Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 161 - One Hundred And Sixty-one.

So..should she follows or not?

She turned around in an instant to catch the so-called ghost but no Vail.

Turning to the other side she did that same.

"Whatever you think is going on.." what the hell was going on?? She was panicking not the inside.

"What is it?" Something hissed.

'Mummy!!" Alexis was not the verge of crying.

"Who is it?!" She whimpered scared for her life. A ghost? She knew that she shouldn't have moved into a new home without having it checked thoroughly. What was she to do???"Who do you think?" It taunted back.

By god, Alexis hated that hissing sound it was talking in. It scared her more. Why were ghosts always talking in such ghastly voices?

As if not just their faces and getup, they had to have scary voices too.

'Who could it be?' the question ran around in her mind. Who could be in her house that she could know?

"Agatha?" She tried. but she did not hear any answer for confirmation that if she was right or wrong.

She was still rooted to her spot and her eyes darted around the kitchen trying to find the source of the voice.

Who was it?

"Ahh!" She screamed at the lights went out! With no light to see what was around her all she could do was pray.

God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God. God.

She continued to chant in her mind and search other her brain for any chants or possible hymns or even mantras that she could recite at the moment.

The fuck!

What the hell was she in a situation like this!

Why always here?!

She was going to kill Angelo for trying to get her to live in a haunted castle or whatever it was.

"Please.." she whimpered with her lips shaking.

It was not just her lips shaking, everything inside and outside her felt like it was shaking. She was quivering in fear.

A ghost!

A hol—unholy freaking ghost.

She had seen many movies and she was sure that it was not the friendly Casper neighbourhood ghost. It was Annabelle or call kind of ghosts.

what effect was the sole of the person who lived their centuries ago like Bathsheba in the conjuring?

Holy heavens and mighty Angeles what I'd she was going to be possessed by the ghost and torture herself or other people. What is the ghost made her kill herself?

Did Lauren and Ed Warren come for her?

Would Angelo know enough about to call them?

Oh god, she did not want to die.


"Mumma!!" She jumped from where she was standing and got banged into a cabinet making a sound of metal clashing and she started shaking more aggressively. She was gone for. She could feel her tears coming down to her cheeks from the fear she felt.

She was dying tonight.


Where was Angelo? Shouldn't he have heard her or the clash?

Was it true then, that whenever someone was having an encounter with ghosts no one could hear them or their cries for help? 

She slowly steps back and kept a firm hand on the counter so that she knew that there she was going. She was still shaking and on the verge of peeing in her pants. Never in her life, she imagined having a run-in with a ghost. 

"Where are you..." It sang and that too in a hissing voice with made Alexis fear it more. She made her steps a bit quicker but that was not possible as given the fact that she was shaking so bad front he does fear that she felt to think twice before keeping her foot down on the floor. 

" are going somewhere.." 

'Bitch stop singing!' Alexis winced as the words almost left her mouth and we're going to cause a big, big blunder. What if the host could turn aggressive and start hitting and abusing her? she had seen videos on Instagram with there was a presence in the room and after it aggressively turned on and off the light switch and then best light bulbs and such. 

She was sure that if this were the case and was going to happen to her Angelo won't be even aware of what happened and by the time he came down, she would surely be dead. 

"Please.." she whimpered as she moved around and had no idea where to go. 

With the convenience of light gone, Alexis was not even sure of what turn or rather what direction to step into. 

Everything was just surrounded in Dark and all she could do was cry for help. This was not going to work. She had to get out of here. 

"Come back to me.." it hissed once again and it sounded way close to Alexis making her run in a random direction but away from the monstrous entity. 

The hell was it singing for? Could it not just get away with scaring Alexis and leave? 

And what was with calling Alexis to itself? Noway was that ever Happening! 

Like bitch No! Don't be ridiculous! 

As she moved forward she heard footsteps coming in behind her that made her move quicker and in two random directions just to get away from it. 

What the hell was it a for? 

"Angelo!" She yelled as loudly as she could. "Angelo?" She yelled again as loudly as her throat could muster too. There was no way in hell she was dying alone! 

The light flicked and she looked up at them in horror. All of them were turned on my once and then shut off. Why—what int eh world was this that in a playful mood for? 

Could it not just kill and get away with it? 

She had seen the stairs when the lights were on so she ran to them but didn't expect to be running in a side table and falling and clamped on her Ankle and she is screamed.

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