Inexorable Chaos
Chapter 128: 2 Gaw: Walk
“You didn’t have to scream my name, Jessica!” the masked man exclaims as they walk the rather empty streets of the town they had entered.
“Don’t blame me,” she counters, “you’re the one who picked me up and jumped thirty meters in the air without saying anything. Speaking of which, how did you even do that?”
The masked man chuckles as he twirls his cane. It has a simple design, a short pole made of bone with a crystal at its end. The cane is the first [Divine] item he has ever created, and possibly the first ever made by a mortal.
“Pretty simple. I reduced the coefficient of gravity between ourselves and the planet the moment before I jumped. Possibly a little too much considering how high we went into the air.”
“Wait, you didn’t even test out the magic before jumping with me?”
The man waves his arm. “It’s fine. Worst case scenario, we would both slam hard into the ground and you would have to [Heal] our damaged flesh.”
“[Grand Heal],” she corrects.
“Eh, it’s just an overpowered healing spell. Speaking of which, I really hate the arbitrary naming sense of the system regarding skills. Throwing the words Minor or Grand to depict the efficiency and cost accompanied by the same skill is just stupid.”
“But it makes sense.”
Quasi sighs, “Jess, it doesn’t matter if it makes sense. The fact is that Pandora can’t name for shit. She can create a system that governs an entire world, but she can’t make a stronger [Fireball] without throwing the word grand in there.”
“What about [Siege Fireball]?”
The man shrugs, “Take a [Grand fireball] and then throw ten times more mana into it. Then you get the [Siege Fireball]. It’s a really boring system.”
“Whatever, I don’t care,” she groans.She looks around the night shrouded town, which doesn’t seem so shrouded thanks to the enchanted mask she wears. It’s a nice gift which grants her [True Sight] and a resistance to the [Analyze] skill. The best part of it, to her at least, is that it’s completely transparent from her side; her vision is not in any way impeded.
“So, where are we going? Is this a good place to build our city?”
Quasi shakes his head, “No, it’s too small and kinda too poor. I want something bigger.” He then points at a building that still has its light on despite the late hour. “Hopefully, the pub has an updated map or at least someone I can get information from.”
Piss. That’s what Layn the [Tavernkeeper] brews and serves at his tavern. It’s swill so horrid that some suspect the man upends his chamber pot into the wort. Granted, Layn doesn’t actually know what piss tastes like, but he’s sure at least one of his patrons has actually tasted piss.
Regardless, when you live in a poor town that barely produces crops and the only product they can sell is low-quality iron from a nearby mine, then alcohol, regardless of how bad it tastes, is the best way to escape reality for a time.
Layn takes a moment to survey his tavern as he leans on the bar, finding everything mostly as it should be. The [Guards] are eating and drinking, the [Miners] are doing the same, the [Farmers] are sitting and talking, but he now finds a problem. A problem that sits in the corner of his room which the [Guards] refuse to get anywhere near.
Layn quickly perks up as every single eye turns towards the tavern’s entrance. The two doors have been violently thrown open and for a moment, Layn thinks it is the [Lord] angrily arriving again, possibly looking for a [Slave].
“Qu-Bone! Why did you have to kick the doors open? Can’t you just open them normally?”
“I was making an entrance!”
Layn looks at the new arrivals and immediately realizes they are indeed new. He has never seen them before nor heard any rumors about two cloaked and masked persons.
As the two enter into his tavern, Layn activates his skills and he gets a general idea of what these two are capable and of what they want. The second is simple, they want information, but the first sends chills down his spine as he realizes both the newcomers are extremely dangerous.
“We have masks and you have a stupidly big hat. We were going to make an entrance regardless. All you are doing is angering the [Tavernkeeper],” the female speaks eloquently with an enchanting, mellifluous voice. As Layn takes a long look at the woman, he curses in his mind at her sensuous body. Her robe folds and flows with her curves, seductive and demure enough to arouse the interest of any man.The mask she wears resembles a fox, which gives her a rather alluring air of mystery.
“It’s fine, young lady, the door’s not damaged. Please, come in and take a seat,” Layn says in the most respectful way he can; the same as when he needs to talk to the [Lord].
With a quick glance of his eye, he sees the regulars immediately notice the abnormality of his reaction. Thankfully, they take the hint and studiously ignore the two newcomers.
The masked man tilts his head and surveys the room before looking back to his companion. “Jess, I’m gonna go introduce myself to some of the fine people here. In the meantime,”
Layn’s eyes widen as a bag of jingling coins jumps out of the ground and lands in his hand, which he stretches out to his companion.
“Buy everyone here a drink, on me.”
Layn groans as the entire bar yells in appreciation. Selling alcohol is all nice and good, but he is loath to have a bunch of drunks getting violent again. It took him two years to earn enough to fix the bar the last time they got this rowdy.
Jessica begins walking towards the [Tavernkeeper]. As she gets closer, she mentally activates one of the skills granted by the mask she wears.
[Silent Analyze]
Layn Horsman
Level 32 [Tavernkeeper]
She reads from the invisible floating screen. She finds the visual information discombobulating. Skills are supposed to send information directly to the hea- brain but the collar on her neck changes that. It changed many things.
With a smile that the [Tavernkeeper] cannot see, Jessica reaches the counter and then leans on the old wood.
“Sorry about the door. My partner can be a bit eccentric at times.”
The [Tavernkeeper] nods and smiles as he polishes a glass. One of the few that he has and reserves for specific, high quality guests.
“As I said before, so long as it’s not damaged, don’t worry about it.”
Jessica nods and then places the pouch on the bartop. Layn continues to polish his glass and only takes a small glance at the pouch without showing any emotion.
Inside the pouch is not currency, but something still universally fungible.
She opens the pouch and takes a handful of its contents. She moves her body so that the patrons behind her aren’t able to see what she is holding.
“I want to also apologize that my partner and I lack coin. We hope these will be acceptable.”
She then moves her hand and lightly places seven yellow crystals on the wood.
The [Tavernkeepers] eyes appraise the crystals. Medium-quality, considering their color, which, to those that live within the deep south, are an exceptionally expensive commodity.
With a quick but shaky hand, Layn scoops up the crystals and quickly pockets enough crystal to buy his tavern three times over.
“Thank you,” he says and then turns towards his two [Slaves]. “Enira, Mary, tonight, all drinks are free.”
Another round of cheers is heard from the patrons and everyone begins yelling their orders to the two older [Slaves].
Jessica watches as the tavern comes truly alive. People begin to toast Quasi, who takes it all in stride as he winds his way to a seat at a table with three [Farmers] and begins talking.
With him seated and busy, Jessica looks at the now smiling [Tavernkeeper]. She knows she overpaid, but she also knows that money loosens lips.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I have a few questions you might be able to answer.”
“Absolutely, my dear. If this old man can be of service, I would be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have. Oh, before I forget, my name is Layn. I hope it would not be rude to ask yours?”
“It’s Jess, and thank you. Um, my first question is in regards to a map. I don’t suppose this town sells any?”
The [Tavernkeeper] chuckles. “Unfortunately for you, nobody in this town can read, except maybe the [Lord]. I doubt anyone would have a map here.”
Jessica smacks her lips in annoyance. Quasi has a map of the entire continent, the only problem is it’s over ten thousand years old.
“I see. Is there any place where we may be able to obtain one? A nearby town perhaps?”
Layn tilts his head, “Not a town, but there is a prosperous city called Sanavil near us. It’s actually not too far. You just need to go west for a couple of days on horseback and you should see it pretty well.”
“Oh, is it a big city?”
Layn tilts his head, “I would say it’s more average than big. Then again, I haven’t seen what a big city actually looks like. But, when you do travel, do be careful. The city has been at war with two other cities and only half a year ago did the sieges stop.”
“Wow. They survived for half a year? That’s quite something.”
Layn leans on the counter and begins to whisper, “From what I heard, the city has an actual [General] under their employ, and he has been able to fend off the attacks with his skills. If you ask me, I think the two other cities-- err, [Kings], ended up retreating due to a lack of resources.”
“You think they ran out of food?”
Layn nods. “Oh yes. My dah was a [Lieutenant] and he told me that fielding an army requires a lot of food. I think the two [Kings] were not making enough food back at home to sustain the army, so they were forced to retreat.”
“I see,” Jessica murmurs as she takes a look around, specifically at a loud table where a certain masked individual is talking loudly to the crowds.
“Sure, you may think being a [Hero] is easy, but it’s actually pretty hard. You have to constantly deal with ungrateful gods, women trying to get pregnant by you, and you have to constantly fight things with ridiculously high levels. Heck, if I wasn’t a professional summoned [Hero], then this shit would be pretty much impossible.”
‘Oh no,’Jessica thinks,‘Aren’t we supposed to be keeping our identities hidden?’
Those listening chuckle at Quasi’s words.
“So, [Hero],” one of the [Farmers] says, stretching out the class, ”mind giving us peasants an explanation on what makes you a professional?”
The [Hero] chuckles, “Absolutely. The reason I’m a professional is that this isn’t my first time being summoned. I’ve been summoned by plenty of gods, twenty-eight times to be exact… well, twenty-nine when you include this one. So, I have a lot of experience. Over nine thousand years’ worth of experience.”
The crowd begins to joke and laugh. Jessica realizes everyone thinks Quasi is joking; or crazy. To them, it doesn’t matter, since he’s the one who’s paid for their drinks. They’ll agree with whatever ridiculous thing he says so long as he’s giving them beer.
Her gaze drifts away from him and wanders throughout the tavern. Everyone is drinking and eating, except for one person in the corner. The person huddles in a large blanket, ignored by and ignoring the world. Jessica frowns.
“Layn, there’s a person there.”
Layn looks where Jessica is staring. He frowns.
“Don’t go near her. She’s a [Slave] with a very dangerous disease. I’d have her kicked out, but the damn [Guards] are too afraid to get near her and risk death.”
Jessica blinks, “Has nobody tried to help her?”
Layn snorts, “The medicine would be too expensive, if it even exists, and the south has no [Priests] either. She’s as good as dead. Nothing can be done. I just wish she didn’t wind up holing herself up in my tavern.”
The room quickly turns silent as what feels like a chill runs down everyone’s spine. They all turn and look at Jessica who seems to be creating the mood. After a few seconds, she stands and walks toward the corner. She takes a knee by the [Slave] huddled in the blanket.
“Hello. Are you okay?”
The blanket moves slightly, but nothing else changes.
“Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to help.”
The blanket slips open, revealing a scarred and boil covered face.
“Please, don’t hurt us.”
“Us?” Jessica asks as she leans forward.
“Don’t touc-”
Layn doesn’t get to finish his sentence as Jessica turns her head and gives him a reproving look. Discomfited even with the mask in the way, he stills his tongue.
She turns back towards the huddled person, to find her backing away, further into the corner. Despite the girl’s best attempts to hide it, Jessica notices that she’s hiding something in her arms.
Jessica sighs. She reaches up to her mask, and slowly removes it to reveal her beautiful face, short cut blonde hair, and deep blue eyes.
“Don’t worry. I’m here to help,” she says. Slowly, she reaches forward and grabs the blanket.
She gently pulls away the fabric, revealing what she couldn’t see at first. The [Slave] is not a human but a demihuman, specifically, a catkin. She has furry ears on her head and a ragged tail behind her back. Her arms also have some fur on them.
Regardless, she is in a terrible state at the moment. She has open sores across her body, many of which are bleeding at this moment.
Jessica then pulls the blanket further back, revealing a child, a cat demihuman child, about five years of age. The child is unconscious and her body is also covered in sores.
“Shit,” Jessica hears Quasi’s voice, who probably noticed the state of the child. She can only curse herself for revealing the presence of the injured child to him, but it’s too late now. Hopefully, she can placate his anger before he does anything rash.
“I’m a [Priestess] of Eir,” Jessica lies, “allow me to heal both you and her.”
The woman looks at Jessica for a long moment before nodding.
Jessica nods and moves closer, placing one hand on the mother and the other on the child.
“[Purge Sickness].”
Mana releases from Jessica’s arms and enters the two people she is touching. With her high level and practice, the skill works quickly, destroying the disease in a matter of seconds.
Still, though the disease is gone, that damage is still there. With a single probe of mana, Jessica can tell that the damage was not just what could be seen on the skin; many of the catkins’ vital organs have suffered serious damage. Without a powerful healing spell, the woman and child will die within a few days. Healing potions and weak healing spells lack the finesse required to fix such injuries. Using them would force the body to regenerate flesh, but would not fix what is no longer functioning.
So, she calls up her mana as she focuses a spell, “[Grand Heal].”
Her hands glow with brilliant light as she pushes her mana into her patients. But, unlike the average [Priestess], her spell is more than merely raw power. She guides the mana through the afflicted organs, forcing them to heal in very specific ways, regenerating and restoring them to full functionality. Once done, she heals the rest of the body, closing the sores, curing the rashes, and leaving no scars behind.
The light finally subsides. Gasps are heard as the crowd gazes in wonder at the now perfectly healthy individuals. Well, mostly healthy. Both mother and daughter look like they could use a meal or seven.
Before anyone can speak, a loud creak breaks the moment as the masked man stands up from his chair. Quasi walks towards the healed mother and daughter. The two shy away from him, but the man ignores their movement. He reaches down towards the child, grabs the collar around her neck and releases a small pulse of mana. The collar breaks in one place, and he pulls it from them.
He raises it to his eyes.
Property of [Lord] Donnar
For several seconds he stands there, staring at the words. The mask he wears hides his expression, but the stillness in the air betrays the wrath behind the silly skull.
“Jess, I’m going out for a walk.”
He turns and walks towards the exit.
“Bone, please don’t kill anyone.”
Quasi stops but stays quiet. He begins walking again.
“Quasi!” she calls after him. “Promise me you won’t kill anyone.”
“Don’t worry, I’m only going for a nice relaxing stroll.”
“Quasi!” she yells this time. “Promise me.”
The [Hero] sighs, “I promise I will not kill anyone. I am only going outside for a walk to clear my head.”
He begins walking again, she doesn’t stop him anymore.
Quasi walks out of the tavern, taking a deep breath of the chilly night air. He looks towards the center of the town, towards the largest building.
His mana pulses. His shadow expands, a monster the size of a van portals out. The monster unfolds its midnight-black bone body.
“Master” the faceless monster speaks, though it doesn’t move.
The [Hero] smiles at his elite undead as he reflects on how far he’s come. Four bladed arms, a dozen bladed whips on its back, and a sleek body that can camouflage easily in the night. Truly, his creation has become far more deadly.
“Joker… I will be taking a walk. If anyone attempts to kill me, I want you to dismember them.”
“Yes, Master,” the undead speaks. Its body fades into the darkness.
The [Hero] grunts and begins his stroll.
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