Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 12 - Twelve

"What kind of women are you?" He asked, looking genuinely curious.


"I-I...Normal?" She answered, pointing a finger to herself. What kind of question was that anyway?

Angelo internally groaned after listening to her reply. 'Normal? Really? Was that even an answer?' He wanted to smack his head for that answer. Instead, he glared at her, thinking of how should he talk sense into her about treating a guest. He wanted to hit her hard enough to have her cry out in pain but he knew better. To take control of her, he had to make sure to win her heart.

And to win it, he had to do it with as much as less fear as he could. He had to be calm and collected for it and not think with a raging mind full of fury. Looking into the chocolate brown eyes of hers, he spoke in the most gentle manner that he could manage.

"Darling, when you have a guest over and you're dining with them, you offer them seconds even if they decline you and make sure that they leave with an overfilled stomach. Do you understand, my love?"

Heat rushed to her cheeks and Alexis felt ashamed. She didn't have many guests over but now also lacked in hospitality skills. She could feel herself growing hot because of the embarrassment she felt.

"Oh. I am sorry. I'll take care next time." It wasn't the reply that she gave pleased Angelo, it was the small nervous smile at the end. He had never seen her smile at him since the first day and yet the nervous one won his heart over.

Alexis reached over and grabbed a slice and served him on his plate, also refilled his glass. She smiled at him, happy that he didn't get physical for such a petty thing and explained it to her. 

They continued eating in silence. She served him more slices which he was happy to eat, she was at peace; for once she didn't have to be scared in his presence. Once he had finished she grabbed the utensils and placed them in the dishwasher.

Angelo followed her into the kitchen to inform her about his departure. "I'll take my leave now." Saying that, he turned to leave, he stopped to look whether she had been following him to see him out not. That was a clear indication of what she had learned. 

Turning around he saw that she was a good seven to eight inches away from him. 'Good, at least she knows to walk someone to the door.' Pleased with what he saw, he smiled and walked to her.

Alexis couldn't help but shrink in the place where she was standing. The giant of a man walking towards her with God knows what on his mind, truly sent shivers to her spine. He placed a hand on her shoulder lightly squeezing it.

"It's good to know that you're following me out even though at such a distance but that doesn't matter. That's the sign of a good woman who'll take care of the guests with me. Good night." He lightly kissed her forehead. Opening the door, he walked out and closed it behind him.

The cold air of the night hit her warm cheeks and stopped as soon as the door was opened and closed. She stood there and thought about what he said.

'Guests? A good woman?' She blinked. 

'But I just came to lock the door.'

Walking up to the door she stood behind it. She never had any 'friends' mainly because of how she awkward was. She talked to people happily especially the old people, they might be thick sometimes but it was just out of loneliness. She had her colleagues and her neighbours but friends weren't something she could do. She heard how best friends for a decade or two, broke up because of a guy or Girl or they were the ones who stalked you till the point of insanity.

Locking the door, she walked inside her kitchen and handled the dishes. Grabbing a washcloth she wiped the dining table, she placed the collected crumbs inside the pizza box and threw them inside the dustbin. Looking around she checked for any garbage or waste material, finding none, she switched off the lights and went to her room.

It was awfully quiet she was surprised that Deisel was not following her. Opening the door to her bedroom she walked in only to find Deisel on her bed.

'Great as if my hair fall wasn't enough yours going to be there too.' She sighed patted him. 

She had never really trained Deisel except for a few basic manners and she was content with it. He was an understanding dog. She didn't know about how he did it but he just knew that today she felt lonely and having a warm bundle of happiness to cuddle with would be lovely. She washed up and changed.

Getting in the covers she pulled the dog closer and he happily cuddled more into her. She was happy with what she had. Life was never easy on her. She wanted to have friends but who would be with her? A socially introverted person. Did people even talk to people like her anymore? This was what she was scared of. She wanted to fit in the society too but the vultures never let her.

And one of them being her past.

Closing her eyes she pulled him closer knowing that he'll be there for her, listening to her ranting, narrating about her day and bad-mouthing her colleagues who did nothing but gossip.


Waking up to a dog licking your face is amazing as well as irritating, especially when you slept late last night. Yawning, she patted his head and went to the bathroom to refresh herself. Coming back she saw diesel sitting on his hind legs with a leash in his mouth.

'Aww, you sneaky little bitch.' She smiled, amusement dancing in her eyes.

Sighing she walked into her closet and wore her tracks along with shoes. Chaining him to the leash she locked the door and went out. She always took stairs with Diesel as he preferred it more. The lift opened as she descended the last stair only to see her neighbour; James.

She smiled in greeting and James in return flashed his million-dollar smile. Suddenly, out of the blue, he gasped loudly placing his hands over his mouth. Alexis could not comprehend and look around her surroundings in search of such a reaction. He charged for her in long strides and that made her petrified.

She braced herself for the impact and closed her eyes.

"Oh, my darling baby. Oh, look at you. Oh! Oh, you baby boy." He cooed in his baby voice that to her wasn't appealing at all. He was coddling ber dog once again. 

She opened her eyes and looked down. That guy was babying her dog. Again! She shook her head in disapproval. He was going to spoil him if anything. She was enjoying it immensely on the inside knowing that a guy won't usually portray his emotions in front of a lady like that and shredding his manliness away.

Feeling her phone vibrate, she took it out to see that an unknown number was calling. Sighing she picked it up thinking that it might be from her workplace.

'Hello ?' she answered her phone.

'Is this Alexis Williams?'

'Yes '

'It's Domenico Gotti. Are you busy at the moment?'

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