Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 340: My size

The building of his own lightning tower is going to take some time for sure. Kuzan was working efficiently as he had nothing better to do. Other than cigarettes, the second had yet to propely raise his strength.

As his long hair fluttered, Kuzan could sense someone from behind.

Turning around, it was newly mother.

"Here. Thanks for your hard work, Kuzan."

She passed him lighting ore. Then, the ore got liquified which ended up going straight into Kuzan's mouth. In his body that was formed by various nature attributes, this liquid could be called water! Drinking this, he sneered and spoke.

"Better this than nothing."

"Since you can also use lightning, treat this tower as yours as well. Also, I am cooking right now, so you can call me at anytime."

"Your cooking sucks. Train this just like you do your lightning, otherwise, snow woman will take the kitchen forever. Pffff!~~ Blurgh!"

The sound of slap echoed throughout the whole world.


"Delis, how do you do?"

"I am fine... So.. what do you want?"

Delis felt strange. Everytime she was Xue Ren, he seemed exuding different vibes. Right now, his powers grew stronger and Xue Ren's body was also using Gravei's bloodline which was the same as hers.

Thus, as Xue Ren could also properly extract the Lightning God divnity to boost his strengthening blood pool and other techniques, one could say that at his current level, the bloodline was so pure she felt allure.

It was allure towards his bloodline, but there was also a bit more!

"Well~~ With Golden Lightning Palace, I can gather a lot of resources, so I thought about world trip."

World trip!

Xue Ren became greedy indeed. Not only he has to strengthen his tower, but he also has to fill his golden lightning palace with various lightning. Right now, he had golden lake inside his palace, but hearing this, Delis only looked at him strangely.

"It's no good to just stuff your golden lightning palace... You must make halls inside, so that the lightning treasures won't get mixed up... Also..."

"What is it?"

Delis suddenly blushed... She didn't know why, but Xue Ren was simply too unique. Each time she saw him, he was different. Her words 'You can look at me when you hit Heaven Rank' were said casually cause she didn't believe he would hit this rank so quickly.

And now, it looked like she wanted to look at him.

"Is it... date?"

"Date... Haha, if you don't mind my daughter being with us."

"D-daughter? Ah!"

Slightly below, there was Xue Yu looking at Delis while being expresionless. At this moment, Delis realized that she was looking so much into Xue Ren and his power she didn't notice little princess! She gaped and her cute face got laughed at by Xue Ren.

"Pfff~~ It's my size though."

"Size? Your size? What do you mean?"



Xue Yu stood silent all this time. From her first reprimand, the lady tried to control herself, so that her little hand wouldn't go up and slap any woman. Instead, she was sitting closely on her father and looking with quite curious and jealous eyes.

But when Delis tilted her head cutely and asked the question, Xue Yu glanced and laughed together with her father. She laughed just because Xue Ren was laughing! It was a cute act of daughter trying to endear to her father!


The fluff has been endowed by the flous bloodline grace and sex god's energy, so in the future, Xue Yu surely will laugh a lot in a similar to her father way all by herself. Her energies and bloodlines were that pure.

"What is it?!"

"Haha~ You both look cute now. Delis, you were so cheerful back then, but now..."

Then, Xue Ren closed the distance. Being so close to the lady without his bloodlines, he was simply showing off his looks polished by demon and sex god energies! Of course, he feigned worry as he leaned down to look deeply at Delis.

"But now you look rather confused... Is something bad happening?"

"Yes! You being too close!"

"Haha, but you said I can look at you when I am at Heaven Rank~~ Also, you didn't say whether I can look from afar or close distance. And now, you are going against your words... Looks like... I have to reprimand you~~"

"R-reprimand me?! Ren! Don't go too overboard! You might advance quickly, but my gentle lightning is enough to send you away effortlessly!"

"Oh, so if I hit Nirvana Rank, you won't be able to. Instead, it will be my turn to hold you closely."


"Hahah~~ We are going for small stroll to the city. Then, I am taking one of Gravei's lightning eagles for little adventure~~"

Xue Ren waved his hand and Xue Yu followed. Following her father's body, she also tried to sneer, but it looked to adorable instead. Then after the duo left, Xue Ren looked at his daughter that was too happy!

Not knowing why, he could only ruffle her hair. But he also didn't know that Xue Yu herself didn't know why she was laughing so much.

Then, Delis muttered when she saw Xue Ren's back disappearing...

"Why do you call my mother with her name only..."

Her mind was overwoking with ideas to this careless slip of Xue Ren's tongue.


"You look cute, Little Yu."

Delis brightly said as her usual attitude came back. She leaned down and pinched Xue Yu's little nose as the little princess had new clothes. Wearing cute black dress, Xue Yu was like most exquisite doll! Her baby smooth skin with her adorable looks already was gathering attention.

Too cute, hoh!


Those were clothes she and her father choose together.

"So, you have already Lighting Eagle here... Hmm... so fast..."

"Haha, Delis... I and Xun Xun have grasped golden divine lightning, so it's pretty much normal for your mother do favour us highly. Now, let's go. I have made a research."

"Research? I know every land in our world, but enlighten me."

"We are going for black clouds."

"Oh, this... Alright~~ Good choice."


Soon enough, the party of Xue Ren could see huge black clouds scattering on the horizon!

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