Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 266 - Two Hundred And Sixty-six

She was once again staring out of the window. The small grills did nothing for her. The more time Angelo took, the more she lost herself in thinking what could the outcome be.

When would he coming-

"Hello." Someone randomly walked in after opening her door that she had remembered she had locked from the inside. "Care to tell me why are you not gone yet?"

Why is everyone around me a dumbass? She sighed. "I apologize for not being a ninja and get out of here undetected." She said with all sincerity that's he could muster at the moment.

"You don't have manners." Said he looking down at her with a disgusted expression.

She stared him down with an equally disgusted stare. "Says the one that came in without knocking and introducing himself." She knocked on her head, "Come sense? Do men not have it?"

He scoffed and took a few steps forward bridging half of the distance. "I don't want you here."

"I didn't want to be here."

"We have an agreement then. You don't come my way and I don't come into yours." He nodded his head. "I am Xavier Williams."

"His son?" She asked to which he nodded.

"And as much as I love my father, I hate losing men. So you have to go down and stop the bled shed that's bound to happen if my father continues to talk." He stepped back then opened the door wider. "Come on, get out."


Alexis woke up and immediately looked around, calming down when she saw her husband. He was standing beside her and looking at her with a slight smile coming to his face when she woke up.

"Hi," he greeted softly.

She nodded and opened her mouth, wincing at the dry throat. "Drink?" She croaked out.

Angelo nodded looking up and Alexis heard some shuffling.

"Careful, they are raising your bed." He said and held her shoulders gently. She felt a push and the whole room came into the view.

A nurse stood next to her with a glass full of water with a straw in it and moved it towards Alexis' lips with an encouraging smile on her face.

Alexis took it and drank the water greedily. Having her fill she leaned back and the nurse place the glass next to her on the table with the jar full of water after which she left closing the door behind her. 

Alexis glanced around the room lazy feeling tired. "Where am I?" She asked him to which he sighed and took her hand in his.

"The hospital." He kissed her hand, "I had to make sure that you are alright and so was our baby. There was only one way of doing at and I immediately brought you to the hospital as soon as we entered the state."

"How is everything?" She asked and ignored that someone had once again invaded her privacy when it came to getting her self checked. To be honest he could have waited before she woke up.

"The doctor gives a priority and is going to come with the results within 10 to 15 minutes." He answered and his grip on her hands tightened. "Alexis, Be honest with me. Is there something you want to tell me that happened there? Anything, regarding it, please be honest and do not hide anything."

She shook her head. "There is nothing to tell. I was locked in a room it had all the facilities and the only time I got loud was when he told me that I was his daughter."

He frowned. "Are you sure? I'm talking if there was even a little scratch you tell me about that." He once again clarified.

She shrugged. That was all that has happened. Alexander Williams had kept her locked inside a room and had not disturbed her, touched her or abused her in any kind of way.

He nodded and that's when the doctor came in. He had the reports in his hand.

"I don't have good news, except for the fact that the baby is healthy yet the disturbance has caused some distress." He began, "I would advise you to get that rest for the rest of your pregnancy because the baby does not look good. High blood pressure and stress during pregnancy are not good at all, especially in the third month. I would have to advise you once again to get that breast throughout the pregnancy and be on a specific good diet."

He handed them the reports. "I have consulted with the gynaecologist and for the next ultrasounds you can have the appointments scheduled accordingly."

He looked at Alexis who looked practically drained out of energy. "The one you had tomorrow has been pushed back because of the rest that we advise you to take immediately along with a few medications."

Angelo nodded and the doctor left. "I have a nurse at the estate who would look at you because of which they have allowed as to go back home." He smiled as she chuckled.

"Thank you for that I would have done anything to not in the hospital. I want to go and sleep in my bed tonight."

Smiling he helped her up and into a wheelchair for her comfort. He wheeled her out of the hospital and helped her into the car.

Once again that both side to side with her handheld in his on his lap and her head on his shoulder. They were intimate and somehow, it provided I will approve of reality that Angela was sitting next to her and everything was fine.

"There is one more thing that we have to do at the estate before you go to sleep." He murmured into her hair as he leaned his head across hers.

"What?" She asked as the car came to a stop.

He didn't answer and just gathered her in his arms bridal style and carried her inside to the bedroom with Agatha trailing behind them.

He placed her on the bed and moved to the closet coming out with a belt. "We did talk about this. If you remember.." He said with a slight smile.

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