Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 200 - Two Hundred.

"Holy fucking shit!" Elijah cursed. "For fucks sake?"

Finding his reaction mildly amusing, she sighed a little but also answered him. "Yes."

He stared at her for a few long seconds before shaking his hair and denying it. "Okay, I don't know what Netflix show you watch but this, girl, that cannot happen in real life to one person." He raised his finger. "Like literally, it cannot happen to one person or anybody."

She sighed simply in return and looked away from his face. "It's alright. You will have a hard time digesting it but it's all true. Do you see those man dressed in black around us? Those are my bodyguards and I am not kidding, if I get up and walk away they will too."

"Really?" He asked and just forgot to close his mouth after saying that. "Like really? You have actual bodyguards with you?"

"Yes," she smiled. "I have a real-life breathing and moving bodyguards." She then leaned into a whisper, "with real guns and killing bullets with them." She watched him shudder in return.

"But none of it makes sense." He said after a few bits of silence. "You help him after he helps you but in return, he pursues you and forcefully had you marry him?" He was stating facts but by the end of his sentence, he had twisted his words into a question. "It does not make any sense. Why?"

She shrugged. "trust me, if I had any idea about it I would tell you."

"Oh," he murmured. "what did you not resist the idea of a forceful marriage?"

"I did." She answered in a surprisingly calm tone. "I did but I did not have much to resist about. I think about it till now and I have no idea what I am still doing. I am just wandering around having no idea what to do with his constant presence hovering on me."

"What?" He shrieked. "What is that supposed to mean?! You are so rich and with your husband you're so powerful which means that eventually, you are powerful as well-"

"Yes, but my power comes from him!" She intervened, pointing out the fact. "It's like I am nothing without him."

He tsked and hit her on the head. "Yes but you are with him and as you said previously, there is no scope of any separation or divorce, then it's better that you remain within his favour."

Her face twisted at how his words sounded. "In favour?" She repeated with a sneer. "The fuck? He's not a king for me to be his favoured wife! Or a concubine!"

"Yes, he isn't." He agreed but only to disagree. "But a man that high up on the food chain doesn't have any shortage regarding anything. Do you know how many women are probably ready to sleep with him because of the benefits? Or just to be someone he is remotely familiar with?" His words surely got her thinking. "You have no idea what you can do if you want. Because if anything, he would leave you if it came to the point of the limit."

'No, he would kill me instead.' she sighed, shaking her head. A few times, here and there, she had skipped a few things from telling him. She found no reason to tell him her weakness.

"Yeah.. that's true.." she muttered. Elijah was an outside opinion who was not biased by anyone else except her. So maybe his opinion could be used. "So, what is it that you think I should do next?"

He looked at her and then to the front, nodding a bit as he thought about it before speaking. "Like you just mentioned, this world is dangerous and I would say that you should have allies. Now, you can't have many because you are, quite frankly don't mind me saying this, Dumb." He winced as he was slapped on the back of his head. "And having someone who is rooted deeply into all of this would help. So, make amends with Nikita." He suggested and this was too, the first thing that Alexis had thought of.

Making amends.

"But ..won't it.." she shifted uncomfortably, "make me seem.."

"Small? Weak?" She nodded. "Yes, It would." He replied bluntly. "But honestly, you need her. More than anyone. A mother would occasionally side with her child but a woman would come to you to help if she is in the same predicament."

"Hmm.." she hummed and stood up, he followed as well. "Where are you staying?" 

He winced a bit. "I work here." He whispered a but shamefully.

"Here?" Alexis felt taken aback. "Are off duty?"

"Yeah.." he rubbed the back of his head. "I am a..waiter.."

Okay, she couldn't help but blink twice at what he said. He was such a high ranked student and here he was, a waiter.

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking."

"I don't," he shook his head. "I don't know. College didn't work out for me. Too much pressure."

She nodded even though she didn't understand what he wanted to say but she didn't want to intrude.

"Alright, gimme your number so that we can meet here tomorrow too."

Numbers were exchanged with another hug and kisses and then they parted their ways. Smiling to herself she moved across the gardens and towards the building where she was staying in. She took the lift and one of the guards came with her. Instead of knocking she directly went inside a suite and knocked on Nikita's door.

"Come in." She opened the door and found out that Nikita was unpacking her clothes leisurely. She stood up and she saw Alexis coming into her room and immediately took a defensive stance. "If you are here-"

Alexis shut her up by walking towards her and hugging her tightly.

"I'm so, so sorry." She whispered as she hugged her and after a few moments Nikita joined in too hugging her closely as well.

"Me too." She murmured. "I should have just understood that you needed time."

"No," Alexis disagreed. "What I needed was a good ol' reality check."

As the new queens of the house hugged each other, the older one smiled.. They were going to be just fine.

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