Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 212 - Two Hundred And Twelve.

"Wh-what?" Elijah stammered. "The fuck? Didn't Alexis tell you not to?!"

He met Elijah's eyes through the rearview mirror. "Yes, but my primary concern is Madam and that means going against her orders."

"But he won't be able to do anything. We have to get back before they hid her or even like-like.." in hysterics she aggressively tugged on her hair. "I don't know they could take her away from!"

"And the boss would help with that." Liam gently chimed in. "He could make sure that everything is just as it is supposed to be."

Elijah witnessed the exchange happening and how immediately Alexis was being easily taken advantage of by the man.

"Alexis ..maybe.."

"No no," she cut him off. "Angelo's is really powerful. Maybe he can help."

He could. Angelo was powerful and she had seen the glimpses of it time and again. So if anyone could protect her daughter and bring her back to Alexis then it was Angelo.

It Had to be Angelo.

And what Elijah was thinking was the exact opposite of this. Angelo in no way, shape or form could know what was going on at least still she was in her right mind to do so.

"Liam step out of the car." He ordered in a stern voice. "I'm pretty sure she's going to lose it before he arrives. I need to to talk to her alone."

Liam's eyes flickered over to Alexis who was anxiously waiting for Angelo and was looking outside. He nodded and got out.

As soon as he walked a few steps away, Elijah turned to Alexis and pulled her hair. Hard.

"Ah!" She yelled holding his hand.

"Bitch I don't know what is happening to you but your better get out of it or I swear to god I'm gonna pull you off it."

"What is wrong with you?!" She smacked him across the face making him pull her hair harder.

"Me? Look for yourself!" He got another smack and this time he hit her back.

"What?!" She cried. "Don't hit me!" She said hitting him repeatedly.

"You are hitting me!"

"And you are pulling my hair!" She took a hold of his ear and pulled it. 

"To get you to get your act together!" He said barely dodging a hit around his eye.

"Feels like pulling scalp! And you stop!" She tried to pull her hair out of his grip.

"Will yo-"

"What is wrong with both of you?" A sharp voice interrupted them and they looked over for the person slowly letting go of each other. "Are in your correct state of mind?"

"Define correct," Elijah muttered under her breath and Alexis snickered before going to back to making a straight face.

"Get out of the car Alexis. You are coming with me." Gabrielle spoke with a stern voice that had Alexis nodding over and getting out, leaving Elijah behind who looked grateful to be not involved in the conversation and the car ride with that scary-ass man.

Her father-in-law opened the door to her side for her as she slid in, he shut it and walked away to his side.

He silently drove to the house.

"Liam called you?" She asked in a quiet voice feeling overwhelmed from the happenings since the morning and the hysteria of denial she had been in. 

"No, he did call your husband but I picked up, he didn't recognise my voice over the phone." He explained.

Alexis nodded. It was barely there but yes. Now she was worried about what he had been told.


"Nothing." He interrupted. "Liam did not tell me anything, he just asked me to come. However, I would advise you to get one up on him." He glanced at him. "There are people who have their loyalty tied to both sides and you need to force them to one."

She got it. She did and she knew what exactly to do.


They had come an hour before dinner and Angelo arrived after half an hour. They all had dinner but the atmosphere was quiet. Her husband didn't bother to ask as he was busy with his work so the didn't bother to stick around for much longer and went back to his study to complete the work he had pending.

Elijah and she didn't bother to talk too. The loss was there and an overwhelming sense of guilt because she had never tried to find out where her baby was because if she had then she would have her daughter in her arms today.

Alexis wanted to choose a path of destruction. A path where she was not held responsible for anything, where her worries vanished away. She had had enough of trusting people again and again and now she wanted to teach them a lesson to never mess with her. She wanted to let people know how much she suffered. 

Jayden would have his turn and it could be fun to watch him crumble down.

She turned to meet Agatha, "Agatha have you eaten?"

"Yes madam." She answered swiftly.

"Then meet me upstairs." She got up and moved to her room with the maid following her.

She took a seat at the vanity table and started taking off her jewellery.

"Where do your loyalties lie, Agatha?" She causally asked taking off her earrings.

"With you Madam." She answered immediately.

Her eyes met with Agatha's through the mirror. "And the boss? What happens when he asks you about me?"

"I will answer what you want me too. We have never had this conversation before where you tell me what to say so I say the boss."

"Really?" She smiled. "Then if he asks tell him everything is normal. Just me being me."

She nodded. "Yes ma'am."

She smiled once more and took off her necklace. "One more thing,"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Would you be up for it?" She raised an eyebrow mocking her.

Agatha stepped forward. "Yes madam. I am up for anything."

"Naah, let it be." Alexis teased her a bit further. "You won't be able to."

"Madam, please." She begged. "I want to prove myself to you."

"Well if you say so," she sighed and giving in. Looking into her eyes she spoke, "Seduce Liam for me."

"Liam, the guard?" Agatha asked.

"Yes him," Alexis confirmed.. "And make a video of it. Tell me are you willing to do it?"

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