Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 146 - One Hundred And Forty-six

Placing her foot on the first step of the three she entered her house after weeks of torture and medicines. She smiled a little and then immediately out on a blank expression. Julia stood there with a bright smile on her face but that was what a passer-by would say. For Alexis it was a sly smile, something that told her Julia, with all this time had Alexis was away had planned a lot of things. The grandmother sat at the sofa so Alexis decided to play safe.

She turned and stepped in front of Angelo. "Would you support me no matter what?"

She had an uncertain expression on her face and that tugged something inside Angelo. She looked really heartbroken by thinking about an answer that would not be in her favour.

"Yes, of course." He immediately answered her. "Don't question the obvious."

She gave him an enchanting smile in return, "Thank you. Could you give me a few minutes along with your grandmother? I would meet you in our room."

He nodded not thinking much of it and walked away. Nothing was going to happen to her inside her house.

"Grandmother," Alexis greeted with a smile of her own.

"Quite a long vacation that was," ignoring her greeting Julia drawled out. "Where did you go?"

"It was gateway grandmother," Alexis corrected.

"Yes, yes. That." She waved her hands in dismissal. "But why in the middle of everything?"

Alexis did not reply and gave her for small smile. She moved past Julia and took a seat on the couch. "I am a life give you something as your granddaughter in law."

Julia nodded you had no idea what it was going to be.

Agatha came forward and handed Alexis two pieces of papers.

"So,' she smiled looking at the older woman. "I decided to take the reins of my life in my own hands."

Julia scoffed. "About time that happened." She taunted more, "I was wondering when you would learn that."

Bitch, Alexis cleared her throat loudly. "And that begins from taking care of my own home and also, I hoped that as my senior, you would support me this."

"Yes, so good to hear that you know that." Julia intervened once more and the patience of Alexis was hanging by mere thread. "and yes, I would."

"so," ignoring what the woman said, she placed the tickets on the table. "Here is my taking control."

Julia, with a scowl, glanced at the pieces of paper and took them in her hand. a frown began to fro and deepened by time as she read the contents of it. "What is this?"

"tickets back to Italy." Alexis answered with an obvious smile. "I thought that was written there."

"It is wri-" she stopped, that was not the point where she had to argue at. "You cannot send m- You cannot do that!"

Making a shocked face at that Alexis muttered, "but you said that you would support me.." she blinked back a bit and added, "I thought you wanted me to take control and you wondered when that would happen."

"but that does not mean that you get to throw me out!" Julia yelled in return.

Alexis scoffed. She wanted to do something else, she wanted to be angry. She wanted to just channel her feelings out and anger seemed to be the best option and Julia was just in front of her. Alexis wanted to pounce on her and bite down her neck.

Her innocent and confused expression was no longer there, they were replaced by a blank expression with a hint of anger in her eyes as they were glaring at Julia. "You are not being thrown out. You are being asked to leave, very kindly might I add." She gave a tight smile. "But that won't be the case If you choose to defy me."


Alexis stood up and cut her off. "That in your hand," she pointed at the ticket, "is a first class ticket which it won't be after tomorrow."

She didn't turn to look around and went upstairs to her room. As she had finished climbing them and was out of sight, she let out a huge sigh. She leaned her forehead against the cold wall. She needed support.

'I won't let anyone throw me off and let them walk all over me. I won't be weak. I cannot be a ladder and let people climb their way through me.' She had to be strong. She did not know who had kidnapped her but she was going to take in Julia as in of her suspects. That woman was the worst grandmother ever.

She pushed back and then walked back to their room with a slouched back that woman always ate every ounce of patience that Alexis had.

"Hey," Angelo greeted her as soon as he saw her come in. "tired aren't you?" he patted his lap and plopped down on it, cuddling close immediately.

"Hmm, so tired. I want to go away." She whispered with her eyes closed and cuddling closer. "I just want silence."

Angelo's chest vibrated as he laughed and she felt it. "I am sure that you want that. You can have that in Chicago." He offered.

Alexis did not know that to say. He was just casually throwing the move to another state in the conversation. So she just sighed and snuggled close.

He didn't comment on it rather just let her cuddle close to him. He loved the feeling of her being close to him. It was the best one in the whole world. He smiled again and let her. Such a lovely thing it was and the feeling too. 

He ran his fingers through her hair and noticed now full they rough and full looking now. Her over all being was all but weak. She had her life sucked out of her by all of this and now, his goal was to get her health back on the track, only off her next words to stop his heart. 

"Do you know who kidnapped me?"

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