes suddenly became deep, he held Ai Changhuan's arm suddenly, his domineering lips covered up straight, and kissed her fiercely.

The next day Ai Changhuan stubbornly climbed up, because she had promised yesterday that Manager Zhou would return to the company to work.

Lu Zhanke got up early, returned to the room after the rehabilitation, and found that Ai Changhuan was picking clothes in front of the closet.

He walked over and asked, "What's wrong, are you going out today?"

Ai Changhuan picked out a professional outfit and said, "No, I'm going to work today. I haven't been working for almost a month. Even if my elder brother doesn't say me, I feel embarrassed."

"Go to work?" Lu Zhanke suddenly remembered his conjecture last night, so he pretended to ask casually, "Is there a new colleague in the company?"

"Yeah, how do you know?" Ai Changhuan asked back.

"Guess." Lu Zhanke screamed secretly, did the company really have a handsome guy, so Ai Changhuan wanted to go back to work? No, this daughter-in-law is the flesh of his heart. Don't let others run away, so he said, "Just right, let me check it out."

Lu Zhanke is going to go, then Ai Changhuan has no opinion, so he cleans up, the couple go to work again happily, while sitting in the car, Ai Changhuan keeps twisting Lu Zhanke's thigh, mouth Scolded: "You scum, my waist is about to break."

Especially when sitting in the car, the waist is weak and weak, it is unbearable.

Lu Zhanke reached out to help Ai Changhuan rub his waist, and said sloppily, "That shows that your husband is extraordinary, and you should be happy."

Ai Changhuan gave him a wink.

As a result, Lu Zhanke was called away before he arrived at the company.

238 called Lu Xun Ke away from Meng Xian. Last night Lu Zun Ke suddenly told him to do the import and export business. He was afraid of changes over time, so he called another partner together early in the morning to discuss specific matters. .

The reason why Lu Zhanke changed his mind was that Father Lu talked to him yesterday, saying that since his arm can be restored, he will soon return to the army, and because the mission was completed well last time, he can quickly rise I will probably return to City B to hold a certain position in the military.

What Lu Zhanke thought was that since he was able to come back, he would have the energy to stare at Meng Xian. Don't let him be deceived, and after all, the entertainment company is the eldest brother's effort, he still has to do his own business.

Because of this incident, Lu Zhanke has also been busy recently, and is extremely busy. He often goes out early in the morning and returns late. Ai Changhuan rarely sees his figure.

However, Ai Changhuan was not easy. Shan Xiao was gone. Manager Zhou deliberately made Ai Changhuan as a deputy manager in order to transfer contradictions. Because she had just joined the company not long before, and because of that well-known relationship, colleagues told her He was very dissatisfied with his promotion. He was secretly targeting her in secret, and Ai Changhuan didn't dare to say anything, he could only work hard.

She and Lu Zhanke, no one cares about whom.

Because of this negligence, Ai Changhuan was designed and made a big disaster. This calamity almost wiped out the entire army of Lu Zhanqing's entertainment company, and Ai Changhuan became notorious in the legal profession.

On this day, the company held a high-level meeting. In order to gain ratings, the company decided to hold the finals of the draft competition on the Lantern Festival. Because the competition rankings are fixed, the legal department only needs to take out the draft contract and sign with the contestants. The agreement is only required to be signed and signed. After everything is done, Ai Changhuan and Manager Zhou come out of the conference room. Manager Zhou suddenly said that his stomach hurts to go to the toilet, so he gave the agreement to Ai Changhuan and sent her to the archives room for storage. .

Ai Changhuan took the contract to the archives. As a result, the people in the archives had already gone to work for dinner. This is a very important document, which is equivalent to the company's high-level secrets. If leaked, it will have a huge impact on the company. Ai Changhuan thought I decided to make a call to a colleague in the archives room, and let her come over now. In a while, she will pay the colleague for dinner.

But a colleague in the archives told her that she had an incident at noon today, so she drove home and had to wait for the fastest time before returning to work.

Ai Changhuan had no choice but to go to Manager Zhou again with a contract and ask her how to deal with this matter.

But when she arrived at the office, Manager Zhou had n’t returned yet. The office door was deadlocked. She did n’t bring the key and could n’t get in, because her office was outside Manager Zhou ’s office. At the time, Manager Zhou urged her to leave, saying that she didn't need to bring the key because she had brought it. As a result, now that Manager Zhou cannot come back, she can't go in.

All my colleagues went to eat, and she was alone in the entire office area. She had to go to the bathroom to find Manager Zhou again.

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