Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 114 - One Hundred And Fourteen.

Just, as usual, Liam was sitting in the front and a driver was driving them at a steady speed. Angelo had reached there a minute ago and was waiting for her. There was no need to wait for Alexis as she was around the block. As soon as the car came to a stop Liam came out opening the door for her and she stepped out.

There he stood. The handsome man who she called her husband. The man looked like he had been picked out of a magazine with a suit of Armani and a thousand dollars worth of Rolex.

"Hi," she whispered as she was enchanted by his beauty. He had little stubble and it was looking amazing at him. The man was simply too handsome to be true or to be her husband.

"Hello beautiful," he gave her the famous smile and damn, her knees went weak. Pulling her closer by her hands, he said as he held her waist, "how are you?"

"Fine," she whispered and then realised she was shy. "Hungry?" She asked.

Pulling back from her he has her a playful frown, "For steak? Honey I am starving." He started to lead her in.

Dragging herself behind him she teased, "and here I thought you wanted to spend time with me."

"It's not that," he defended looking behind at her, "I just don't have time to enjoy food and here with you having something favourite of mine is nice."

Alexis stared at him as he had pulled her to walk next to him. She blinked and smiled before saying, "that's a tad bit Romantic."

"Don't push it." He warned. Before talking to the maitre'd and have their table shown to them.

Order for drinks was immediately taken and they were handed the menu for the steak.

"When was the last time you had a steak?" She asked with a bit of curiosity in her voice.

"Now and then I have them with my clients and business partners." He answered, "but to enjoy eating it, there has been quite some time to it."

Leaning on the table with her hand on a chin she continued the conversation, "why not take some time off for an afternoon and enjoy yourself with someone?"

Gazing at her up and down he said, "I don't have to my wife just did that for me."

Her cheeks immediately red and as she felt the blood rush to her face. She was shy again and he was deliberately making her.

Which of course was not fair!

She shook her head and sighed. "What are you ordering?" She asked. She would rather make a conversation then argue with the man. All he had to do to win was to make one dirty comment and there she would go being all blushy.

"A well-done steak with stir fry on the side." He answered as he closed the menu.

She frowned, "I don't mean to taunt or criticise you but are you sure that you would be able to finish it?"

"Might be, might not be." He dismissed. "But I am going to enjoy it with you. It would be our third lunch out."

That got her thinking, "Angelo, did you noticed we have always gone out to have lunch. We have not gone out to have dinner alone."

He raised one of his eyebrows at that, such a peculiar thing to notice and how quick she was to do so.

Ah, women.

"True," he agreed. "we will change that soon as well." He winked.

She was ready to reply but was interrupted.

"Good afternoon, I am Dean and I would take your order. Are you ready to order or would you like some more time?" Dean, very politely, and asked them and Alexis immediately liked it. This was a quality that she would surely have in her wait staff.

"Afternoon Dean," Angelo nodded. "I would have the steak well done with stir fry vegetables on the side. For the madam it would be.."

"..steak well down but with fries." She completed as she handed her menu to the waiter along with Angelo.

Dean nodded and left. Alexis liked his politeness and manners.

"Alexis." Angelo's hand touched hers. He intertwined their hands and continued to talk. "What were you thinking about when you asked for a prenup?"

Lost for words at the moment, she continued to look at him with her mouth open a bit.

Blinking, she finally said something, "why are you asking about it now? We have already signed it."

"It is," he said leaning back on the chair and her hand. Their fingertips touched, he had maintained some on the contact.

"But I would still like to know. What made you think that I would cheat on you when I told you that I would be loyal to you?"

"So did every other man!" She hissed at him unable to control her feelings. "Everyone after a while wants something new and that is no one's fault. We are human. We get bored but we forget how the other person would feel when they are waiting at home for you."

Angelo listened to every word she said. She had it all pent up inside her and it was obvious that this was all from personal experience. "What happened? Who cheated on you?"

"Excuse me?" Not expecting that as a reply she stared at him with widened eyes. "Why would I be cheated on?"

Waving his hand, he said "there is no need to be defensive about it. I am your husband. Tell me about it."

Calming herself down, she sighed. "There is nothing to tell. Like you said I got cheated on. That's it."

"No, that is not it." He immediately disagreed. "If you have pent you frustrations because of it, which you were talking about right now, I need to know so that I can reach and address the real problem."

She didn't say anything. The hesitation and silence told him that he didn't want to tell him.

"Come on, my love," he said taking a different approach.. "Tell me about it."

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