Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 105 - One Hundred And Five.

Alexis took some moisturizer in her palm and mindlessly applied it to her arms. She was thinking about what she had asked Blake to do for her. Why would she want to know anything about Aston Johnson, wasn't it enough that he was in the past, why did she have to bring him in the future?

Why did she have to ask about him? Now she wanted to change her decision about it but she also did not want the Blake to think that she was an indecisive person. What was worse than assistant thinking that his boss was and decisive and was going to change her decisions every 10 minutes?

Sighing, she placed the bottle of moisturizer down with some more in her palm and applied it to her feet. Why would you want to know about Ashton why? why?

Forget it. She could never know what she wanted.

"They are healing...." She muttered as she ran she fingers over the scars the abuse from Angelo.

There, she said it. Abuse, not punishment.

This was the abuse that she had gone through and he would pay for this. Slowly and surely someday.

She heard her phone ringing, it was Nadine but at ten in the night?

Picking up she immediately asked, "Nadine is everything okay?"

"Yes Ma'am," her calm voice came through the phone and Alexis breathed in relief. "I am sorry to disturb you at this hour."

"No, it is fine," she excused Nadine. "Tell me what is it?"

"It is just..Do you remember that you had asked me to pick up the unknown numbers?"

"Why yes,"

"I did and it was your mother who called."

That had Alexis shut up. Her mother called?

Why now?

Making an irritated face at that. She asked, "Does she want money?"

"Not particularly but she asked about the apartment being free and a meeting with you."

"Huh," she muttered. How nice of her. "Did you give her a time slot?"

"No ma'am. She informed me about being free this Sunday afternoon."

What was she free for? Her mother had retired two years ago. For all Alexis knew no, mother was as free as a two-year-old.

"No, I am not going on this Sunday. I will give her time when I want. She left and.." she stopped talking when she realised that she was rambling off to Nadine. "Nevermind that," she returned to the topic. "Dont give her time. Just tell her that I will get back at her when I want."

"The same words Madam?" Nadine repeated. She didn't want to meddle between family matters.

"Yes, anything more?" Her irritated voice was carried out to the other person's and Nadine understood the dismissal.

"No ma'am. Good night." She wished and Alexis hung up.

"Madam," Agatha knocked on the door and peeked in. "Master is calling you inside his office."

She could not catch a break.

The word office had her shiver. The memory of what had happened previously in hers was still fresh and warm.

"Why?" She asked softly. "Any specific reason for it?"

Agatha shook her head negatively. "No that I know of," she whispered.

She knowledge with a sullen expression on her face. "Okay, tell him I will be there." She had no other option but to go there. She cannot refuse him, not after what happened and somewhere deep inside Alexis was afraid of what had happened could happen again and this time she might not wake up at all.

She got up and picked a robe to wear over her nightgown. She walked to his office with slow and small steps trying to delay this confrontation for as long as possible.

Reaching the door to his office, she knocked. "Angelo?"

Please don't answer, she prayed.

Please don't answer.

Please don't answer.

Please don— "come in."

Damn it, she swore.

Taking in a deep breath she opened the door and closed it behind her without having to look at him.

Slowly she turned around and asked, "you called?"

"Have a seat." He pointed to the one in front of him. He had a glass and a bottle of scotch in front of him. She nodded before doing as told.

"You were drinking," she commented. "And your eyes are red. Are you drunk?"

He patted his thigh, once and then twice before replying, "not really. I can have much more than this."

Trying to keep the conversation steady and going she asked with a slight tilt of her head, "Are you planning to have more?"

He pursued his lips as he thought about it, "no, " but added after another thought, "you know what, it does not matter."

He straightened himself as he sat upright in the chair. "We are here to talk about you."

"Me?" She repeated. "I thought you had everything figured out."

"Ah, see that." He pointed at her. "That is what I am drunk for."

Confused at that, Alexis frowned a little. "You are drunk because I am talking?"

His chest moved as he laughed, "no, not that." He denied and poured himself some more. "I am drunk because I want you to talk to me openly. With no-bullshit of having me offended and shit."

That and definitely with more curse words she thought. She watched as he got up and stood next to the window. Both of their offices and views to the garden.

"What do you want to talk about then." She asked leaning a little on her chair. This was not going to be easy and she knew that. For all she knew, this might be the last conversation she had with anyone because of this man.

"I saw the contract. The one you had found a non-existent lawyer to make for you." He said, "I read it thoroughly."

"And? What about it?" She whispered.

"There is nothing about it but when did you get so brave?" He asked in astonishment. "The content.." he Chuckled.

"It's funny that you think so." He laughed at her.

Pursuing her lips, Alexis tilted her head. He was drunk and instead of getting Angry, the man was just laughing. Maybe she could try driving him in the future.

"Think about what?" She asked with her chin raised. She did not like being made fun of.

"That I would have given you a divorce."

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