Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 274 - Two Hundred And Seventy Four.

F I V E      Y E A R S     L A T E R

Her arm shot out immediately to shut the alarm clock. She shuffled around to strech a bit in the bed making her husband awaken as well.

"Its today?" He asked in groggy voice but ever too sexy as he cuddled close to her.

"Hmm," she kissed his forehead and cuddled close too. "You do know you are going late to the office today. You are getting the kids ready with me." Her hand went to his taut stomach. "Where'd the abs go?" She asked with a mischievous smile but her eyes were still close. 

"Get the nanny," he grumbled, the sensation alone sent down shivers down her spine. "And don't worry about those."

She shook her had and pulled apart from him, "You know that we have talked about this various times. We did the same with Lucas too. I want us both to be there for their first day."

"It's seven already and—"

"Mommy! Daddy! Mommy!"

Angelo groaned loudly and Alexis laughed at that. "There you go devil your two little spawns are up."

"Come in," when she said that the maid that stood with the children openned the door and the two little one's came running in and jumped onto the bed taking place next to their respective favourite parent.

Alexis kissed her son's forehead. "Had a good sleep Salvie?" She cooed and he nodded.

"Yes mama. I woke up before the alarm clock!" He grinned at that achievement.

"I did too!" The little baby from Angelo's lap spoke up looking at her father for attention. "I did too, papa!"

Angelo smiled at his angel, "Of course you did, my Bella Rosa."

"Now," Alexis picked Salvatore up and stood up from the bed, "Who wants to go with me to wake up your elder brother?"

"Me!" Both of her kids shouted making Angelo wince. She took them then walked out of the room to the one with a race car theme.

Those were the twins. Salvatore, the name that she had chosen for her son; the eldest of the twins and then Bella Rosa the one that Angelo loved with all his heart.

Lucas had been an easy child. When the twins had arrived and Alexis had to be on bedrest, he had been the one that was the most easy of the three. He would often come in her room and play with her on the bed and nap along.

She knocked on the door and heard the wrestling of the sheets. Her first child opened the door while rubbing his eye with his tiny fist.

"Good morning baby," she kissed his forehead as the younger ones made thier way inside and jumped on his bed.

"When I grow up I am going to have a car just like this." Salvatore pointed to Lucas's red car bed. "Mine will be bigger."

Lucas nodded in agreement, "Sure you would. I want to ride it too."

"Me too!" Bella Rosa raised her hand. "I would take it to the hills."

Hills? Alexis Chuckled at that. She had learned that her kids had the most wide range of imagination.

"Lucas, love, would it be ok if you have to get dressed to bit early today?" She held his waist and pulled her in between her legs as she spoke softly to him, "Your siblings have their first day of school today and your father and I have to get them ready and since it's the first day it would take slightly longer than usual."

"Kay mama." He nodded still half asleep. She kissed his cheek again. if she was being honest Lucas, out of all of a kids, was the most understanding one and reliable in a sense too.

"Twins go wake your father up. Tell him to give you two a bath." They immediately sprang into action making her yell her next words, "And make sure to not let the nanny do it!"

She took Lucas for a bath, they brushed their teeth together and then she watched him get dressed on his own.

Agatha arrived by the time they were done and Lucas went down with her.

Alexis moved to her twin's room. She heard Angelo yelling and she immediately let out a laugh.

"Damnit! Get in the bath Rosa!" Angelo's yelling could be heard in the corridor. "Salv— Bella Rosa get back!"

Shaking her head she moved and stood aside the bathroom door watching the scene where her husband had bubbles on his hair and almost all of his shirt was wet.

She shook her head and took charge. When bath was done they had gotten the twins to brush their teeth and then dressed them individually. Salvatore was a calm boy who had most of his father's features. Bella Rosa on the other hand was a storm. She was sweet but she would get irritated soon than her brother and just like her brother she had most of her features from her father which only irritated Alexis further.

Three kids, not even one on her.

They made it to the dining table 45 minutes later where Lucas was reading a book with Agatha.

Alexis had made it a point for her kids to watch TV for 1 or 2 hours at most and the focused more on reading.

Taking their seat, they had the food served to them. Salvatore and Bella Rosa had their napkins attached so that their uniforms won't get dirty which Alexis realise that she should have done the opposite of today's routine.

The parents after getting ready went along together to drop their children of the day academy. Salvatore was neutral to the whole thing where is Bella Rosa was excited and Lucas, for him it was just another day at school.

"Behave," Angelo warned and Alexis kissed their foreheads. She did the same to Lucas every morning and now two more children were included.

He kissed her lips and slipped into the car behind them and Alexis went to the one she had come in.

She knocked on the door and the Doctor opened it. Her appointment was in the morning today.

"Hello doctor." She greeted and took a seat. 

"Mrs, Alessandro," the doctor, Bailey Peterson who had shifted to new York, smiled back. "How was your weekend?"

Alexis smiled before answering her questions but this time, therapy now felt like a friend.


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