Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 295: Exterminating the bad vampires

"Superbia... based on this tattoo, could you try to do the same thing?"

While Xue Ren knew that vampire king has made this tattoo together with Luxuria help, he himself was unable to repeat the feat. And Superbia herself wasn't knowledgable about those. In the past, if she wanted to go between worlds, then she would do it with her power alone meaning she simply would break the space.


Nodding in the throne room, Superbia focused her eyes on her arm which was even more pale than vampires! The white lady was sure white everywhere, but that's not the point now. Summoning her own dark energy, Superbia began trying to imitate the flow of Luxuria's sin energy!

But of course there were few things lacking.

"Just do it your own way, Superbia."

Xue Ren also arrived after reassuring Di Xun that everything is okay and done. He gently approached the white lady who was already accustomed to his presence! It has to be said, but Xue Ren keeps her accompany every night to sleep! One can guess what they are doing.

Of course, the flower has not been taken yet.

With soft hand of beauty in his grasp, Xue Ren told her to pass down this imitation onto his own arm. Then, he summoned the glyphs that came from burning the bloodline of goddess of life. Thanks to Rushai, those glyphs became his power that could suck the blood to nourish his body.

"Let's use those as sucking force."


And as he said before, Xue Ren made the power of Superbia the way she is. Prideful and domineering! Those black streaks were so condensed with her power that if something went wrong now, then there would be huge explosion for sure.

"We can not teleport nicely as those fools, but we sure can make grand appearance. Hah~~"


The tattoo made by the two definitely has flaws. For exampe, Xue Ren can only teleport to the continent conquered by vampires and a lot of blood is needed as well. Well, he has a lot of fallen preys here, so the latter is not really the problem! 

"Don't you want to come out?"

She might be bound by contract and throne, but Xue Ren was always keen on giving her freedom. But no matter what, Superbia kept staying in the throne room, enjoying the new life. Who knew what was in her mind.

"I will... leave when neccessary."

"I see. See you tonight."




Di Xun kept watching Xue Ren who was leaning by the tree with curiosity! There was a lot more to Xue Ren than she thought, but it was fine nonetheless. Soon, his arm lightly trembled and Di Xun could see the same tattoo that the vampire noble had!


It seemed more rough and the vibe coming from it made the air tremble! With such pressure coming from this tattoo, Di Xun knew that it was rough version of what the vampire had... But to create it on spot, the beauty could only get impressed and admire Xue Ren even more.

"Don't look too much or you will fall even deeper."

"Aren't you already deep enough into me?"

"Hah~~ I am."

Showing their affection deeply, Xue Ren raised his hand up with the beauty cuddling in his embrace. The tattoo had no blood yet, so Xue Ren activated the glyph in the middle of his forearm and soon, the vampires on the ground began quivering madly.

"It's rough version, but thanks to it, we should be able to teleport to the vampire's continent."

"Okay... But since it's rough version, won't we get separated?"

"Don't worry about that. I am Sex God, how can my beauty leave me?"

Xue Ren had ability called Domination which allowed him to connect thoroughly with lady. He could use Eleonora's divine abilities much better and also have her strong power! This connection makes them as one, so the teleportation for sure will be affected as well.

"That's nice."

"Are you happy because of the effects or because I have to kiss you?"


Such bright answered couldn't go without any reward. Xue Ren leaned down to steal the lips of his lady, connecting thoroughly! His hand with tattoo already was clenched as he swung it! The space around them obviously shook as it was the power of sin of pride and small teleport suddenly appeared.


And with Domination ability comes the great pleasure! The lady who has surrendered yourself to her man was now experiecing ninth heavens of pleasure while Xue Ren had to actually move as well. Raising her by one arm, he threw himself along with beauty straight into portal that violently sent them to another continent.


"How cruel."


Because of Superbia's violent power, Xue Ren and Di Xun hadn't appeared in the portal that vampires use, but somewhere random in their conquered continent. Here, the lovers could see the village that was void of any people, thoroughly destroyed and burned.

The toys belonging to kids were scattered and half-destroyed all over the place! The houses were burned or destroyed as well... One simply could feel with their eyes what happened here! And since there was not even bones of humans, it meant one thing!

"They have taken them somewhere and formed... a human farm?"


Xue Ren spoke about it emotionlessly, but Di Xun was far from emotionless. She was clenching her little fists hard, as if trying to hold herself in this spot. The beauty who treasures her family couldn't withstand such treatment, even if those humans were simply randoms.

"Calm down, Xun Xun... And tell me, your wish."

"Kill them! Kill those vampires! I want them to pay the price for such things!"

"What my beauty wishes, I shall fulfill."

Xue Ren raised the chin of Di Xun who was already flushed red with anger. She allowed him to do whatever he wanted as her body is his anyway. Also, she thought that Xue Ren wants to unleash yet another ability of his sex god which was kinda true.

"Let's try to create golden dragon."


The kiss was not the same as before. They were simply touching their lips as the golden dragon began forming around the two divinities. It was growing rather quickly, but its golden lightning was rather pale.

Anyway, the dragon was growing long and stong, so Xue Ren felt nice. It was much easier to form the dragon with divinity that wasn't his with beauty in his arm. The Lightning Goddess was also comprehending the 'alive' concept of her divinity thanks to this act as well.

Every step of Sex God is filled with power of beauties!

"Ren... Mhhmm~~ I feel like I know my lightning better... You know, that alive thing."

"Hmm, It's becauses of my alive bloodline. Feel it better, Xun Xun."

And the innocent kissing suddenly became rough one! Xue Ren held Di Xun tightly as she immersed herself in the alive concept. He laid himself on the dragon that was already flying while growing! It meant that Di Xun kept learning more about this alive concept!

Of course, this alive concept is the first step towards winged divinity. Xue Ren has a little worse when it comes to this level, but that's for later. 

Thus, the duo kept flying on the dragon all the way to the emperor's castle. Where other than this very castle could the vampires place their important portals? It was the pride of theirs as they conquered it thoroughly along with the continent.

The capital and the most prestigous cities were made to be 'human farm'. That's why, Xue Ren decided to first destroy all the cities on the way to the capital...

Boom! Bzzzzzzzzt!

The golden lightning dragon became the god-sent saviour for humans who were imprisoned in the cages as if some animals! They had dirty plates of food and were forced to eat it as no one truly wants to die!

Of course, that was only in male's cases. The women had their gardens broken from all the violent treatment of horny vampires... Those ladies were probably the only ones wishing to die right now...

"M-monster! Run!"

"Flying snakes just like in reports! That man has fucking come here?!"

"But how could he arrive here so fast? Does he have teleports as well? Blurgh!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The golden dragon was answering the feelings of beauty that kept kissing Xue Ren as she wanted to become more stronger and closer as well. Those emotions were clearly conveyed by those golden bolts as they burned the whole vampires in this city!

And Xue Ren himself chuckled as those vampires. He could try to create a teleport to other continents like the librarian had done, but it would cost too much resources as those are for his ladies in Cursus Empire.

Futhermore, Xue Ren also planned to modify the tattoo, but he needs more time for this and knowledge which can be only fulfilled with time.


"Xun Xun, look below."

Xue Ren had to stop the eager beauty from kissing as their golden dragon had killed every vampire below them. He had also controlled the lightning to free all the humans caged, so they were already already meeting with their loved ones, supporting the ladies who were abused by the vampires.

"I am glad... that they didn't abandon them."

If it was young master from prestigous family, then he would definitely throw away the sullied beauty! Di Xun sighed in relief as her little chin was digging into Xue Ren's chest! And when beauty is happy, Xue Ren is even more happy.

"Let's go futher... There are a lot of... humans that need our help."

"Mmm, let's go."

The matter of vampires disappearing from the Rokukai World was also the matter of time.

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