Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 186 - One Hundred And Eighty-six

The baby was sitting on the floor with a mat laid out, his toys surrounding him and scattered around.

He was so small, barely he would reach her knees.

He glanced at her and her breath hitched a bit. He had the same stony eyes. Oh, those beautiful eyes. They looked so pure and innocent on the baby and the exact opposite, malicious and devilish, on his father.

She sighed and moved forward to sit on the couch. Cassidy entered the room and nervously sat down on the couch behind the baby.

She waved around and directed her question at the young mother. "How do you afford all of this?"

"Huh?" Cassidy blinked in return.


Why was every dumb person sent her way?

"I mean, what do you do regarding your occupation."

"Oh," she nodded in understanding. "I work at a coffee shop."

Alexis raised her eyebrows and asked, "as in the manager, I assume." if she was the manager in a coffee shop then Cassidy could afford the necessities of life.

"Oh no," she waved her hand and shook her head no. "I am just a waitress. I go in there for 3 hours a day."

"A Waitress?" Alexis repeated. "Do you mean that you work for minimum wages while you are taking care of a baby?"

"Yes, why?" Cassidy was not a bit insecure of herself or her future or the baby's future. Her expression indicated pure curiosity to why Alexis asked that question and that made Alexis immediately wonder if she was serious about her life?

But if she were not sure of where she was going in the future then Alexis thought that it was the right time to make a threat. It would take one off of her back. 

Leaning back on the couch Alexis asked, "Do you not ever think of where you're going to go?"

"Going to go where?"

"From here." Alexis waved around. "My husband has given you an apartment for the baby. If we take the baby away, then you would not have an apartment."

An expression of immediate panic and anxiety flushed in Cassidy's face. "But I want the apartment!" Her desperate tone did not take Alexis by surprise as she had expected it.

She smiled a little. Just a twitch of her lips upwards.

"I said if the baby goes away, then your apartment goes away." Alexis told her. "but you said that you do not want the apartment to go away." She tilted her head as she observed to the woman. "Do you not care about the baby?"

Realising of what she had done had her immediately deny and stutter on what to say.

Rolling her eyes at the women's desperate attempts to fix her mistake Alexis raised her hand and showed it to her, stopping her from talking any further.

"I don't care for any of those explanations. I know what I saw and I understood it." She then took her hand down and placed it back on her lap.

She noticed how Cassidy was sitting and how quickened her breathing was. She was nervous about what was about to come.

"The child is the only thing that is letting you keep the house." She turned her finger around, "This is an apartment where you have to be paying at least a thousand dollars a month as rent and I'm sure with your waitressing job you cannot even afford it with two roommates."

With the small pause in between Alexis continued, "the baby is the only thing that is keeping you in this luxury and if you ever think that you can come into my house replace me, you are mistaken and this is the last time that I am telling you or rather warning you of not making it."

Staring into her eyes with blazing fire she said, "because the next time when you come at me, yelling and screeching in that voice of yours, I will make sure that you do not even have a roof on your head much less live in a luxurious apartment."

Without waiting for any reply from Cassidy side she got up and was ready to leave.

"You come here all high and mighty but do you seriously think that I cannot come to your house and replace you?" Cassidy scoffed and Alexis halted. She turned around with warning flashing in her eyes. If Cassidy cared for her life or was even a little bit interested in living then she would use her brain and stop talking.

"Because I can," Cassidy smirked.

Well, she was not.

"All I have to do is act like Lucas's life is in danger and you know the next thing that he would do? He would care enough to put us in your house, under your care and constant presence." She stood up and met Alexis with toe to toe. "That is my baby and I will use him to my advantage as much as I can."

"A child? You would use a baby to your advantage?" Alexis repeated pointing at the child. "Are you out of your God damn mind?!"

Cassidy shook her head, "I want a life of luxury but he did not marry me so what, I will live it through his kid." She shrugged and then pointed at the piano.

"Do you see that piano?" She looked at Alexis glancing at it. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She laughed.

Stepping more close to Alexis she whispered, "It's erotic when he fucks me against it."

Alexis expression immediately changed. She glared at the woman to repeat what she said, daring her to do so.

"Ah yes," she smirked, pulling her shirt she showed the dark pigmented spots scattered on her neck and chest. "He had so much of frustration that he just can't shake off. I, of course, come in handy for this." She shrugged and then straightened out her shirt. "Hard and fast, you know, quick fuc- Ah!"

Before she could complete the offending sentence that she was going to say Alexis smacked her cheek as hard as she could making the woman turn a bit with the applied force.

"Watch what you say to me," Alexis hissed. "And always remember," she pulled her hair and spoke in a loud and clear voice. "There is a difference between a wife and a damn whore." Throwing her on the ground, Alexis stared at her. "If any of that is true and you knew that he was married, then I am warning you, I will take away everything that you have." She seethed. "I will make you regret those words." She vowed and slammed the door shut as she walked out.

Angrily walking towards toward the lift with two guards following her, she aggressively pressed the button on the left to the ground floor. She kept on breathing harshly as the lift went down. As soon as it opened she walked out and sat inside the car is door Liam held open.

The entire car ride, she was giving out aggressive sighs as she thought about what that wretched woman had said.

And it could be true now, could it not?

When she had first opened her mouth and challenged Alexis she felt nothing but mockery towards the woman trying to even think of replacing her. Cassidy had no idea what Alexis had endured to the entire eight months and she had been with Angelo and if she thought that she could even come close and then live through it, then she could not be more wrong.

Alexis knew one thing that she was strong and she was stronger than a woman who was waitressing knowing that she has a baby to take care of and there was no guarantee that Angelo would choose to continue to be in the life of the child.

As soon as the car came to a stop, she got out without waiting for Liam to come to her door.

She walked to the door and inside the house with a furious expression and a determined mind.

"Where were you?" On the couch sat her husband who looked calm as if he didn't mind her going out at all.

Her facial expressions turned ugly and she opened her mouth ready to curse the shit out of him but then she remembered something and schooled her features.

"Where's Nikita?" She asked.

He clicked his tongue as if it troubled his royal ass to answer.

"She went home." And then pointed out, "With her husband."

Ah, the lovely taunt made her smile.

"You fucking bastard!" She roared.

"Oh?" He merely rose a brow at that.

"Who did you fuck with?" She asked with a raised voice.

He raised his hand as he said, "With many people. Never kept..never could keep a count." He smiled. "Too many to be counted."

She sighed in exaggeration. "Who did you fuck last night?" She asked in a toned-down voice, deprived of energy. Drained she felt.

"Adriano's kidnappe-"

"No!" She cut him off.. Moving closer she stood in front of him, "Did you fuck Cassidy Smith last night?" She whispered looking into his eyes who darkened as he heard her.

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