Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 283: Feel the anger, son.

Rushai was born in Furore Household whose bloodline focuses on anger! The loud and harsh roars were common in their house and its surroundings! Whole families subservient to this household also were affected by this as their bloodlines were under strict control of Furore Household.

The percentage of their purification was decided upon their achievements and family's status! As for Furore Household, they had yet to have descendant born with pure bloodline!

Pure bloodlines are ranked as Overlord! And Rushai himself has been born with Monarch rank, which was very good as he was the oldest son of current leader of household. Such bloodline already settled him as next head of household.

"Rushai! I fucking challenge you!"

Young brother suddenly popped out from nowhere! For Furore demons, the easiest way to raise their bloodline rank was through the anger of course! Even more, for young kids like Rushai and his brother!

But cursing from such young age... Truly demons!

"Alright! Come, stupid brat!"

"Brat?! You are only fucking two years older!"

After Rushai accepted his challenge, the younger brother threw himself at his older brother! The sounds of punches and hell's energy exploding reverberated throughout the main household along with lively and vivid shouts of two young kids...

"Fucking Monarch rank bloodline!"

"Damn annoying brat! Don't you dare to come close to me for at least whole week!"

At this time, Rushai was eight years old.


Was it because of the competitive younger brother or his talent? But with his achievements alone, Rushai had purified his own bloodline through anger only all the way to Emperor rank... At age fourteen, Rushai already had Emperor bloodline which quite shocked the father as they hadn't used any resources yet!

Thus, what achievements would've Rushai achieved with the support of family?

"Rushai. All of this is yours now."

Therefore, the head of Furore househould decided to put everything into Rushai... By everything, he also meant the vicious plan of his that has been used by their ancestors as well! The main reason for that was simply because Rushai's desposition which was quite merciful.

What he had gotten was huge amount of resources filled with hell's energy, big army and enormous mansion on his own! It was perfect for Rushai as he had already enough of his competitive brother! Futhermore, his brother wasn't the only loud one in main house...

So he had chosen a mansion quite far away from his home.

"""Master Rushai."""


And what could he do with all of those things? Go and have fun in neighbouring worlds! Experiencing and sightseeing everything with his very own eyes, Rushai had seen a lot, angered a lot through obstacles and grown as well during all those three years with his new family members...

Crying and grieving for his fallen comrades...

Conquering new lands... And celebrating those feats with his closed ones... Rushai had nice life and with his bloodline that was also growing nicely, he hadn't truly met a huge casualties...

Even more... He had found another interest at the age seventeen! And it was woman of course...


"Yes, master?"

"I want you... Marry me."

She was beautiful maid that was with him together ever since the beginning. Rushai had spent most time with her as she was very obedient and strong as well. Honestly, it was inevitable for him to fall for her...

And as she saw him kneeling and taking out ring, she exploded with laughter that soothed the heart of young demon... Why? Because she was mere maid yet she had direct successor of Furore household kneeling in front of her.

"Yes... But I can not be your wife, but concubine..."

"It doesn't matter. Just be my."



Age nineteen!

The whole year passed quickly after his confession... Because his woman had lower bloodline than him, Rushai had conquered a lot of lands in searching for valuable blood. He didn't want to rely on his family to help her.

The ability to raise and control the percentage of Furore bloodline was solely in his father grasp! It might be dangerous, but it allowed him to have huge control over his subordinates! Futhermore, his children were more eager to get stronger in order to reach this ability.

Except Rushai as he had his own plans. When Lili had accepted his confession, Rushai decided to step down from the successor's line and have just his own family to take care off. One thing was sure - if people knew that his first woman was maid, then it would tarnish the image of Furore.

So why should he bother with something like this? Just step down and have his own focus.

Little did he know... that the father's plan was already in progress.


"Lili, how is our child?"

"Very healthy..."

Rushai asked as he patted the big belly of his first woman. He was only nineteen years old, but already felt grown enough to raise his own child. As Lili spoke tenderly about how it kicks her from time to time, Rushai felt proud and happy as it seems that baby is indeed lively!

"I have gathered a lot of dragon's bloodlines... Come."


For her and his child, Rushai had fought against dragons... He also had secretly took most of other high races bloodlines for himself during the Furore household wars! Then, using his own blood and his fallen comrades, Rushai had done his best to mutate it into his own...

It was long and hard progress for current his... Even so, Rushai has sarcificed his time and attentively progressed, so that the baby would be born strong and healthy.

He made Lili slowly assimilate with blood, then softly carried her to the bed... With good night kiss, Rushai was ready to go and mutate yet another blood!

"Rushai... don't force yourself... You look way too pale..."

"I am fine. Sleep."

"Mmm... Good night."

"Good night."


In the middle of the night, Rushai's father suddenly appeared above his mansion... Looking at the window that was leading staright to his son's room, he let his eyes set on Lili's sleeping face! Those eyes were void of any emotions!

"Do it."

As the order rang out, the windows in Rushai's room immediately exploded... Several figures entered it with a flash, then began tying the soft body of pregnant woman to her own bed... After doing it nimbly as if experiencing in such things... they took out their clothes... and... sullied her body...

"Rushai... It's fine if you don't want to be head... even I can not reach Overlord rank with my abilities... But it's different case for you, so... feel the anger, son."


'What was that sound? Who could dare to attack my woman and child?!'

Rushai roared inwardly as he kept running towards his room. The place where he mutates the blood is deep underground below his mansion, so he had quite a lot of road to go through... In this narrow corridors, he also couldn't use his wings...

After leaving the basement, Rushai like bird flew all the way to his room... to see the unknown demons sullying his woman....

Thump! Thump! Thump!

However, to the surprise of his watching father, Rushai hadn't exploded with anger... Instead, he surpressed his anger and bloodline, then silently killed off the intruders as his hell's energy made their bodies explode...

In the rain of blood, he looked at his woman... and knew that no matter what... she won't be able to overcome this... The pain of losing child and being sullied was too much on her mental! Since the kid was in belly, its soul and body wasn't in appropriate state as it takes a while more for demons to give a birth to child.

That's why, there was no way to save it or ressurect... Futhermore, the look of his woman's blank eyes while laying on the dirty bed was simply too painful for Rushai...



"Lili... say... something..."

Rushai was truly clueless as to what to do...

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