Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 102 - Hundred And Two.

After some time, Isabelle had left. Agatha somehow had managed to make not a single sound. Not even a sigh. She was as quiet as a mice.

Alexis was resting and she truly was. This time she was just not thinking about anything. No restaurant, no overthinking about something and no Angelo.

She was just lying down there, very peacefully resting.

The door opened, "Out," a voice said but she did not bother to open her eyes. She knew who it was the by the voice itself. And her rest was over. 

Angelo quietly sat on the chair and continued to look at his wife's who was blatantly ignoring him.

He ran a hand through his hair as he had for a number of times today. What was he supposed to say? Fuck, could he Google this? 

He looked at her again and then breathed in a deep sigh for courage. He raised his hand and held hers in his. She let him without throwing a tantrum or getting Angry. She did not even open her eyes once since he entered much less glance in his direction.

"You are angry with me," he deduced. "So angry to not even look at me."

She sighed loudly before speaking. "Try to have yourself beaten for a petty matter. So just think and be a little compassion for me."

"It was a serious matter. There was nothing petty about it." He countered.

"And how am I supposed to know that?" She bit back. "I was not aware of anything regarding this and neither did you make any such efforts to tell me about it." She muttered. Alexis did not yell at him or raise her voice even a little bit. She was treating this as a little gateway, to a hospital, but anyway. At least, it took her out of the damm house.

"I know." He agreed. "I am at fault here."

She nodded.

"I would understand if you want to yell at me. I would not—"

"Hit me if I do yell?" She completed his sentence with a little irritation. "No, thank you. I do not want to spoil myself of that luxury." She added with a pinch of sarcasm. 

Angelo sighed. He hated talking. Could he ask her to shoot him?

Hell no, she could aim for the worst.

So he tried once more. "You need to let your anger out on me. It would bring you calm."

"Would it?" She taunted in a whisper. "No Angelo, it would not bring me calm. Instead, it would bring you relief from the guilt as I would yell at you. That is what you what."

Angelo closed his eyes and twisted his head upwards. He was walled in with nowhere he could push to go.

"Alexis," he took both of her hands, "I am sorry. I shouldn't have reacted in the way that I did. But I saw something, the fact that everything I and my family had ever worked for was going up in ashes. They would have thrown all of us into prison including you. You have to understand that you gave me quite a scare there."

Alexis sighed and the nodded. "I didn't know so I had no idea." Was all she said. No apologies, no taking the blame. Because she was not to be taking the blame.

"Yes, I know." He muttered. "You will be discharged later today. So," he sighed, "I suggest you carry on resting."

Alexis nodded in return and he walked away closing the door after him. Agatha came in immediately after. "Do you require something Madame?" She asked in a polite voice.

"Yes, I do." She opened her eyes for the first time after Isabelle left. "Plane tickets. I want plane tickets."


The car slowly came to a stop in front of the mansion. Angelo, who was sitting next to her climbed out and opened her door. She slowly turned to him, wincing at the pain and held out her arms.

Gathering her in his arms, he picked her up in bridal style and carried her into the mansion. No one except Agatha was around and Alexis was thankful for that. She was ashamed for it as it is and the worst was to deal with people knowing about it.

People staring at her, with some kind of pitiful emotion in their eyes which would definitely make her feel more anger towards him. He was slowly carrying her upstairs, trying not to cause her any kind of pain or discomfort and Agatha was following them closely behind them.

Finally entering the room, he placed her on the bed. The doctor had instructed that she had to be on bed rest for the entire week or if possible two.

"I am on bed rest when I was not even hurt that much." She said without looking at Angelo. "Why am I on bed rest?"

"Because you lost more blood than we thought. You slept through the drip and now we have to give you a good diet."

"I lost blood?" She repeated. "Must be it." She whispered looking away. 

Angelo was looking at her as he stood near the end of the bed. He looked down for a moment and then moved. "I will let you rest."

He nodded and Agatha who followed him out.

"Master?" She asked as he stopped near the stairs.

"Take care of her." He said. "I have given the diet plan to the chef so make sure that she eats according to it. She shouldn't get up from the bed. Also, if she has any kind of pain there is the list given with the medication." He said and then stared at her. "Remember, any kind of pain she has, there is a medicine written for it."

Agatha nodded. She wanted to question but she also knew better than do so.

"Should I look for something particular?" She asked. The pains that he was talking about seemed to be specific about something.

"No, any pain." He dismissed her.

Entering his office, he sat down in his chair. In front of him was a file that he didn't want to open.

He got up immediately, took the file and locked it in the safe in his office.. He wouldn't have anyone know.

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