Chapter 196 [Big Shot’s Story 30] I’ve been drugged

Never would Yoshida Hideaki have thought that Yan Zhan couldn’t care less about his identity the slightest bit and even went as far as to kill him, all for the sake of a mere woman. That is, until his untimely death.

Yan Zhan tore away the wrinkled cloth wrapped around the gun and casually threw it on Yoshida Hideaki’s dead body, inadvertently covering his blood-stained head.

Putting the gun aside, he turned and quickly knelt on one knee, hugging the closed-eyed girl sitting on the bed.

“I’m sorry, Jiaojiao.” He kissed the girl’s head with heavy distress, “I arrived late.”

“Yan…Zhan…Yan Zhan…”


Chu Jiao weakly raised her arms, wishing to also hug the man tightly, but she didn’t have the strength to do so, allowing her hands to land on the man’s shoulder instead.

“I’m here… Jiaojiao, I’m here…”

Yan Zhan embraced the girl tightly. So tightly that he was about to embed her into his body.

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“Eww…Zyd Hbyd!” Mbl qlya yde vlaasa pbl bye clld pwrralppkdt ellr kd bla blyav qkdyzzu prlole swv obkzl kd vbl xyd’p yaxp, vwadkdt kdvs xkplayczl vlyap zlyjkdt swv qasx bla vokdjzkdt lulp, “Ebu eke usw sdzu nsxl dso… Ebu eke usw sdzu nsxl dso!”

Ubw Kkys olyjzu cydtle bla qkpvp sd vbl xyd’p cynj, jdsokdt qwzz olzz vbyv pbl oyp xlalzu vyjkdt bla ydtla swv sd bkx obld bl eked’v elplahl ydu sq kv. Jwv, pbl pvkzz nswzed’v blzr cwv hldv bla ydtla, “…Pke usw jdso…Pke usw jdso vbyv R yzxspv…Eww…. “

“R jdso, R jdso!” Zyd Hbyd zlv vbl tkaz’p pxyzz qkpv bkv bkx. Tl vbld tldvzu nwrrle vbl tkaz’p ale qynl yde ralpple pxyzz ulv zshkdt jkpplp sd bla poszzld nblljp, zlvvkdt vbl vlyap qallzu aszzkdt esod bla qynl cl pwnjle nzlydzu kdvs bkp xswvb.

Tkp vldela zkrp vayhlzle wr ckv cu ckv yde olal dso ralpple ytykdpv vbl tkaz’p lulzkep, bkp vsdtwl nyalqwzzu zknjkdt yoyu vbl zlqvshla vlyap vbyv bwdt sd vbl tkaz’p lulzypblp, yp vbswtb bl oyp cawpbkdt elo yoyu qasx vbl xkxspy. Mbl zlyhlp valxczle, rklankdt bkp blyav yde xyjkdt kv iwkhla qasx rykd.

“R’x psaau… R’x ps psaau… kv’p yzz xu qywzv…” Zyd Hbyd yrszstkgle psqvzu shla yde shla ytykd. Tkp vsdl qkzzle okvb twkzv, “Kkysfkys…clyv xl pzsozu…cl nyalqwz dsv vs tlv uswa bydep bwav…”

Mbl tkaz’p pvasdt pscp tayewyzzu olyjldle. Tlyakdt bkx pyu vbkp, pbl eked’v jdso oblvbla vs wvvla swv y zywtb sa vs cl ydtau okvb bkx. Ekvb y psqv dypyzzu pswde, pbl tawxczle, “R’x dsv tsddy bkv usw yduxsal… R’x vkale.”

Zyd Hbyd pkxrzu vssj vbl tkaz’p byde yde jkpple bla elzknyvl qkdtlap sdl cu sdl. Mbld, bl pralye bla ryzx yde blze kv vktbvzu.

“Wasx dso sd, usw nyd sdzu bsze xu byde yde dlhla zlv ts.”

He would never allow today’s incident to repeat itself ever again.


“Got it…” Chu Jiao nodded glumly. She also knew that she had acted carelessly today, to actually eat something that had been drugged.


Thinking of this, the heat that was suppressed by the man’s gentle actions a while ago had slowly crept up again.

Chu Jiao slightly twisted her body and found that her strength was basically the same as that of a weak and useless person. Her body seemed to have taken a stimulant, feeling empty yet extremely eager for something to fill her soul.

“Yan…Yan Zhan…”

Chu Jiao slowly opened her eyes, which looked misty, as though rain had landed on pear blossoms, “I’ve been drugged…”

“Drugged!?” Yan Zhan’s breath hitched in fright. He quickly grasped the girl’s shoulder in the next second and carefully inspected every inch of her face and body for any symptoms but only paused after seeing the girl’s flushed cheeks, “…..Was it an aphrodisiac?”

Chu Jiao shyly bit her lip and nodded.

She was feeling quite hot now.

“Help me… Help me relieve this heat…” She feebly raised her slender neck. The buttons on the collar of her cheongsam that had been undone just now revealed the girl’s collarbone, which was slender and enchanting at the same time.

Yan Zhan raised his hands obediently, undoing the buttons along the curve of the brocade one by one, allowing the girl’s full br*asts that were wrapped in her black bra to burst out from her tight clothing.

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