Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 143 - One Hundred And Forty-three

Reaching the hospital, he immediately opens the door not waiting for the driver to do so and then made his way to the room his wife was in.

He laid his coat on the couch and made his way to the bed that she laid in, only to his shock find out that she was not there.

For the next best option. He turned around and looked towards the bathroom. He wanted to respect her privacy instead of just barging in. So he knocked on the door.

Hearing silence, he knocked again.

He again did not receive a reply.

'What was she doing in there?' he frowned at the lack of an answer. No water running so it was obvious that she would be able to hear him.

Placing his hand in the knob, he twisted and pushed the door back.

Looking around the empty room, he called her name, "Alexis?"

She was not here, he concluded still frowning. He started to turn around and leave but something caught his eye. Or rather someone.

He turned back around and walked to her taking quick steps for it. She was sitting on the floor and sleeping by the looks of it as her chest rose and fell while taking breaths.

"Hey.." He bent down and went ahead to wake her up. His eyes had found something and his body went stiff as he saw the blood around her.

Period? Please be...

His eyes following are the source of the blood, they traced it back to her wrists and arms.

"Fuck!" He swore out Loud. "Alexis?" He shook her hard making her head ram into the wall. "Alexis!" He yelled loudly.

"Skmft. ..sjmabhw.," she muttered ambiguously making him immediately frown.

The fuck did that mean? Is she dead or alive?

He immediately gathered her in his arms and stood back on his feet. He carried her to the bed and then pressed the emergency button repeatedly and aggressively.

"What? what?!" The nurse immediately arrived in the room and questioned them, annoyed with the constant, sudden and continuous ringing of emergency Bell. "Oh god!" She gasped as soon as she saw what was the reason and immediately sprang into action.

"Hello? I need a doctor in room 302 immediately, I repeat immediately!" She shouted into the phone she had. Her hands covered the bleeding and did the necessary actions.

The other doctors arrived immediately as well having received her message, they immediately sprang into action as well. They covered the bleeding and the nurses took her bed and wheeled it to the operation theatre. Everything was done in a hurry and all Angelo could do was stand and watch it happen.

He watched as the nurse came in and tried to stop the bleeding then as she called the others to help, he saw as the others arrived and sprang into immediate action.

All he could do was see and then look at his blood-covered hands. Her blood, his wife's blood.

His wife who had just tried to take her life.

As no one stood in the room with him, a sick smile made its way to his face.

All had worked out like it was supposed to.


"So all in all," Angelo gave a tired sigh as he spoke, "She is okay?" He asked one more time.

The doctor nodded. "The cuts were not deep. There was not much of a blood loss so even if we do not give her the drip she would be fine in a few days but just for precaution we have." Her expressions told Angelo that she wanted to say something and was reluctant to do so. So, Angelo gave her a slight nudge.

"Talk." He barked out. "Don't keep anything from me when it comes to my wife." He warned.

"Well," she looked uneasy to say this. "She committed suicide." She said.

Angelo titled his head with a raised brow. "I think I am the one who found her. So I am well aware of that."

"Yes, yes." The doctor blushed a bit. Embarrassed. "I meant that she committed suicide and we cannot declare that she is okay. Maybe, now she needs a therapist more than ever." She proposed. "I would advise that we still keep her in the hospital instead of discharging her tomorrow and have her recover in therapy here as well."

Angela did not object but it did not mean that he won't object altogether. She was a doctor and she could call the police on him for which he would have to trap her in her own words.

"Pray do tell, why not discharge in her and keeping her here, is a solution?" He asked looking quite curious.

She looked a bit shocked at the question but did not comment and on it and answered. "Because here she would be surrounded by doctors and we would be able to help her throughout her journey. Be it physical or mental we can help her better."

"Ah, I am sure that you can, never objected it." He reassured. "but here is the thing, she was in a hospital where she committed suicide. The object was a surgical knife that you left in her room while she was recovering. I mean I just want to say that there was no reason that that surgical knife should have been there until unless.."

"What are you trying to say?" Appalled by the accusation, the doctor on duty stood up. "Are you accusing me of trying to kill a patient? I am a doctor for god's sake why would I eve—"

"So just because you are a doctor you cannot kill anyone?" He mused with a smile. He loved the play of words. "How convenient is that and how convenient would that be to use against you in a courtroom."

"Co-court room?" She repeated with her eyes wide and full of disbelief. "But I am just trying to help your wife!" She tried to defend herself but truly help was all she was trying to do.

"I am sure that you are trying to help my wife and you have by stopping the bleeding and tending to the wound.." He appreciated her but immediately after that his eyes turned cold as he spoke his next words, "but the end decision regarding my wife will be mine."

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