Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 280 - Two Hundred And Eighty.

"Must you always?" She gritted out the words in frustration. "If you think that I am going to betray you you better think that it would be death."

"Oh?" He taunted, "Death?"

She nodded stood up. Stepping closer she stared into his eyes, "yes, in fact from now on why don't you sleep with one eye open since I am out to kill you."

Tsking she went out of the room. Maybee, she had an inkling of who did it.

But then, she turned around immediately to ask him and saw the door closing and from that small distance, she saw him taking off the picture frames and a sa—

"Madam?" Agatha walked to her hurriedly. "It's the kids. Bella Rosa. . .hit someone."

Her brows shot up. "Rosie did?!" She couldn't hide her shock.

Agatha nodded. "She. . .was not happy with something and said that her father would take care of it."

Oh, that's it. She barged into his office and saw him placing a few files where the safe was in the place of the framed art.

"Angelo!" She growled out making him frown.

"Sex?" She shook her head. "Ah, angry sex. Come here." He reached his buckle. 

"No!" She yelled. "Bella Rosa hit someone and then said in front of the entire school and staff that you would take care of the rest!"

He shrugged, "I will. That's my daughter after all."

"They have called me to the school." She informed him, "And since it is you who taught her that, you are coming with me."

He frowned and started to object but that didn't matter as within the next half an hour he was there within the principal's office.

"Mr and Mrs Alessandr—"

"de'Alessandro," Angelo muttered as he glared at her.

She glanced at him with a wary smile and then once again turned in Alexis direction to talk.

"Mr and Mrs de'Alessandro, I apologize for having to call you Bella Rosa's behaviour forced us to do so."

"What did she do?" Angelo asked with a tired face and the 'I'm done with it' expression asked for her.

The principal answer, "Bella Rosa punched someone in the nose when they said that her name is not as pretty as it sounds."

Alexis waited for more to be revealed bit the principal looked at her with the same expression. She sighed asked, "The child's parents?"

The principal nodded. "Yes, they want to have a meeting with you outside the school grounds."

"Outside?" Angelo scoffed looking at his wife. He leaned in and whispered, "They think I'll be scared. Bullshit." He looked to the principal, "eMail us the address. We'll be there."

For today Alexis had taken Bella Rosa home before her brothers. She looked guilty but the child refused to admit her mistake which only made Alexis madder.

They sat in her office where Alexa sat behind her study desk and her child in front of her in a plush chair. "Rosie, what is it that we talk about daily?"

"That I cannot hit someone and.."

"And what did you do?"

"I hit someone," she mumbled and sniffed.

Alexis sighed and leaned forward, "Baby, it is not that you cannot hit someone instead it is that you must not. Hitting someone will get you nowhere."

She looked up with defiance clear in her eyes and yelled, "but she bled!"

"And if someone hit you and make you bleed, would you like that?!" Alexis threw back at her frowning at her behaviour. "all three of my children and all three have taught the same thing that you will not hit someone or abuse them in any way and today you did just what I asked you not to. So Bella Rosa what is your punishment going to be?"

"I didn't want to hit him..."

"That does not cut it." Alexis firmly stood her ground. "From now on, for one week you will not watch your favourite cartoons and Disney films."

"Mama!" She cried but Alexis firmly shook her head.

"I am strict but not enough to not let you watch TV at all. You can watch what your brothers are watching. Now you can leave and sit in your bedroom."

She did leave, sniffing all the way.

One thing that she was going to make sure with her there of her children was that they would never think of hitting someone.

She stood as Agatha came in and told her that the car was ready. She had to meet the small victim's parents.

She stepped inside the cafe and took a cosy seat, ordering for her herself a cup of hot mocha.

She looked across the cafe. Life after having children had been hard but at least and Angelo had been there for her. She has then decided that her children would never raise their hands on anyone unless extremely necessary and she make sure to get the point across to Lucas and Salvatore, whom Angelo said would potentially carry on the next line.

"Excuse me? Mrs Alessandro?" She looked behind her as a couple stood and her eyes narrowed at the similarity of their faces.

"Yes..and you are?"

"Lisa and Parker. We have a kid together. The one your daughter hit."

"Ah, yes." She muttered and her eyes squinted at the two. "What is it that I can help you with?"

"Oh, we are helping you with something first and then you will provide your help to us." Lisa sang and as her fingers drum on the table.

Alexis stared at her impassively. "Is that what you are plan is? What is it that you need help with?"

"Money." Parker spat. "We need money and you will give us that."

"What's the thing you will help me with?"

"Madison." They both answered. "when you had Madison fired, you practically took away the source of income that she would most of her money from because of which she has teamed up with this old woman and now in her literal own words is out to get you!"

Alexis's ears perked up at that. "Old woman, who?"

Lisa tsked and shrugged. "someone weird and probably and like...with an accent and a tan and hey!" She yelled. 

Alexis stood up and rushed back home.

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