Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 20 - Twenty

Sensitive in nature. 

This was perhaps the first situation in which Alexis didn't know what to say. Meeting her potential father-in-law was scary especially if she did not want to get married to his son in the first place. She fidgeted with her hands, wanting to get rid of their gazes off of her. She was still feeling the pain from last night's episode.

"I take it you know about the family business," the senior Alessandro asked her and his voice commanded her attention. 

"I've confirmed the rumours, father," Angelo commented on making Gabriele chuckle at the humourless situation.

"Ahh I see," he leaned in and clicked his fingers in front of Alexis's face making her flinch and come back to reality, "do you wish to know more child?" He asked waiting for the answer that she was going to give him.

"I don't, I am fine with what I know." She softly said, loud enough to make them hear it.

Gabriele laughed loudly making Angelo chuckle at his father's happiness whereas Alexis jumped from the sound. "I like her. She'll learn quickly in this world with that smart mouth." He looked at her, making her squirm, "The wedding, Angelo, push it back, the pain wouldn't let her walk." He said, getting up and walking out after patting Angelo's shoulder.

She continued to look down, feeling his gaze on her. He quietly got up and gathered her into his arms and walked out of the study and to her room. Setting her in the bed, he called for the maid for assistance, kissed her forehead and walked out.

Walking into the study again, he called for his men. The matters at hand were important and he wanted to take care of them as soon as possible.

"Boss," both the men acknowledged as they entered.

"Ramirez and Julio," Angelo nodded, "I've been hearing about the escapades of this street gang. I don't have a problem with them spreading fear of their name but they are interfering in our business." He paused jerking his chin and asking them to sit. "I want them out. Tonight."

Julio nodded excited for the action, "I'll get the men out, boss. Just tell me when and where."

"Boss," Ray started, "weren't you supposed to get married this weekend?" He knew he was out of the way but he cared for such events and was often the one who cleared his public image.

"No. She had to be disciplined." He muttered suddenly feeling tired. "Get the men ready."


"Total men or fucking boys in the gang are 25. They said it's a starting number and they're going to grow. All of them are in, including the top dog." As the soldier finished speaking Angelo had decided that the original plan had to change. They were kids and he didn't want to get his hands dirty in some good for nothing's blood.

He took his phone out and message 'C' to all, indicating that he was changing plans. It was going to be a confrontation.

Getting out of the cars, his men took their positions and he along with ten other men walked inside, knocking the door down with Julio, he led the men.

Kids poured out, hands shaking with guns in them, his aura was what made them fear.

"I want your boss," he said and then added, "just to talk." With a sweet smile that held dark secrets.

The boy nodded, scrambled away giving way to the big burly men. Angelo huffed and followed him with his men leaving some on the watch. They entered a room with boys in it. They either had the foolishness of bravery or fear of the men that stood in front of them. Angelo walked a bit further, dragged a chair that made a screeching sound and sat in it.

"Now," he spoke loud and clear, "I don't have any problem in kids playing around but when you mess with my men, you mess with me. Get out of this state, go anywhere where you can't cause any trouble to me." He stated his intentions.

"No," a voice came in front of him. He copied Angelo's actions making the made men laugh. "I said no. We're gonna stay here and take you all out, one by one." He gritted his teeth as he spoke.

"Oh, take out, alright," Angelo laughed in amusement, "I used to think of taking out men and you know what my father taught me," Angelo got up dragged a boy out and hit his head hard on the wall. "Ray sedate him," Ray injected a syringe inside his neck, putting him asleep for an hour immediately. Angelo watched as Ray finished and pulled out a pocketknife. "My father said, gut them in a way that everyone hears it and fears you. Let me help you now, boy," he flicked his eyes to Julio and men started to pour in, holding every boy down, Julio dragged the top boy to Angelo and made him kneel.

"Now," he took another pocketknife and gave it to him, "you take him hitting him," he dragged the pocketknife along his eye and with his fingers, he scooped it out showing it to the boys. A few of them vomited from the bloody sight. The boy next to him choked on something but Angelo didn't let him go.

"So boy, knife ready?" He smiled at him. The young one tried to get away but got kicked by Jim in return. Angelo got a spoon from a table a man passed it to him, "It's your first time, try it with a spoon. It's easier."

Taking his hand in his, he scooped the eye making the boy cry at the ugly sight. The blood poured out of the eyes. The boy's hands shook as he saw the blood and then the eye he pulled out the retina and eyeball now dipped in blood while crying. 

Angelo grabbed his neck and said, "that's taking out someone properly boy. " He looked at the boy below and said, "he was brother, wasn't he? The resemblance was uncanny." He looked at the boy crying loudly and yelled at Ray to wake him up.

Ramez injected another syringe having the boy jerk away as he felt and burn in his body and then slowly as his senses came to life he cried aloud in pain. Crying to God about how much it hurt. His brother took him in his arms, crying with him, apologizing to him.

Angelo stood near him and whispered, "look at that, you couldn't even protect your own."

The children were now onto the floor, all sedated as they made men walked out and as soon as they did. They lit the building on fire, making the place roar up in flames that reached the sky.

Angelo and his men watched it burn and drive away home.

Home.. Alexis, who was never going to slip away from his hands.

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