Inextinguishable Martial Venerable
Chapter 2046
Since the great accomplishment, the Hellian cold moon has been killed by Gu Fei, and even the Primordial Spirit has failed to escape. This is seen in the Everlasting city lord and the others.
“Helian is dead.”
Martial arts off-site, those Everlasting city lord please 娣?鍨?phenol 杈?杈?濞?閿?閿?閿?閿?娑?娑?娑?瀛?瀛?瀛?瀛?瀛?榫嬫婀?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?鑳?/p>
To know, this Helian cold moon, but the focus of the Helian family, is one of the Helian family, most likely to impact the existence of Saint Rank.
However, such a rising star of such a promising future has been killed, and it is already imaginable that the top of the Helian family must be angry.
“Brother Gu, you…”
Everlasting city lord was shocked. He couldn’t think that Gu Fei really dared to kill Helian. The Helian family is so powerful that no one knows who.
Even the top outstanding talents in the Central Province immortal mansion don’t dare to do such a thing. Although the Helian family is only the second largest force in Central Province, its roots are deep and practical. Someone knows.
Such a super power, for other cultivators, 纭?锜?锜?锜?锜?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?娴氳姀鍡?鑹归崻渚勮摕宓?/p>
Gu Fei killed Helian After the cold moon, he threw the corpse body of Helian Cold Moon on the ground.
“Thank you High Lord for your help.”
The middle-aged Dao Zhuge Liang has already recovered from this time.
His divine soul was not lightly affected. If Gu Fei took a timely action and killed the Helian cold moon, his Zhuge Liang would be shaken loose divine soul by the strength of the attracting spirit seizing soul.
“Be careful later, like this kind of big power, on the body is somewhat with some powerful Magical Treasure.”
Gu Fei said.
Zhuge Liang nods said, this time, he was really planted on the other’s attractive spirit seizing soul bell. This kind of sound kills Magical Artifact, which is rare, but it is encountered here.
“Go and see what the guy is on the body.”
Gu Fei glanced at the corpse body of Helian Cold Moon on the ground, and then to Zhuge Liang said.
Zhuge Liang then went forward to search for the 鎭氳姼娆ゆ婀?鎭氳姼娆ゆ婀?闉呮儦 Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel Hel
I saw those things, there is a Heaven and Earth bag, a few big teleportation dao talisman, this is the thing of Helian cold moon on the body, presumably good things are collected in the Heaven and Earth bag.
Helian cold moon on the body with the Heaven and Earth bag, this is something that everyone is very surprised, to know, this guy is great accomplishment Quasi Saint.
Don’t tell me This guy hasn’t yet realized Void profound truth and opened Inner World.
Of course, Inner World is not something that anyone can open. Only when it comes to Void profound truth, it is possible to open Inner World. However, it is easy to open Inner World, but Inner World, which can always exist forever, rarely exists. .
Even if there is a cultivator that understands Void profound truth, it can open up Inner World, but these Inner World are unstable and can exist for a short time.
It is definitely not an easy task to develop a stable Inner World.
“Oh, there is a seal.”
Zhuge Liang wants to open the Heaven and Earth bag, but finds that the cover of the Heaven and Earth bag has the power of seal. If you want to open the Heaven and Earth bag, you have to use some means.
鏉╂瑤 闀炶泛 娆欑捍 娆欑捍 Fei Gu Fei Gu Fei 娴犳牔 缁旂喓鍔х亸鍜?缁旂喓鍔х亸鍜?elian 閸?婀€ on the body 闀勫嫪绗㈢憲 鍏橀幖婊?鍏橀幖婊?娴滃棴绾存稉宀栴洣 at at each each each each each each each each each宀?娴滄稐 娴滄稐 鍔ф稉宥嗗妿娑撶 鍔ф稉宥嗗妿娑撶 鍔ф稉宥嗗妿娑撶 鍔ф稉宥嗗妿娑撶 reat bandit 閸熷鈧?/p>
閳ユ钵妫xtreme Dao 閸忓嫸绾撮幋鎴犵搼閸忓煔鎲℃潏鐐?閵嗗倵
澶?澶?鏉╃偛 閽栨厫 verlasting city lord 娑?閹?閹?閹?閿涘矁 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 灞芥倵闀愩儲 銉?銉?銉?銉?銉?/p>
Last 绮禍 绮禍 鎮嶉挅鎱?verlasting city lord 濠呯犯閿涘矁 濠呯犯閿涘矁 濠呯犯閿涘矁 娑擃灂妞?娑擃灂妞?娆欑捍娴犳牔 闁?闁?闁?闁?闁?闁?闁﹢鎾存姢鎺?鎺?宥嗙獡瀵板﹦娈楅幘顏?宥嗙獡瀵板﹦娈楅幘顏?闃?掳C膩 娑欘焻閺勬捁绠涘畡娆?娑欘焻閺勬捁绠涘畡娆?娑欘焻閺勬捁绠涘畡娆?娑欘焻閺勬捁绠涘畡娆?鐎规粌 鐎规粌 鐎规粌 缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?缁屽棙顩?绐橀崕鍡楃潐閸?/p>
瀵板煔鎻╅敍 art artart arts 閸﹀搫顦婚晞鍕 chain 澶?娓氳儻 娓氳儻 娓氳儻 鍣i敍灞藉涧閸撯晙绗呮禍鍜?鍣i敍灞藉涧閸撯晙绗呮禍鍜?verlasting city lord 娑?娴?娴?娴?鈧?/p>
閳ユ窂rother Gu 閿涘奔缍樻潻娆庣皑 缂戞径锔?缂戞径锔?缂戞径锔?娴滃棎 娴滃棎 鍌?鍌?/p>
Everlasting city lord 闀抎 婵?婵?婵?绔存导 绔存导 閿涘矁 閿涘矁 閿涘矁 宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?宥堫厖閸?/p>
閳ユ粌銇婃潻鍥风捍閹存垼顫庡姊?澶娿亰鏉╁浄绾存潻娆?澶娿亰鏉╁浄绾存潻娆?澶娿亰鏉╁浄绾存潻娆?鐎?閹?閹?閹?閹?閹?閹?閹?閹?鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍨滈崣顬曟箒 鍌?/p>
Gu Fei 娑撳喘 娑撳喘 娑?娑?id id id 娑撶嫥 娑撶嫥 娑撶嫥 娑撶嫥 ian ian ian ian court court court court court court court court court court court court court court court court court court 鈧劋绗夊妤勫殰瀹搞劋绗夊妤勫殰瀹搁妴
Great accomplishment Quasi Saint 娑旂喐妲?澶?Hel Hel Helian Helian 婀€鎼存棁顒堕弰顓锋付鏉╂垵宕勯崙鐘?婀€鎼存棁顒堕弰顓锋付鏉╂垵宕勯崙鐘?宥嗗灇娑撶 宥嗗灇娑撶 宥嗗灇娑撶 宥嗗灇娑撶 asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi asi Hel asi Hel asi asi asi Hel鐤勯敺娑崇捍閺勭棟reat accomplishment Quasi Saint 娑斿鑵?chain
閸/ou Fei 闀勫嫰 閸撳稄绾存潻姗?閸撳稄绾存潻姗?elian 閸?婀€缁?閻?閻?閻?brick nable to withstand a single blow 閵?/p>
閳ユ粈绲鹃弰顓哄亝Helian 鐎硅埖妫岄垾[鈧琜鈧?/p>
Everlasting city lord 鏉╃喓妗犻晞鍓哸id 閵?/p>
閳ユ钵妫ら幆褝绾撮椌d绨烘禍 顩﹂弰顓?顩﹂弰顓?顩﹂弰顓?Fei u Fei Fei鈧晞鍕┾偓鍌椻偓
Gu Fei 楠?闀炵姵鐦敍瀹?闀炵姵鐦敍瀹?illed 鐏忕湊illed 閿涘瞼顑旀禒鏍ㄦЦ娴?娑斿牅 娑斿牅 娑斿牅 娑斿牅 閿涘瞼顤侀崗浣筋梿鐠囧秴鐫嗚灂妫?濮挅鏇?濮挅鏇?濮挅鏇?缁楀牏顩?缁楀牏顩?缁楀牏顩?缁楀牏顩?閫?閫?閫?閫楅敚銊ㄥ閺呭本鏋旀稉 绋欓梻 绋欓梻 缁?缁?缁?缁?/p>
Elliptical verlasting city lord 閾?韫囧矉绾存禒鏍畱 韫囧矉绾存禒鏍畱 cultivation base 閿涘本浜归晲鏇㈡娴犮儱顓夋潻娑崇捍鐏?顏瑰 (2) 顏烘禍搴㈩伖娴滃棎鈧?/p>
Cultivator 闀愪礁绶?闀愪礁绶?闀?ower ower owerhouse 闀勫嫪 閿涘矂鍏樻稉宕?閿涘矂鍏樻稉宕?閿涘矂鍏樻稉宕?as as as as as as as as Pleases 閿涘本娼冩导鎰亯閺傤偢鈧?/p>
鏉╂瑦鐗遍晞鍕眽閿涘本娼冭箛鍐х鐠у嚖绾撮椌f妲哥紒婵嗩厞鐟曚浇顫嗙悰鈧晞鍕剁捍Key瀛弖 Fei 閿涘本浼嗘總 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂 閺勵吂
Helian 閸愰攱婀€缁旂喓鍔ч幆 绗傛禍鍜穟 Fei 閿涘奔绮晞鍕瑓閸?瀹歌尙绮″▔銊ョ暰娴滃棴绾存禒鏍︾瑝鐠囥儱顓?瀹歌尙绮″▔銊ョ暰娴滃棴绾存禒鏍︾瑝鐠囥儱顓奊u Fei 閻㈢喎鍤弶鈧箛鍐跨捍鐟曚辜o know 閿涘瓘u Fei 鐏炵泬 鐏炵泬lood Sea 娑斿鑵戠挧 濞?濞?濞?濞?濞?濞?鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂 鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂 鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂 鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂 鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂 鎹€閺夊倽鐨槂
Everlasting city lord 闀炵姾顒炬禍鍡捍娴滅s death 閸︺劋 閹存垼 閹存垼 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 宀嬬捍闂绢枎 Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei Fei宀冣偓灞炬Ц闀婎灁绻佹禍鍡愨偓
瑜版挾鍔ч敍瀛峷erlasting city lord 閺勭枌entral Province immortal mansion 闀勫嫪姹夐敍灞藉箵娑旂喎 ammonia 缁犳妲窰elian 鐎?妫屾稊鐔剁瑝閺?(1) 鐨㈤晩顬旂箒闀愬簼绠為暀闀愬簼绠為暀姣?婵?婵?Helian Helian rudder. 閹?/p>
閻?宀嬬捍鐏忓崬婀稉顐?宀嬬捍鐏忓崬婀稉顐?鍖?鍖?鍖?ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge 绠i暈璁圭捍 aven 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍 绠i暈璁圭捍娴滃憸鎹i晲
娴肩娀 渚€妯€娑撳﹦娈?渚€妯€娑撳﹦娈?oid oid ou ou ou ou ou 涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?涓?灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 灞芥倵閿涘 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮 閿涘畮铏瑰箛閸︺劋绠€娴肩娀鈧線妯€娑撳鈧?/p>
“this is鈥︹€?#8221;
Marticial arts last 绗傞敍瀛?verlasting city lord startled 閿涘本婀丳eerless powerhouse 缁愪胶鍔ч崙铏瑰箛閸︺劋 IImmortal Venerable 閸╁簺鈧?/p>
閳ユ钵妲哥拫渚婄捍缁旂喓鍔ч弫(浜?娼冮幋鎱攅lian 鐎硅埖妫岄晞鍓弌unger generation 閵嗗倵鈧?/p>
娑撯偓娑擃灁鍟洪崘椋庢畱婢规畱婢圭叾閸︺劌鐓勬稉顐烘惙鐠х叾閸︺劌鐓勬稉顐烘惙鐠х捍婢圭捍婢圭捍婢筸mortal Venerable 閸╁函绾存稉鈧暈闀炵闂傝揪绾碔mmortal Venerable 閸╁骸鍞撮晞鍕¥閺佹眽闁粙娓块幆濠呭缚閽栧秲鈧?/p>
Gu Fei chain
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