Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 245 - Two Hundred And Forty-five

"Give it to Nadine. Give her all for them." Alexis handed blake the files that Nikita had sent over. "They are all pro-bono and people here really need help but give her a limit. I'm not going to give her all the resources."

"Yes ma'am." Blake nodded not and turned away to walk out.

Alexis sighed and leaned back into her chair. This was tough. She closed her eyes and calmed her mind. Just a moment of sleep was all she needed.

"Madam," Alexis hissed. Agatha knocked and invited herself in. "It's the time of your appointment."

"Yes, of course, it was now." She tsked in irritation. They said that one does not get any sleep after a baby is born and yet here she was.

Her nerves were back as she sat inside the car, to be honest, the pregnancy test could be wrong yet a doctors observation couldn't be. If he said that she was pregnant when she was pregnant. Period.

They reached and took Liam's outstretched hand. After the confrontation, he had fallen quite silent and Alexis was alright with that. Hell to be honest now she preferred it that way.

"Hi," Mia smiled as she saw Alexis come in. "I was informed about you wanting to get a full-body checkup an-"

"I am here to check if I am pregnant or not." Alexis broke the news and Mia's eyes widen which was quite comical given Mia had a small-sized face.

"Oh, does he.."

Alexis shook her head as she caught the drift. "No, he doesn't. I want to be sure that I am pregnant before telling him."

"Ah, yes I understand." She nodded. "Well, umm...for before, do you want a full-body checkup?" She winced a bit. Alexis can't help but chuckle at her wondering how was she going to survive in the world that she was going to marry into?

"Yes, I'll take that too."

The check-up went on. She sat on various machines and whatnot, listening to the instructions and being introduced to the chairman of the hospital.

Alexis found earlier as she registered how much importance she was being given but then remember who had she been married to. They were sticking it to her so that Angelo would bless them with something.

And that ruined her day even further.

"You are going to have to wait." Mia came into the room. "It usually takes us hours but we're trying to round it up in 30 minutes."

"That's understandable." She nodded and walked to the reception with Liam and a guard behind her. She took a seat and Liam took it next to her, the guard left one between them.

"What's wrong Liam? You've been quiet." She couldn't help but take a jab at him.

He answered in a stoic voice, "I just wanted to talk to you about what was in the best interest of your relationship but as it turns out I am in no position to do so." 

"Hmm," a knowing smile came to her face her she didn't let him on. "That's all right as Agatha won't say a word." She waved it off, "In fact, she asked me to tell you to do the same."

"So she wants to do nothing with it?" He said a bit hopeful. "It's forgotten right?"

She laughed a bit. "Yes, Liam. As long as you stay in your line, we would stay in ours."

"Hurry! Emergency!" She looked towards the voice. "Car accident! I got a teen here!"

A rush of people came in and she had her attention towards them. Immediately straightening up as well.

"She's pregnant!" A girl running behind the group cried. "She's pregnant! It's her fifth month." She dutifully informs them that everyone making sure that the doctors got the information.

The doctor heard her and his movements save the woman got even his hasty then before. "Hurry! Take her to the room."

The people rushed into the operation theatre and the call that was left behind was her friends.

Alexis watched as the girl went crazy from the wait seriously concerned about the well being of a friend and her child.

Alexis looked over to the guard and took up the bill from her wallet handing it to him she said, "please buy her bottle of water."

He nodded and did so. The girl smiled at him gratefully and took huge sips.

She sighed leaning back into her chair once more, there was no hope after looking at the physical appearance of a mother. She was bleeding all over and it would be a miracle if the baby survived.

"Madam," Liam stood up, "They are ready for us."

She stood up and walked past the girl, watching her closely as she did so. Her concerns were making Alexis feel something different.

Something new.

She wanted that. She wanted someone to have a concern regarding her. Someone who stay outside and try to do everything they could to make sure that she would become better.

That care.

'I've never had it. Why can't I have it?' she looked back at the girl who was still staring at the door with waves of anxiousness rolling off of her.

'Why Can't I? I want someone like that too.' 

She took a seat in front of Mia who smiled widely and Alexis already knew her answer.

She was pregnant.

"You're pregnant!" She squealed.

Called it.

"Thank you so much, Mia." She smiled and got up as Mia came to her hug her. "You should come over for dinner sometime. I'm sure Adriano and Angelo would love to join us as well." Mia giggled at that.

"I would love to!"

Alexis nodded and collected her reports. Just like the previous times, there was nothing of major concern in her reports except this time she had a little someone inside her.

She unknowingly palmed her stomach as she moved out of the room.

Would the baby be concerned for her as much as she was going to be for him/her? Was this was the right step in her life when everything was in chaos?

She hoped that this time she could turn to Angelo.

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