At Supreme Origin World, the martial practitioner of the heavenly tribulation goes straight into Wuxian, raising his hand and breaking the world, and can fly to the Martial Immortal world.

“hong long long ……”

In the depths of the Eastern Domain Vault of Heaven, the thunder rolls are also like a shocking sound.

I saw the South Mountain Range Sword Lord right hand in the sky above, and an Immortal Sword appeared in his hands immediately, and then directly went to the Vault of Heaven for a sword strike.


The sword aura directly soaring ahead on high heaven, straight into the starry skies, wherever, one after another Stars was directly opened, this sword, as if the world was opened in two.

No one can describe this sword. At the same time as the South Mountain Range Sword Lord sent out slash sword, the entire Eastern Domain, and even the entire Supreme Origin World Sword Artifact are shaking.

Then, the Peerless powerhouse on the Eastern Domain also sensed a grand aura from the depth of the Vault of Heaven, and all the powerhouses were shocked.

“Sword Lord wants to enter the legendary Martial Immortal world?”

There is half step Wu Xian’s Old Gu Dong shocked said.

“A sword takes out the flying immortal road!”

Countless people are amazed.

However, the South Mountain Range Sword Lord did not step on Heaven Road, but turned directly, instantly disappeared into the Void, and directly tore the Void.

South Mountain Range Sword Lord is one of the South Mountain Range twelve dao lord, Southern Domain cultivation, with the South Mountain Range twelve dao lord.

However, in addition to the twelve dao lord, the Southern Domain also has the demon sect, the Immemorial monster door, and the twelve dao lord does not respect the Southern Domain and can only be honored in the South Mountain Range.

“The demon and the Immemorial monster are going to be bad luck.”

Someone said.

Sword Lord to become immortal, and there is no first time to step on Heaven Road, it must be back to Southern Domain, he may have to set up All Ages for South Mountain Range dao sect.

At this time, with the South Mountain Range Sword Lord to become immortal, the force of the terrifying heavenly tribulation that condensed throughout the world began to dissipate, and no one dared to try.

Because there are so many dead people, and they are all overlord in Supreme Origin World, some are stronger and terrifying than East Martial Sovereign.

Such as the gold Battle Ancestor, the god Supreme of the god Martial Sect, all of which are Peerless geniuses, all half feet have stepped into the supreme existence of Martial Immortal Realm.

On that very day The giants who talked to Gu Fei on the main hall almost failed. Only the South Mountain Range Sword Lord succeeded. The fall of more than a dozen giants was absolutely enough.

Supreme Origin World is going to be great chaos.

This is foreseeable. If more than a dozen giants fall, it will inevitably create a power vacuum. If countless people want to go up, it will inevitably start various battles.

However, this is actually not related to Gu Fei.

Even after the news of the Eastern Supreme’s fall in the Eastern Domain, the entire god Martial Sect exploded, and the three great Elder stood up and wanted to push their own people into the sect master position.

The disciples of God supreme are naturally unwilling to be stepped on by three great Elder people.

And now the demon Heaven Gate, actually there is no chaos, the thousand demon masters have failed, the people in the demon Heaven Gate could not sit still.

To know, the master of Demon Sect, that is the existence of one person below the 10,000 people, the life and death of everyone in the Ruler Demon Sect.

然而,很反常,本应陷入混乱的demon Heaven Gate ,竟然安静得很,没有人站出来,也没有人放出话来争那Sect Master 之位。

Demon Sect 的反常,引起了Eastern Domain 各大势力的注意。

但是,很快便有人明白了过来,Demon Sect 之中,有资格争Sect Master 之位的,不就是Saintess 与Demon Child 吗?

Demon Sect 的Demon Child 与Saintess 并不是只有两人,Demon Sect 有三great demon 子,两大Saintess ,这些人都有资格去争Sect Master 之位。

但是,Demon Sect 的那些Demon Child 与Saintess 都没有跳出来,都在观望,就is Demon 门的那些Elder 也都很沉得住气。

demon Xian’er 也is Demon 门Saintess ,而且,Gu Fei 强势杀进东Martial Sovereign 城,逼的东Martial Sovereign 主低头,她便跟在了Gu Fei 的身旁。

Gu Fei ,那可是Supreme Origin World 第一武仙,有他支持,demon Xian’er 想要成为Demon Sect 之主,还不是易如反掌的事情?

现在的Demon Sect ,气氛诡异,谁敢冒头,那就是courting death 的节奏。

而demon Xian’er 所在的Demon Sect 势力这些天actually 门庭若市,都想要to know 她什么时候回来,有的势力甚至直接上门提亲。

但是都被demon Xian’er 的grandfather 拒绝了。

任何势力,任何天才,在武仙面前,都是渣,像demon Heaven Gate 这样的一域最顶级的势力,武仙抬手就能灭掉。

所有势力也就是冲着demon Xian’er 身后的Gu Fei 来的,要是能抱上一位武仙的大腿,马上就能一跃成为Supreme Origin World most strong 势力啊!

那些Old Gu 董都精明到了extreme ,哪里不to know demon 家打的是什么主Intent?

这个时候,就算是阴Moon Demon 宗的那个弃徒Demon Wind 也在Eastern Domain 很受欢迎,阴Moon Demon 宗的sect master 甚至亲自前往Imperial City ,想要请Demon Wind 回阴Moon Demon 宗。

但是,Demon Wind 这家伙actually disinclined to pay attention 阴Moon Demon 宗sect master 。

阴Moon Demon 宗sect master 虽然碰了一鼻子灰,但是却连屁都不敢放一个,灰溜溜的带着阴Moon Demon 宗的人离开了东Martial Sovereign 朝的Imperial Capital 。

Demon Wind 的那个Martial Uncle 更是肠子都悔青了,当如要不是与Gu Fei 翻脸,他们阴Moon Demon 宗,恐怕就能取代demon Heaven Gate ,成为Demon Sect 第一势力了。


Demon Wind 虽然is Demon 门中人,但是,也有不少势力向他抛出了橄榄枝,也有Great Clan 的明珠向他表示爱慕之心。

然而,Demon Wind actually 不为所动,他只是老老实实的替Gu Fei 守好这片基业,不敢有任何的松懈。

不过,以他的cultivation base ,逐渐压不住底下的那些人,要to know ,在这东Martial Sovereign 朝的Imperial City ,cultivation base 比他高的major people 有人在。

随便一个皇子或是princess 都有Innate 的cultivation base 。

更不用说那东Martial Sovereign 主了。

要不是所有人都顾忌Demon Wind 身后的Gu Fei ,Demon Wind 早就不to know 死了多少次了。

时间在消逝,Gu Fei 与demon Xian’er 像是失踪了一样,半个月过去了,他们依旧没有回来,这让不少人有些坐不住了。

当Gu Fei 与demon Xian’er 三个月都没有出现的时候,东Martial Sovereign 城之中开始有人叫嚣让Demon Wind 滚出Imperial City 了。

“混账,Kill! ”

Demon Wind 震怒,直接便派出Eastern Martial 卫,将那些散播谣言的家伙全部抓了起来,然后全部处斩。

一时之间,Imperial Capital 之中人头滚滚,鲜血染红了皇宫前的street 。

“有谁敢再胡言乱语,kill without mercy !”

Demon Wind 杀伐果断,一时之间,Imperial Capital 之中的所有想要捣乱的人都闭嘴了,就是那些大人物也都皱眉。

他们想不到Demon Wind 的murderous nature 那么重。

不知不觉,Gu Fei 与demon Xian’er 消失了半年了。

在这半年当中,Eastern Domain rising winds, scudding clouds ,神Martial Sect great chaos ,各大长Boss 战,原本强大无比的sect ,竟然分裂成了两个sect 。

Eastern Domain three great strongest 势力于是便剩下了两个。

东Martial Sovereign 朝依旧强大,统御亿万疆域,demon Heaven Gate Sect Master 之位依旧悬空,但是,demon Heaven Gate 内已经出现了不同的声音。

但是,Demon Sect 之中,依旧没有人dare provoke demon 家,因为demon 家传出了一个惊人的消息,demon Xian’er 的Soul Lamp 越来越明亮了。

Soul Lamp 越亮,便说明demon Xian’er 的divine soul 越是强大。

这个时候,Gu Fei 一人压服整个皇朝的消息终于传到了Martial God Country ,传到了武村,武Alchemist 与Wu Ji 直接傻眼。

他们怎么也想不到Gu Fei 竟然强大到了one man enemy of whole imperial dynasty 的地步,那可是皇朝啊,统御无尽疆域,拥有hundred thousand Innate war soldiers 。

皇朝的力量,可不is God 武国这样的小诸侯国可比的。

尤其is Martial 村的那位Second Uncle ,更是整日长吁短叹,后悔啊,他们错过了让武氏Clan 崛起的机会。

武氏Clan ,看来是只能龟缩在这10 li 八村之中了。

这个时候,Central Domain ,轮回峰之巅,Samsara Palace 内,一名black clothed 女子盘坐在了地上,她的身前插着一把divine sword 。

在black clothed 女子的身旁,还有一口在吞吐混沌Essence Qi 的ancient well 。

这个black clothed 女子,正is Demon Xian’er 。

Samsara Palace 不愧为一处cultivation Holy Land ,demon Xian’er 在这半年当中也并不闲着,她一直在cultivation ,cultivation base 逐渐promote 。

demon Xian’er 的cultivation base 已经到了Innate peak 的realm ,她的cultivation base 随时都有可能直接breakthrough 到True Boundary ,成为True Boundary martial practitioner 。

Martial Dao True Boundary ,那可是比Innate 更高一级的Martial Dao Realm ,一些人被困在Innate 五百载,直到life essence 耗尽,也难以breakthrough 。

但是,一些逆天的存在,年纪轻轻便能breakthrough Innate ,成为True Boundary martial practitioner 。

demon Xian’er ,无疑就是这极少数的Martial Dao 天才,她还不到二十岁,比Demon Sect 当中的三great demon 子和另外的一名Saintess 都要年轻的多。

然而,她的Martial Dao innate talent 实在惊人。

demon Xian’er to know ,如果自己的cultivation base 真的breakthrough 到True Boundary ,她便is Demon 门有史以来最年轻的True Boundary martial practitioner ,前途无可限量。

尤其是她跟着Gu Fei ,一尊武仙。

能成为武仙successor ,绝对是无数martial practitioner 无比眼红的一件事情。

这时,轮回Ancient Palace 外,轮回Old Ancestor 与另一Elder 直接便在外面搭起了帐篷,他们守在了轮回Ancient Palace 外。

Samsara Palace 的那些大人物也都来了,轮回峰上,轮回Ancient Palace 前,actually 聚集着十几名强大无比的martial practitioner 。

Samsara Palace 将Gu Fei 与demon Xian’er 闯轮回峰的消息完全封锁了起来,外界没有人to know Gu Fei 与demon Xian’er 在Samsara Palace 。



就在这时,沉寂了半年的轮回ancient well 突然震动了一下,整个Samsara Palace 也跟着震动了起来,a path of 古老的rune 在Samsara Palace 的殿体上浮现。

“what’s going on?”

轮回Ancient Palace 前,轮回Old Ancestor and the others 震惊莫名。

这轮回Ancient Palace 从来没有人可以撼动,那Gu Fei 竟然可以撼动轮回Ancient Palace ?

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