Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 152 - One Hundred And Fifty-two

"Behave," he warned her as soon as they got out of the car. "I am not going to talk to you about the scene you caused on the street but we will talk about that sometime later." 

She nodded looking straight and not at him. That will only make her nervous. 

"Also for Nikita, you were on a vacation. We can tell them you are tired if you want." He offered. "it's understandable if we do not want company." He threw a concerned look at her.

She politely declined by shaking her head, "No, I have to get back to my normal routine anyway. So why not start it now." She shrugged a little, seeming unsure if it herself nevertheless wanting to try.

Angelo nodded, understanding but not questioning it. She had to have a therapist and she would have one. He would make sure of it. He noticed that his wife would often space out and someone had to get her attention otherwise she won't even realize what was happening around her. The key to becoming a queen was to be aware of whatever was happening around her and he could not afford for her to be so unvigilant. She would end up dead in a day. 

Pressing the bell on, they waited for a second before Nikita came running and opened the door. She immediately hugged Alexis making her laugh.

"Someone surely missed me," Alexis commented as she continued to hug Nikita. 

"Ugh! You have no idea how much." She groaned loudly. Then respectfully so, she went and kissed Angelo on the cheeks as he returned it too.

Moving inside they were greeted by Silvano. The two men went to his office which Alexis was grateful for. As much as she loved her husband's presence, it was sometimes just overbearing to her.

"So, how are you?" Nikita asked as they were along now and they could be more open with each other.

"Good," Alexis muttered as she sat on the kitchen stool. They had ditched the living room to sit in.

"So," Nikita who had made coffee for them turned around and asked, "Were you really on a vacation?"

"No." Alexis answer truthfully. She found no reason for lying to Nikita as that women knew more than anybody. But she could not tell the entire truth as well, so she stuck to somewhere in between and somewhat true. "We had a little episode and the rest was at home." She shrugged it off not interested in talking about it.

"Ah.." the woman nodded. "That explains a lot." With a confused expression from Alexis, Nikita went forward to explain. "I mean out of the blue you go on vacation and then you do not call anyone. It seems fishy, I don't know brother Angelo came up with that and did not think about it thoroughly."

'He didn't.' She realized. 'He had just whipped it up.'

The excuse was so fishy that she could not help but wonder about it. What in the world was it's thinking when he said that she had gone on a vacation? He had said something about it being a getaway to her and others, it had been a vacation and she was sure of it. Before Julia and now Nikita, both of them had mentioned an out of the blue vacation.

Instead of protecting her, he had made her seem irresponsible in the eyes of others and she could not believe that.

She had been kidnapped he knew of that then how could he prance around saying that she had chosen to abandon ship for a day or two for her amusement?

But maybe, another thought popped into her mind, It could have been him being stressed and not paying attention to this slight detail. Who was she to pin the whole blame on him?

Shame washed over her. He had been there for her and all she had done was blame him for one detail. He must have been so busy with finding her and did not pay attention to anything else.

"Hey!" She jumped up when she noticed a hand being waved in front of her. "What?"

"Sorry, but you were somewhere else." Nikita frowned a little, "Everything okay? Do you want to talk about it?" She offered her help a bit. When Alexis had entered she was smiling as she usually would not. A little stretch of the lips and she was done with it. It made her think that something more ominous had happened.

"No, nothing." She denied in a dry voice and then changed the topic. "How were your days?"

"With the whole Chicago change?" Nikita confirmed. "I did not know about it in the beginning so I usually used to wait for Silvano to come in and it was quite late. But when he noticed that I was staying up for him, he told me everything and pretty much I went to bed without waiting for him. Want to know the bad part?"

Suddenly interested, she nodded.

"With all the Chicago takeover and shifting.." Nikita whispered leaning in making her do so too. Alexis sensed way too interested.

She whispered in all seriousness."I haven't had sex in months."

Alexis blinked for a moment and then finally got it. "Wha—Why would you tell me that!" She yelled looking disgusted by the news. 

"But it's true," Nikita whined, stomping her feet on the ground. "I am so horny. You know, he saw me once using a toy, and that sly bastard hid all of them!"

Groaning Alexis palmed her face. This woman was sure as hell kinky.

She got up, having her fill in the conversation. There was no way she was listening to the sex life of Nikita who seemed to have it endlessly going on.

"Point me to the bathroom?" receiving the direction she turned around and walked towards the door closing and locking it shut behind her.

She washed her hands first and then took out her phone.. She had a few things to do and the first one was to find out if the man was alive.

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