Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 134 - One Hundred And Thirty-four

She wanted him gone. Yet, he continued to sit there like he had all the time in the world for her. She hated the fact that now out of all the times, someone had decided to stay with her when she didn't want them too.

Life never works in anyone's favour, does it?

Surely did not in hers.

Alexis huffed in anger.

Subtly she tried to hint at him. "Don't you have something to do?" Not so subtle. "I am sure you have burdened your brothers to sit here."

Angelo's lips quirked a bit. How much was she quirked by his presence?

"I have to. Vincenzo is going to have a baby soon and he would like to be home in time for that to happen, some of the work would be divided amongst us." He shrugged.

"Baby?" Alexis frowned. She had completely forgotten about that.

He smiled. "Yes, a baby. A little goody of mass ..or whatever. That would be the next edition of our family. His son." Angelo rattled on. He purposely focused on the word 'his'.


Did he hint at something or was it her?

A baby?

Alexis was again thinking about all that had happened. Why would he say that? Surely the doctors had told him about the assaults then why would he say that? It was humiliating to hear all of that from him.

His child? What did that mean?

Was she pregnant from the rape? Or had she miscarried?

Alexis could not feel herself anymore. She wanted to focus on breathing and nothing else but everything seems to be slipping from her hands. She tries to catch on, she tried to count but nothing happened she was hyperventilating.

She wanted to stop everything happening around her hut nothing happened her way. She had lost control of our own body. As much as she tried to hold on everything was slipping from her grasp.

What had been done to her?

She was violated! She was ruined for anyone to have!

'What now?' she wondered. 'What if he knew? Did he already know? But if he did, why would he continue to be here for me?'

But then she realised.

And that is when she turned and opened her mouth.

Angelo had let a small smirk slip when he saw her thinking. With her lips parted, a frown had graced her forehead. She was thinking about what he had told her. That had surely got him to wonder why he had used the terms.

And that's when he heard it.

Alexis had turned her head to the side and started to vomit.

He immediately sprang into action and held her hair back which were already in a ponytail so he kept it on the side and then rubbed her shoulders and back in comfort. She continued to vomit and he continued to comfort her.

Alexis heaved with a sour and painful throat. Angelo passed her the tissues in silence and she appreciated it. What she didn't need was talking. She took them and wiped her mouth and chin clean. Avoiding the sight of her vomit she turned around and breathed heavily.

"Are you okay?" He gently asked. "Water? Or should I call the doctor?" He had called the cleaners already but he had to make sure that she was okay first.

She sniffed and shook her head no. She didn't need anything.

'Pity,' she cried. 'He is showing me a pity. He pities his wife which is why he is here. He doesn't want me to feel abandoned.' She closed her eyes forcefully as a sob broke out of her. 'This was not it. This was not how anything was supposed to be. Why would this happened to me?'

She was having a full-blown cry by now and she was not ashamed of it. She wanted to cry, she had every reason to cry. Angelo sighed and pulled her close to him. She needed comfort.

When she felt his arms gathered her to his chest, she had a full-blown breakdown.

Why? Which was he shaking her do much of pity? She wanted to die. Why was he here? He could leave her here, alone in there four off-white walls. She could be leave rotting here with having her drag him back. He had a life and he could live it with someone who would not have suffered as she had.

"Please..leave." she cried in a broken whisper. "It's okay, please leave."

His heart immediately sank hearing those words. What in the world made her say that?

"Darling," he cooed pulling away. "Why would you say that? What is making you say that?" His frown made her feel worse. How much longer was he going to pretend? She could survive without him and anybody else, maybe not for long but she could.

She shook her head with a little sobbing. She told him what she honestly thought. "You don't need to. You can leave."

He knew that she was talking about. But no way in hell would be ever leaving her away. The hell, this was all because he was never going to let her go.

Firmly holding her jaw, he squeezed a little to make sure that he had her attention, "My love. I am not going to leave you. Never is that going to happen."

She adamantly opposed the idea. "No! It's fine. Don't take pity on m—"

"What fucking pity are you talking about?"

"The pity that you are showing me! Why are you here when you can move on with your life with someone better?!" She yelled in his face. Why was this happening to her?

"Alexis stop." He tiredly ran a man over her face. He wanted to talk about it but now was not the time. She clearly won't understand.

"No, I want to. You shouldn't be here with me.." she cried and tried to get her words out.

"Shut the fuck up! Who am I supposed to be with if not my wife?!" He growled as he shook her hard.. "I ain't going anywhere."

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