Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 250 - Two Hundred And Fifty.

"It's the prenup agreement that I had drafted for us. What about it?" Something made her wary of the entire situation. His warning and his bringing up the prenup agreement pointed to a situation that she did not even want to think about.

He sighed and took them from her. "They state that if one of us does anything unwanted agreed by the other spouse, we would immediately get a divorce and it would be mutually agreed."

"Yes, mutually agreed." She stressed the word mutually. He would understand that she was trying to make sure that he knew what he was doing that he signed on them, wouldn't he?

"Here's the thing," he folded the paper in half, "I have no intention of separating from my wife and the mother of my child. Because of which," he tore the papers in half making her gasp loudly at the audacity. "I will have these papers void."

"Hah!" she asked in shock as she eyed the pieces of paper. "You can't do that." She said looking up at him, "You cannot do that!" She yelled but this time he kept his calm.

"I can Alexis. You watch me do it." He vowed. "I can-"

"I don't care what you can or you cannot! Everything you do has never reflected on what I wanted in that situation. I understand that there are many situations where you cannot ask for my opinion but where you can you never do it. Was is it that every decision is yours and never mine?!" She yelled at him with her tone hard instead of shrill. "This marriage was your choice, shifting to this house was your choice, making my pup a father, when I had in the intention of this, was your choice or your family's choice without considering what I wanted for the puppy that I had adopted. Everything, it has been your choice and God forbid if you're thinking that this is going to continue any longer."

"And what do your think is going to happen?" He asked her very calmy which was so unlike him.

She nodded and answered him, "What we decide together is what is going to happen. I'm not saying that I will take all the decisions or I'm going to let you take all the decisions, I am talking about us taking it together as parents, as a couple."

"And what happens if it doesn't?" He threw back at her. What were the most that she was going to do? "Because for what all I know-"

"Fuck what you think you know or what you know!" She yelled. Her face reddened and with all the anger that she was feeling inside her. "That's the thing Angelo I don't care what you think!" She breathed heavily, "I have let you have all the control that you could have on someone and that's it, that stops now." She pointed a finger at him. "And I mean it." she hissed.

He watched her, her whole drama and scoffed.

He scoffed and that took her by surprise.

He stepped closer to her and took her jaw in a tight hold. "Are you done, baby girl? That was quite entertaining but I would prefer that you refrain to do so in the future. It's not good for the baby."

"The baby?" She repeated with a dazed expression. "So all that I said and you gathered from it was that it's not good for the baby? That's it?"

Bloody dumbass man.

"I did gather whatever you want to say but it's of no use because I am the one who's going to take the decisions outside the family and for our well-being." His hold got tighter and his eyes flashed with anger, "Got it?"

She didn't react. Her eyes just watched him. His actions and the meaning they held.

When she didn't react so he took her silence as a yes and left his hold on her cheek with a little push enough to make a stumble but not fall. "Remember." He warned and walked out at a slow pace. He had nowhere to go so there was no of walking out quickly.

A blur went past his head and smashed into the wall making him duck his head for protection. He immediately turned to his wife for her safety. 

But she stood there with her shoulders locked, her jaw clenched and staring at him with blazing eyes. His eyes moved to the fallen item that had hit the wall and it was a vase that was kept in their walk-in closet. 

"Did you just threw that at me?" He whispered and the words were spoken in a quiet and low tone as we found that hard to believe that she had thrown a vase at him. 

"Yes, I did." She spoke with her facial expressions giving away the fact that she was furious at him. "and that is not the only thing that I am going to throw your way if you continue with attitude." 

"Excuse me?" He was taken aback. "You want to talk about attitude with me after throwing a piece of glass at me which would have me bleeding all over the place and die within seconds?" He scoffed before his anger took control. "You want to talk about attitude?!" He yelled and in the short space that they stood in his voice echoed but this time she did not jump.

This time Alexis was prepared for it. 

She smirked. Something that turned him on and made him wary of her. She turned around and held the drawer that he had kept their prenup papers and pulled it out. 

Looking towards him this time she threw the drawer on the left side of him. The other wall. 

Angelo immediately ducked and moved to the other side. 

She calmly walked towards him and stared at him. "I meant it when I said that I am not taking the shit anymore. the only option you have now is to take me seriously or more things are going to come in your way and I promise you that after this I would aim to hit the target." She said and then poked his chest, "That's the very least you can do after I accepted Lucas wholeheartedly." 

She walked out of the closet with her head held high and out of the room. She hurriedly walked to the other room right next to them and closed the door then walked into the bathroom closing the door there as well. 

She leaned against the door and slid down slowly. This was it. 

This was the very start of her taking control.

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