Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 248 - Two Hundred And Forty Eight.

As Alexis entered the mansion taking her first step with the baby in her arms everyone that saw her was shocked out of their minds but she did not give them another glance and walked straight into her room. It was nobody's business except Angelo's.

She moved inside and kept the baby on the bed. Agatha came in following her and placed his toys around with pillows surrounding him.

"Get Pam settled in and make sure that the baby's wants and needs in food are taken care of in the kitchen."

Agatha nodded, bowed and then left.

She sighed and looked at the baby as she took her heels off. Lucas was busy in his little world making her smile a little.

"Hello, you." She smiled and sat down next to him. He looked up as Alexis took one of his toys lying around the bed. "You are such a cute baby." She poked his cheek. "I am sorry for taking you away from your mother but she was hardly one. Not that you'd understand but what I did was practically a favour to you." She poked his belly which invoked a small giggle from him. "Aww, aren't you cute?" She praised him.

He looked up again and blinked at her innocently and babbled something.

"I want to promise you something," she spoke out of nowhere, "No matter what happens, whether I grow to love you like my own in the future or not, I will always treat you how I should treat a child."

She placed a kiss on his forehead, sealing the promise. "I promise you that."


"He's here Madam." A frightful maid spoke in a hurried hush voice as she came to inform Alexis.

She nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you."

She nodded and practically ran away from the room. Moments later he came storming in. "What's the meaning of this?!" His voice bounced off the walls and made the baby jump. 

"Of what?" She asked as she sat next to the boy.

"That! This!" He raised his hand towards Lucas as he asked in a raised voice, "What in the world are you thinking?!" His loud booming voice startled Lucas and his face twisted with huge tears in his eyes.

"Angelo, be mindful." She immediately patted the baby and talked calmly to him. She didn't what to do but the maternal instincts had already surfaced and she knew that she had calm the baby down.

He watched the entire exchange with irritated eyes. Quickly walking to the outside of the room, he yelled, "Agatha get in here!"

The baby had started to cry making Alexis hiss in irritation. "Get Pam instead!" She yelled as well making the baby cry even louder.

She took him in her arms and kindly, gently started to pat his back as she swayed back and forth. "It's an okay baby. Little one, it's going to be okay." She cooed to him.

"Ma'am?" Pam came in whispering as she noticed the atmosphere in the room was heavy.

"Here." Alexis handed the baby to him and they left as Agatha closed the door.

As the door closed he came to her and roughly grabbed her, "What are you thinking of achieving by doing this?" He seethed as anger flashed in his eyes making her cower away.

This wasn't the reaction that she had expected. this was more than that she thought he felt for the baby.

"I am trying to rectify your mistake." still she stood her ground making sure that he knew what she was talking about so much so that she had started to blame him to make him guilty even further.

"Me? My mistake?" He replied shocked at her words.

"Of course it is! Matteo is 25 years old and just a few days ago it was found out that he was a bastard child. how long do you think that you could hide Lucas as well? because as long as he is moving between Chicago and New York and preferably Miami he is bound to be found out by people and I have no wish after being forced into this life to be chucked out the again." She gritted out as well. Her words held meaning and warning that Angelo understood but what he didn't understand was what she wanted.

He raised a brow and took a step back releasing her arms from the deadly grip that he had on them. "Alright tell me then what is it that you want. Go on, why are you doing this?"

She smiled and turned around. "Now, what I am thinking of is that I have found the child on the road and adopted. Taken him in as my own. Now what you have to do is fill out every legal form and get to the procedure of him being my child as well." She has an aqueous smile. "The least I could do for that boy who is mother was not even glancing at her son. I can become a better mother than her and in fact I can become a good stepmother as compared to her."

He scoffed, "Can you? What's makes you think that in any way you will ever be half a good mother as Cassidy? For all, I know you have picked up the child and brought him here without thinking through and asking me about it."

Not holding her tongue she taunted back. "I was brought here as well without you thinking through and asking me about it. Look how that turned out."

He shook his head and started to pace around the room slowly. "This is not right."

"What is, adopting a child?" She scoffed, "We are not answerable to anyone. Especially since you are the don." She reminded him. How often it was that he had reminded her since she was the Donna, she was on the top of it all and had access to almost everything.

He sighed tiredly, running a hair through his hair and asked her in a defeated tone, "Why are you doing it?"

Bracing herself for his reaction she spoke honestly, "became I am pregnant."

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