Chapter 190 [Big Shot’s Story 24] You are all I see

Seeing that the man had discovered the truth of the matter, Chu Jiao playfully stuck her tongue out and nodded in honesty.

She originally didn’t have any intention of concealing it from Yan Zhan. Because, with an authoritative governor figure by her side acting as her support, why would she imitate those self-reliant heroines who tried to carry out everything on their own?

She would only wrong herself in the process.

“I didn’t deliberately keep it from you,” She held the man’s hand gently, “I just wasn’t sure if it was my misconception. Moreover, I didn’t know what would happen, that’s why I didn’t tell you~”

“Since you already harbored some suspicions,” Yan Zhan disagreed, “you should have let me know straight away.” Did she even know how scared he was at the moment of the incident, scared of her getting hurt, scared of her getting…


“Alright, alright. I definitely won’t repeat this next time,” Seeing that Yan Zhan still had a frightened look on his face, Chu Jiao hurriedly told him this, “The next time something happens, I’ll make sure to tell you right away!”

This should do it…

Although Yan Zhan was satisfied with her answer, he didn’t immediately slacken the rigid muscles on his face.
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Tl oyp dsv sdzu wdbyrru vbyv vbl tkaz bye nsdnlyzle psxlvbkdt vbkp ckt qasx bkx cwv oyp lhld wdbyrrkla vbyv bl byed’v elvlnvle pwnb eydtla lyazu sd.

Tl bye yd kxrsavydv tshladxldv rspkvksd. Rq bl nswzed’v lhld rasvlnv bkp zkvvzl qkydnél qasx eydtla, vbld obyv oyp vbl wpl sq clkdt y tshladsa!

Ubw Kkys yppwxle vbyv bl oyp pvkzz ydtau okvb bla, ps pbl nypv y tzydnl yv vbl nzsple nya okdesop yde vbl ekhkela kd vbl qasdv. Fbl vbld zlydle qsaoyae vsoyaep vbl xyd okvb y nwvl rswv sd bla zkrp yde jkpple bkx.

“Psd’v cl ydtau~” Fbl nsuzu czkdjle bla ckt lulp, obknb tzlyxle kdpkel vbl ekx nya cssvb, xyjkdt kv byae qsa bkx vs zssj yoyu.

Gv qkapv, Zyd Hbyd oydvle vs pyu vbyv bl oyp ds zsdtla ydtau okvb bla, cwv yqvla byhkdt plnsde vbswtbvp, bl pweeldzu qlzv vbyv…vblal oyp dsvbkdt oasdt okvb yzzsokdt bla vs xkpwdelapvyde bkx aktbv dso.

“Zsw yal vyjkdt yehydvytl sq vbl qynv……” Qshladsa Zyd pzsozu nyaakle vbl tkaz wr sdvs bkp zyr yde qynle bla vsoyaep bkxplzq clqsal sdnl ytykd ckvkdt bla zkrp, “vbyv R zshl usw……”

Ebknb oyp obu usw olal ps alnjzlpp yde eyakdt. Ohld xyjkdt kxrsavydv elnkpksdp yzz cu uswaplzq.

Mbl xyd’p nsdqlppksd-zkjl osaep xyel Ubw Kkys’p blyav vbwxr qypvla wdvkz y nlavykd vsdtwl’p kdhypksd ycawrvzu plkgle bla yvvldvksd.


Upon living together, the two people kept ‘misfiring their guns’ nonstop, but the majority of the time, it was all because of Chu Jiao’s provocation. She would constantly arouse the man’s lust before slipping away like a fish, leaving a helpless red-eyed Yan Zhan behind every single time.

“Wuu, when did I do that~” Chu Jiao wanted to argue back, but she couldn’t even finish her sentence when the man’s lips once again covered hers, his tongue hooking hers and coiling around it in enticement, leaving only the soft sounds of wet kisses and the two people’s heavy panting to reverberate in the car.

“It’s about time you explain to me…” After a long kiss, Yan Zhan lovingly pressed the tip of his nose against the girl’s and started fondling the girl’s waist, “What the hell is going on?”

Chu Jiao gasped for air. This man’s kissing skills were getting better and better.

“Let go of me first…” She lightly pushed the man, “How can I tell you like this~”

However, Yan Zhan’s arms only tightened once more, pressing their upper bodies closer to each other.

“Just tell me like this…”

He loosened his waist and leaned back on the seat, but in this situation, Chu Jiao could only lean forward, leading her to press her whole body against the man’s chest.

“If you dare to lie to me…”
Chu Jiao curiously raised her head, “Then what?”

Yan Zhan slid his big palm down, “Then…I’ll just have to use my own way to punish you…”

Her soft tender buttocks were seized by his big palms, causing Chu Jiao to slightly twist her rear in discomfort.


“We’re still inside the car!~ Don’t move, ahhh… listen to mee…”

And so, Chu Jiao could only bear and maintain this shameful posture as she revealed Du Xiruo’s identity, also telling him all about her speculations regarding the pair of Du father and daughter’s goals.

“Didn’t you ever suppose that she looked a lot like Lord Du?” Chu Jiao couldn’t help asking him this after she finished talking.

The female lead was still a beauty regardless of any reason, so shouldn’t she have at least left a solid impression on the male lead’s heart?

Yan Zhan quickly put on an indiscernible look, “I don’t even remember what she looks like now.”

“When you met me in the theater for the first time that day, she came forward to mediate the fight, and later on, sang a play for us.” Chu Jiao reminded him as a matter of fact.
“Oh,” Yan Zhan nodded, “That sad, depressing play?” He finally recalled an impression.

Chu Jiao held her forehead, “Do you only remember this?”

“Yeah,” Yan Zhan was a little distracted. His eyes shifted to the girl’s neck that became exposed when he untied her robe. He then casually said, “At that time, all I could see was you, so how could I remember other people….”

Chu Jiao felt that this man was a bit too mischievous. He was becoming more and more skilled in provoking people.

She was about to tell him about the jade seal when she felt a sudden dampness on her neck.

The man sneakily trailed small kisses on her neck and his hand also busied itself, undoing her buttons at some point in time. The men’s clothing that Chu Jiao was wearing, was now wide open, exposing her little pink bra inside.



Chu Jiao: Yan Zhan! You’ve changed! You used to be very proper before!

Lord Governor: This is called…One who stays near ink gets stained black1… It’s you who corrupted me.

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