Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 205 - Two Hundred And Five

They all boarded out of the plane and mood out of the airport only to stand still at the sight in front of them. all of the husbands waited outside with smiles on their faces and somehow that creeped Alexis out. Even Nikita seemed shocked at her husband smiling nonetheless however much you doubt they made their way to them.

Alexis stood in front of her husband with Elijah standing next to her and reeking of nervousness.

"Elijah." Angelo greeted his brother in law first. "Welcome." He moved in for a quick hug to which Elijah followed as well but still was in a state of shock.

"Yes..thank you." He stuttered to which Angelo did not say much he knew of the effect that he had on people.

He nodded and turned to his wife immediately noticing something about her.

"How are you?" Saying that he pulled her close to him.

"Good." She answered as she placed her chin on his shoulder.

"Better I believe?"

"Yes," she pulled away and smiled a bit at him. "Can we go home now?" She asked glancing at Elijah.

Angelo noted and opened the door for his wife and slid in with her. Is Elijah tried slipping from the same side Angelo gave him a glare saying, "the other side?" As if it wasn't obvious already.

He nodded hurriedly and scurried to the other side. frantically opening the door he hardly started having a loud sound being emitted from the air and making Alexis wince and Angelo glare at him. It was true then, Angelo didn't mind him but anyone else couldn't even fathom the thought of his wife being heard.

He swallowed and looked away. His appearance was neat but cold. It was impossible to approach this man for something. His exterior was cold and almost gave away nothing which led the others to run away from him. The penetrating gaze he had, it was obvious how no one wanted to go against him and he won't even balms them. He looked like someone to was ready to kill at any moment.

He glanced at them by his side-eye. Angelo had a hand wrapped around Alexis's shoulder in a string hold as if to protect her from everything else in the world.

Well good for him, no one wants too.

His door was opened and he glanced at the couple who were already making their way out and into the townhouse. So he followed too.

"So this is it," Alexis tinted around waving her hand around. "Your home for the time you are here." She smiled and left her husband's side making him frown and Elijah gulp, hugging him close she whispered, "Thank you for coming."

He hugged her a bit tighter. "Anytime girl." 

"Come on," they heard Angelo as they pulled apart. "I think its time for rest. Have something light, both of you, and then rest and sleep the jetlag off."

They nodded and walked to the dining table and Angelo noticed the similarities between them. They had immediately fallen into a routine. They had very subtle habits which he noticed.

Agatha had prepared the food and garlic bread and pasta were taken by both siblings where is Angelo was served a full meal of everything. He wanted to chastise his wife eating habit but at the moment he knew that he was tired so he didn't push it.

"What have you been doing Elijah, in your life I mean." He asked as he took a bite.

"Umm," Elisa immediately turned to Alexis for help who had a small smile on her face urging him to continue the conversation. "Well I was supposed to go to college but my dad's sudden death lead me to drop out or.. it kinda set me back." He admitted as he bit his lip. "I did give myself some time before going back to college but I guess I got too comfortable in grieving I forgot to come back to the real-life.."

Alexis reached over and held his hand. "Grieving is important Elijah. Exercise important as any other feeling we have but you're not coming back to reality was the wrong path." She then smiled trying to lift the mood, "but I am happy you are here. Maybe this could help you in deciding what you want to do further."

Elijah nodded but did not say anything and Angelo knew that he did not like where the conversation was going so he deflected it. "Anyway, how was your vacation?" He turned to his wife. "Did you relax?"

"Yes, I did." Not physically but mentally she did. Hi talking with Nikita repeatedly about all of the situations that she had been through helped more than they talk with therapies that she had. Instead of being a diplomatic therapist, Nikita had straight out told her faults and where she should have used her brain instead. She had been brutally honest and somehow Alexis appreciated that.

The walked back to the room after showing Elijah where he was staying. she was happy that his room was well arranged and decorated. She went directly in the closet and it took out a night suit and went in for a shower. Coming out she sat on her vanity table and applied for moisturizer.

"Did you relax?" She heard his voice from behind. He was standing behind her making her stiffen a bit and become self-conscious.

Glancing at him she continued applying the moisturizer on her hands now. "Yes, I did." She repeated once again.

He tsked, "then how is it that you did not attend any one of the spa or massages that I had booked for you?"

She sighed looking mildly irritated as fear crawled up her spine. if she showed his fear that he would understand that she did not relax whereas something completely different had happened. "Angelo sometimes people like to Les around and that does not count having massages or spas. I will act and enjoyed in my way."

"By coming out to meet Elijah and then going back into your room? You had practically locked yourself in." He pointed out.

She raised her eyes and looked into his through the mirror, "How do you know that?"

He smirked and leaned down, keeping his chin on her forehead. "I know everything.." He whispered and she caught it.

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